Saturday, August 31, 2019
Banana Paper Essay
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE In a study, â€Å"Papers and Boards from Banana Stem Waste†in which they used banana stem waste in producing paper and board because banana is a very good source of cellulose. Banana stem waste, thrown away by farmers after harvesting of fruits, was procured as raw material. It was chopped by 3-4†size usually at a rate of about 100 kg material per day. The material was soaked in 1-2% NaOH for appropriate period. The alkali loosens the ligno-cellulosic bonds, thereby softening the material. Then it was washed with water. The washed material was then subjected to beating in a Hollander beater, a machine developed by the Dutch in 1680 to produce paper pulp from cellulose containing plant fibers. A period of three to four hours of beating was required for getting a good quality of pulp. It was observed that depending upon the quality of boards to be produced, appropriate amount of fillers, loading material or chemicals were used during wet beating. For production of hard b oards, suitable quantity of resins like urea formaldehyde and phenol formaldehyde are added in the beater itself while maintaining pH. The wet boards are then allowed to dry under direct sun on bamboo frames specially made for this purpose. Handmade paper from rice straw was a product developed by the Forest Products Research and Development Institute (FPRDI), a line agency of the DOST. In 1986, the technology was fully developed and the product was commercialized locally. The major material input used for the production of handmade paper was rice straw, an agricultural waste which was available in abundance locally. The other inputs which were also available in the domestic market were sodium hydroxide, sodium or calcium hypochlorite and paper additives such as rosin size, starch and alum (aluminum sulfate or tawas). Rosin size was used to prevent liquid penetration and make paper smooth, alum to enhance cohesion of the fibers and starch to bind fibers together. The pulping process involves the boiling of rice stalks in two percent sodium hydroxide solution, with liquor to material ratio of 10:1, for about two hours until the stalks become soft. The stalks are drained right after boiling and transferred into a screen-bottom box. Then, the stalks are thoroughly washed with water at least three times and pounded with a wooden mallet. After pounding, the pulp is screened by under high water pressure using a double-decked screen box. Bleaching of the pulp may either be a single or multi-stage procedure depending on the desired colour of the paper. After every bleaching, the pulp is thoroughly washed with water. Paper additives such as rosin size, starch and alum are added to the pulp and the mixed substance is stirred continuously. Then, the mixture is laid on a dry and flat surface. Finally, the mixture is pressed down with a rolling pin or pressed to form the sheet. However, in this study their major ingredient in making the paper was rice straw while our major components were banana fibers and stalks. The aim of the experiment, â€Å"Use of banana tree residues as pulp for paper and combustible,†by Rosal, A., Rodriguez A. Gonzales, Z. and Jimenez, C. (Accepted 23 March 2012) was to evaluate the optimal use of banana tree residues, by two ways: first by subjecting them to pulping process with soda-anthraquinone as pulping liquor, studying the influence of operating variables on the properties of the pulps and the corresponding paper sheets obtained from them; the second way is to use them as fuel, determining the heating values, flame temperature and dew point temperature of the combustion gases, comparing their values with those found for other lignocellulosic materials. The pulp was obtained by using a 15-L batch cylindrical reactor that was heated by means of electrical wires and was linked through a rotary axle (to ensure proper agitation) to a control unit including a motor actuating the reactor and the required instruments for measurement and control of pressure and temperature. The banana tree residues were pulped in the reactor under certain conditions of soda concentration (7.5 to 12% w/w), anthraquinone concentration (1% w/w), temperature (160 to 180 °C), time (40 to 60 min) and liquid/solid ratio (8:1 w/w). Next, the cooked material was fiberized in a wet disintegrator at 1200 rpm for 30 min and the screenings were separated by sieving through a screen of 1 mm mesh size. Paper sheets were prepared on an ENJO-F-39.71 sheet machine according to the TAPPI 220 standard method. They concluded that The pulping of banana tree residue with soda anthraquinone require a low cooking conditions (160 °C, 40 min and 7.5% soda), providing a pulp with suitable properties (39.23% pulp yield, 28.59 Kappa number, 48.25% brightness, 1149 ml/g viscosity, 48.0 Nm/g tensile index, 3.80 kN/g burst index and 4.83 mNm 2/g tear index). From an energetic study of the banana tree residue, it was deduced that banana tree residue have a heating values of 17751 kJ/kg, a flame temperature of 1300 to 2400 °C and dew point temperature of 4 to 54 °C, for different values of excess air (10 to 50%) used in combustion. These values are similar to other non-wood lignocellulosic materials. The price of the energy (kJ) obtained by combustion of these residues was less than coal and much lower than those of fluid fossil fuels. Another experiment was made by Jesus Rubalcaba, Satoki Okamoto and Miguel Lozano about Banana Paper. In their experiment, their major ingredient or the material that was important was the banana leaf. They cut the banana leaves into smaller pieces and blended it. Mix that blended pieces by five cups of water, dip the frame in the pulp and spread the pulp with hands. They take the frame outdoors ang let it dry for one day. It was concluded that the banana paper held its shape without crumbling apart. It was so unappealing and the quality wasn’t great. This study helps and guides us not to use banana leaves in making the banana paper wherein the results was not good enough. Base on their observations, it was strong enough to hold its shape but it was lumpy and brownish which makes the product not very appealing to the eyes. Thus, many would not be interested in buying, using and making it. The banana leaves weren’t strong enough compared to the banana stalks and fibers. According to a book written by Irmengarde Eberle, a conveyor belt feeds the needed logs from the wood yard into the mill. There they are put into a debarker- a large, slowly –turning iron drum. Strong streams of water are poured in from the vents in the sides. The debarked logs then roll out of the drum and move along on a conveyor. Now according to what kind of paper or paper board is to be made, the wood is either chipped or ground. For most papers and especially for the better kinds, it is chipped. For coarser grades, such as newsprint, it is ground. The logs that are to be chipped are moved along to a special room. There they are passed to a machine equipped with strong, sharp blades. These cut he wood into small pieces. Next the chips are sent over screens, which sift out bits of the remaining bark. The cleaned chips are carried to great storage tanks. Mill workers take chips from the storage tanks selecting the particular kinds required to fill each other. The selected chips are carried by a conveyor belt to a machine called a digester. Here, the mixture of water and chemicals including particularly sodium hydroxide, which is really lye, or caustic soda, awaits the chips. When the wood has been fed into the digester, it is closed. Immediately it is very hot steam, under great pressure, is let in. This steam â€Å"cooks†the chips, together with the water and chemicals, for several hours. How long this takes depends again on the kind of paper the wood is being prepared for, and the variety of the tree from which it comes . From the cooker, the wet, fibrous mass passes to the bleaching room, where it goes through a series of treatments in several successive tanks. In the course of this, the pulp becomes a light tan and still more of the remaining lye is washed out, along with other chemicals. Finally, the pulp becomes snowy white and has a kind of granular fluffiness. It may be taken to a storage tank again. When the mill is ready to make the pulp into paper it will draw out the wet material and eliminate the water. When the pulp passes into a large broad tank of water, where sizing such as starch or clay is added to give the paper the desired finish. If coloured paper is to be made, the dye is added at this time, too. The pulp passes to a machine, where huge wheel with dull blades beats the fluffy, wet, fibrous material. Finally, the mass passes on to a part of the machinery called the Jordan, where the fibers are rubbed and cut to the desired length. Now comes with the steps by which the pulp becomes fine paper. Fresh water is added to the pulp and it is moved on to the Fourdrinier, a kind of machine. In this machine the wet pulp is run onto a belt of very fine screen. The screen is in constant motion. Shaking forward and sidewise, it makes the small fibers mesh. All the while, water is again drained off, and the fibers tend to lie in the directions in which the screen belt and water move. A dandy roll or cylinder, next rolls over the fibers and presses them. By the time the very thin layer of fibers passes out from under the dandy roll, more moisture has been lost. The pulp now has actually become paper, but it is still thick and loosely mesh, it is still wet. The large, endless sheet of unfinished paper is then pressed over rollers smoothly and tightly covered with felt, which press out most of the moisture. Next it is passed over heated drums to dry it still more, and to a machine called a calendar, which presses it again. The sheets are run through the final drying and pressing rollers, and are then ready for cutting.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Biography of Annointed Gifts Essay
Annointed Gifts was established in September of 2006 by Rev. Dr. Johnnie E. Jordan Sr. Through Pastor Jordans’ vision he brought forth six anointed young men to spread the word of God through their musical talent of playing instruments, and their special talent of vocals. Minister Nelton Shorter Jr. (Jay-Jay) who is the minister of music at his home church Union Second Baptist been playing keyboard, singing gospel( songwriting) for over twenty years. Davell Davis (Ace) who is the minister of music at his home church Rising Star C.O.G.I.C. been playing keyboard and singing(songwriting) gospel for over fifteen years. Christopher Jordan has been playing drums, singing(songwriting ), for the lord under the leadership of his father and pastor of Greater Mt. Olive M.B.C. for over twentyfive years. Paul Washington plays lead guitar at Greater Mt. Olive M.B.C. and has been playing & singing(songwriting) Gospel for over thirty years. Clarence Trotter received his calling at an early age. He has been playing bass guitar & singing(songwriting) Gospel for over twenty years. Marvin Jordan began to get involved as an audio technician and sound check person at Greater Mt. Olive M.B.C. in 1986. He has over twenty years of experience in audio engineering In the short time that Annointed Gifts been together, they have been fortunate & blessed to perform with some of the big names of gospel quartet. They performed with The Williams Brothers, & The Mighty Clouds of Joy at The Detroit Opera House .They also performed out of state as well as all over the Michigan area with some of gospel greats such as Doc McKenzie & The Hi-Lites,The Pilgrim Jubilees,Keith Wonderboy Johnson, Dewayne Watkins former member of Canton Spirituals, Park Stewart former member of Commission, Darius Twyman , George Dean & The Gospel Four, Evelyne Turrtine’ Agee and even received great reviews from the Legendary Spanky. Annointed Gifts is truly a blessing from heaven abling them to pass on Gods’ message through song and praises.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Apollo 13 Communication Plan
A Self Reflection: While working on the communication project, we were fortunate to have had Ron Howard’s â€Å"Apollo 13†movie for reference to comprehend the complexity the team faced upon the incident that befell the mission. Both Gene Kranz (Lead Flight Director and Project Manager) and Jim Lovell (Apollo’s commander) maintained absolute control of a chaotic situation. While the team was becoming intractable, Kranz reigned in by channeling the ideas with â€Å"one at a time people†and asking his engineers to â€Å"quiet down, Let's stay cool, let's work the problem†successfully taming an already chaotic situation through effective communications. In this dire situation, the only possible way to get the astronauts home was through extraordinary teamwork and ingenuity, led by Kranz, who was adamant that â€Å"Failure is not an option. †It was an unprecedented display of resolve, inventiveness and above all an exhibition of the utmost emotional intelligence there is. Awed by the interpersonal skills and assertiveness of Gene Kranz, I reflected back on my own life experiences where I could have been on more solid footings had I been able to control my emotions and use them wisely for a better outcome. This assignment really served as a virtual lab where I repeatedly found myself asking what if it were me in their stead? What would I do? How would I behave? What would I say? And above all would I have what it takes to bring the astronauts back home? This exercise asserted that the need to clearly define roles, responsibilities and objectives, and to communicate them to the stakeholders is paramount. We are, each of us, part of the system. We all serve an equally important role, and objectives cannot be achieved without the contribution of all. Aucoin states in chapter nine â€Å"the projects are all â€Å"right-brain†projects†¦Ã¢â‚¬ One can appreciate the value of this sentence after working the communication exercise, as the inspiration it conveyed was truly boundless. Indeed I will put forward and utilize the right-brain capabilities in my own projects moving forward. Applying those right-brain concepts to the information technology sphere of work would definitely put a positive spin on projects as we often manipulate ideas, concepts, and models before committing to the implementation. We frequently fail because we focus on technology ignoring the communication and collaboration piece and rarely utilize the right-brain concepts that can help us align our technology with the common goal.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Modern day Rip Van Winkle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Modern day Rip Van Winkle - Essay Example His only work was to ride his bike and wander hither and thither with a can of beer and a hobo bag carrying teddy bears and milk chocolates for kids. Troubled by the escaping tendency of Rip, his wife Dame presented him one satellite phone so that she could easily get hold of her husband. One autumn afternoon Rip along with his dog head towards the mountains to escape the irresistible nagging of his wife. There he discovers something very unconventional and out of place. He found someone calling him with his name and discovers some weird men who are dressed like robots and are silently playing saxophone. They were drinking strong beer and were completely silent. Rip felt a bit awkward and he discovered the noises which were coming out of the abandoned theatre up in the hills. It will always seem very awkward for a man to discover that some suspicious characters completely unknown, knew Rip’s name. But as usual Rip was least interested on the fact and took more interest in thei r liquor. After drinking few cans of liquor, Rip falls asleep. He wakes up one morning and finds that the place where he is sleeping is unknown to him. He found himself on the foot path and as soon as he stood up on the foot, it started moving.
International Business Alliance (based on the Business Strategy Game) Essay
International Business Alliance (based on the Business Strategy Game) - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that management structure at both partners’ state will need specialized modification that will factor in the alliance management needs. Strengthening the management teams’ attention will require formulation of a collaboration committee in the initial stages of the alliance, bearing the management oversight mandate. The initial stage of carrying the appropriate alliance management design will, therefore, include the appointment of the alliance committee for further managerial design negotiations. A managerial design structure will be negotiated and agreed among the committee representatives. To ensure that the highest form of commitment and cooperation is obtained from both partner firms, the highest level of management and administration will be brought on board. Management design at the two firms will determine the final structure adopted by the alliance. The popularity of the alliance among the employees is very important in the creation of a solidly committed team in the implementation. In light of the importance of the management gesture, the involvement of the board of directors in the agreed structure will be necessitated. This structure will incorporate two board members, five senior managers including the finance managers and the elected committee representatives. Improvement will be the main focus of the alliance hence a proposal for appointment of the most versatile manager-leaders will be forwarded at first hand.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Business Law - The Four Step Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Business Law - The Four Step Process - Essay Example Consideration is anything that is given in exchange for the promise that is received. STEP TWO There are three main requirements for the formation of a legally enforceable contract including intention to enter into a legally binding agreement, agreement (offer and acceptance) and consideration (without giving note to the value of consideration). Firstly, regarding communication, as a general rule, the acceptance would take effect only after it has received by the offeror in this case Peter. Here since the system of sending and receiving messages is instantaneous, as soon as the message is received by the offeror, acceptance takes place. However, it should be received by Peter in his email system. This was a rule proposed by the case Brinkibon Ltd v Sthalwharenhandelsgesellschaft [1983] 2 AC 34; [1982] 1 All ER 293 (Beatrix 2005). The acceptance cannot be considered to be accepted unless it is properly communicated and in this case, once the message is in the inbox of the offeror†™s email, the acceptance would be activated. Further in this case, the acceptance had to ensure by the conduct of Sally, mainly by posting the bike immediately, as requested by Peter. The acceptance was received before the proposed due time suggested by Peter. Regarding the intention to enter into the contract, the same is usually decided objectively by the courts. Here it would be important to see if a reasonable person placed in Peter’s shoes would regard the agreement as binding. Two factors that would ensure that the contract is legally binding is that since it should occur between non-related persons where greater importance is given to ensuring a formal nature of the agreement, and secondly since all the discussions are in writing, there are better chances of getting the contract legally enforced. Another legal issue is regarding consideration, which is also an important factor after offer/agreement and intention. Only if there is an offer, which is agreed and intenti on of the parties to enter into a legally binding agreement along with a consideration, would it be considered a valid contract. Consideration is anything that has value and is given as an exchange for fulfilling the promise and courts would not look at the value of the consideration. To ensure that the contract is legally binding, a valid consideration should be present. This was demonstrated in the case Thomas v Thomas (1842) QB 851 (Lawnix 2012), where the court decided not to go into looking at the adequacy of the consideration. STEP THREE As proposed in the case Brinkibon Ltd v Sthalwharenhandelsgesellschaft [1983] 2 AC 34; [1982] 1 All ER 293 (Beatrix 2005), once the message of acceptance has been communicated to Peter and the message reaches Peter’s system within the time the offer would be available, the same is considered as accepted. Hence, since the message reaches Peter’s system by 4:45 pm before the close of business day, the contract is active and is lega lly binding on Peter, who has to accept it. He has certain liabilities and has to pay the consideration. According to the legal systems, email communication is considered as an instantaneous mean of communication and the rules are not clear, but would be similar to the laws that exist for fax communication, since both are sending and received instantaneously. However, the message has to be received
Monday, August 26, 2019
The horse as a compainion of human being Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The horse as a compainion of human being - Essay Example To date, animal domestication has become a common phenomenon across the world. People in various communities around the world domesticate a wide range of animals for various purposes. The level of intimacy between animals and humans varies across societies and animal species. This paper analyzes the human and animal interrelationships from domestication era to present. There is no clear definition of what constitutes the bond between animal and humans. However, it is evident that the relationship between animals and humans is based on various factors. This relationship could be for predatory purpose of economic dependence, companionship, sporting purposes and domestication, among others. However, many scholars perceive human animal relationship as the companionship between animals and humans. Across history, human beings have had a wide range of relationships with animals. Evidently, humans use animals for various purposes. This significantly determines their relationships with such animals. According to Price (23) the relationship between human and animals varies depending on the significance of the animals to human life. In this regard, humans express no interest in animals that are perceived to be irrelevant to their lives. Based on this assumption, hunting societies tend to express a great interest in their animals. In such societies, people develop significant cultural practices that are aimed at ensuring their success while hunting. On the other hand, people in pastoralist societies develop a close relationship with animals that they depend on for their cultural and physical survival. In such communities, humans develop intimate relationship with their animas, usually cattle. This also the case with nomadic and those people who domesticate animals for subsistence and other commercial purposes. In addition, people who use their animal for work or sporting activities tend to develop close relationships with these animals. Research has also ascertained that the extent to which an animal impact on the survival of humans significantly influences the relationships between humans and these animals (Price 61). It is generally accepted that the more dependent people are on certain animals for survival, the more close their relationship with these animals are. For instance, modern commercial farmers may find animals important for their economic survival. For this reason, they tend to develop a strong bond and close relationship with these animals. Even so, the number of these animas may prohibit the bond and close relationship between humans and the animals. At this point, it is important and necessary to analyze the relationship between animals and humans within the above mentioned societies. In hunter-gathering societies, people tend to depend on a wide range of animas and plants for their daily survival. They depend on animals such as fish, birds, insects, reptiles and other mammals. For the humans to successfully and effectively utilize t hese animals in such societies, they have to possess a fully understanding of the behavior of such animals. Usually, this knowledge is transferred across generations (Dolins,112) For instance, in such societies, they need to understand that when it comes to harvesting honey, they have to know when the honey will be available, how to access the bee nests and how to harvest the honey while
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Introduction to Biometric Identification Database Essay
Introduction to Biometric Identification Database - Essay Example But the evolution of biometrics in the form of automated identification of finger prints, geometry of hand, iris construction, facial structure, genetic makeup etc. is a relatively new phenomenon. Portuguese explorer Joao de Barros also points out1 the existence of Biometrics in China in the 14th century. Barros narrates that Chinese merchants used to stamp their children's palm prints and footprints on a piece of paper with ink. This way the Chinese merchants used to distinguish the young children from one another. This can be termed as the beginning of the modern biometrics. The recent advances in Information Technology and computing have provided newer dimension to this emerging field. During the last couple of decades biometrics has established itself as a comprehensive tool for establishing Identities and Verification. In 1890, Alphonse Bertillon, a Parisian police desk, studied body length to identify criminals. Subsequently the method came to be known as Bertillonage method, which relied heavily on measuring the body length. But the method did not last long as there were many false alarms as a result of false identifications. Thereafter, finger printing became the reliable method of identifying the criminals. There are human rights groups and civil liberties advocates argue that increasing use of biometrics has resulted in trespassing into the privacy of all human beings, but the rise in terrorist activities in recent years has forced the defense and security experts to rely heavily on the biometrics for identifying the mischief makers. Types of Biometrics and their usage A biometric system is designed to test one out of the two possible hypotheses (Wayman et al., 2005): (1) That the submitted samples are from an individual known to the system; or (2) That the submitted samples are from an individual not known to the system. Applications to test the first hypothesis are called "positive identification" systems (verifying a positive claim of enrollment), while applications testing the latter are "negative identification" systems (verifying a claim of no enrollment). Biometrics, in general can be divided into two main groups, physiological and behavioral i. Physiological factors: These factors depend upon the physical structure and appearance of the individual. Iris Scan: The Iris of an individual is scanned to match it with the stored image. Quite often the iris scan may not come out with actual on if the person is putting on dark glasses, or is suffering from some eye disease. Fingerprint: This is one of the oldest tried and tested methods of biometrics. In fact the nail is also included for identification in fingerprinting. Hand: This includes the structure of knuckles, palm and the vascular networking of hand. Face, Earlobe, Lips: The camera scans the facial structure or the fleshy pendulous part of the external ear or lips of the individual. Voice: The voice is also one of the most distinguishing features to identify an individual. Therefore the voice patterns form one of the most dependable biometric measures. Retina: like iris, the retinal structure too provides an insight into the nature and character of the person. DNA: This method too is quite frequently used in a number of cases to establish the identity of the individual. Body Odor and Sweat Pores: There are biometric techniques which can sense the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Whatever you see fits Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Whatever you see fits - Essay Example The significance of the Electoral College is imminent in the elections but it is control by the power of the voter. The popular vote on the other hand does not affect the outcome of the presidential elections whatsoever. A presidential candidate may gunner the highest popular vote but trail in the electoral votes; this means they do not have success in the whole election process (Sabato, 34). The popular vote may only be used to examine if or not the United States citizens feel content with the outcome of a particular election. According to Chang the popular vote only has significance in the states where it determines the direction of the electoral votes (122). The Romney Ryan campaign will remain as one of the most strategic and expensive campaign the republicans have ever conducted. This particular campaign clinched the obvious republican states satisfactorily. The campaign failed when it came to the voting in the swing states. Ever presidential candidate has the ability of clinching all the electoral votes in the swing states if they use the correct strategy. In the Romney Ryan campaign the difference was made by the opinion of the republicans on social policies like gay marriages, abortion and issue regarding to women. The democrats won the people’s votes by being sensitive on these issues. If the Romney Ryan campaign was sensitive to these issues, the victory would be theirs for the taking. The Obama Biden campaign on the other hand won because it focused more on populous regions across the nation. Additionally, the campaign focused on satisfying the needs of the minority. The campaign was sensitive to the Hispanics, women and gay couples. This played a major role in ensuring the campaign clinched the majority of the votes in the swing states. With the obvious democrats’ states already in the bag, this move ensured the democrats remained superior also in the swing states.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Software as a Service Goes Mainstream Assignment
Software as a Service Goes Mainstream - Assignment Example For all of these reasons, the organisations are coming up with different strategies and solutions in order to manage the business effectively and efficiently. One of the biggest changes or innovations which has been implemented by different organisations is of the different software for improving the business operations, like Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Plan (ERP) system (Holsapple & Sena, 2005). These software and Management Information Systems (MIS) allow the organisations to integrate the all components of the value chain and provide the customers with high value at the end of the process (O’Leary, 2004). There are different companies and organisations in the market which are providing the solutions of software and Management Information Systems (MIS) (Oz, 2009). However, a recent development in this regard is the new Software as a service (SAAS) model introduced by the (Laudon & Laudon, 2010). In this case study analysis an attempt has been made in order to explore and analyse the new software as a service (SAAS) model of Along with this, the case study analysis presents different advantages and disadvantages associated with this new business model for software providers. Different challenges being faced by the management of in the process of providing this innovative service has been discussed along with the strategies and methods used by the management to overcome them. The report also outlines the different factors which should be kept in consideration while going for this new model and innovative service. Along with this the report also defines the businesses and organisations which can reap additional benefits by switching to the new software as a service (SAAS) model offered by the ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF THE SOFTWARE – AS – A – SERVICE MODEL: has come up with a completely different model for providing diff erent software solutions to the customers. This new and innovative model is known as the Software as a service model (SAAS). The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) services are provided by the company through online in the form of ‘software as a service’ (SAAS). This is totally oppose to the traditional concepts of the software solutions being provided by different companies in the industry, as customers are required to purchase those software and install them on the respective computer or machines. The software solutions provided by the traditional software solutions providers require a whole set of different hardware, operating system, servers for maintaining database, application servers for installation, and several other additional accessories (Laudon & Laudon, 2010). Another advantage of the Software as a service model (SAAS) of the is that it has been priced comparatively low than the other software solutions. Apart from this the installation o f the normal or traditional software includes the additional cost of the licensing along with the regular maintenance cost. Along with this the installation of this new model of software only requires 0 to 3 months time period and there is no need of additional staff or consultants. On one hand the software is priced appropriately and on the other hand the organisations can avoid all additional hassle and cost associated with the installation of the software. The software is managed through a website online, which is regularly updated.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Paternalism Essay Essay Example for Free
Paternalism Essay Essay The debate over state interference in personal liberties has been a reoccurring concern since the beginning of the first types of democracies. In John Stuart Mills, On Liberty, Mill addresses the need for little state intervention in order to respect personal liberty and autonomy. In his essay, Mill stresses the importance of the individual and the need for government not to restrain these liberties through paternalistic means. With his firm stance of his Harm Principle, devotion to utilitarianism, and analysis of liberties of thought and action, Mill confidently stresses that state paternalism is never justified. In this paper, I will argue, through Mills Harm Principle that the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. I will emphasize the idea that one is sovereign and the government need not interfere for liberty consists in doing what one desires, so long as it does not infringe on the liberties of others. Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign. Mills defense against paternalism lies primarily on the concept that individuals have a better idea of what is good for them than the government or any one else for that matter. While arguing his case, he ensures that these individuals involved are coherent, educated, and well-informed adults. Before further indulging into Mills argument against paternalism, one may wonder what exactly paternalism is. Websters Dictionary describes paternalism as a policy or practice of treating or governing people in a fatherly manner, especially by providing for their needs without giving them rights or responsibilities. To continue further, paternalism is the interference of a state or an individual against the will of another. This interference is justified by claiming what they did is to protect that person from harm. For example, seat belt laws are a form of paternalism. As of May 1st, 2000 New Jersey statute declared that one must wear a seat belt, whereas if one is not wearing a seat belt they will be summoned. Former Governor Whitman signed the statute into effect based on statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The statistics showed that New Jersey could save forty-seven lives and have fifteen hundred fewer serious injuries a year. In this case, the government of New Jersey is telling the state that everyone must wear a seat belt. Yet, what about those who ride their vehicle into a body of water and cannot get their set belt off; they may end up drowning and death may arise. In this case, the seat belt law is not helpful. Recently, research in Britain shows that British citizens wear seat belts not because they are told to, but because they fear the damage that may result from a car collision. So, is such a law necessary to tell people what to do? A line needs to be drawn with these sorts of regulations and interferences. People know what is morally wrong and right, and personal liberty decisions need to be left autonomous. Mill, as an anti-paternalist argues interference is wrong. Mill indicates that liberty consists in doing what one desires, and he does not desire to fall into the river. He refers to an incidence where an official sees a person about to cross a bridge which has been declared unsafe. Mill supposes that the official has no time to warn the person of the danger of crossing the bridge. At this point, the person is seized and no real infringements of liberty were asserted on the person. This is where Mill would draw the line of paternalism. In this case, it was necessary for the person to be stopped, if not, he may have been killed unwillfully. So, where does Mill urge that interference is wrongful? Mill supposes that if one knows he is in danger, he ought to be only warned of the danger; not forcibly prevented from exposing himself to it. Therefore, if someone knows the dangers of crossing the bridge, he should be left to make his own decision. I would compare this to the sale of tobacco. As a matter of fact, the danger of smoking is stamped across the side of the box. It states, Quitting smoking now greatly reduces serious risks to your health. Just as someone is left to make his own decision to cross the bridge, as is the decision left to the person to smoke tobacco or not. Yet, if the government were to prohibit tobacco sales, they would be parenting society. Mill urges this not to be done and the decision should be left to oneself. Mill draws a different line of paternalism regarding alcohol in respect to drunkenness. He thinks that alcohol should not be prohibited, yet if someone is known for acting violent when drunk, he himself should be restricted. At this point, one is infringing anothers liberties and he should be stopped. For example, if a man is know to abuse his wife when drunk, then he should be punished and restricted. On the other hand, John Doe, who goes to the local bar once a week, should not be punished because of another mans abusive tendencies when under the influence of alcohol. Today, this can be compared to drinking and driving. If one is intoxicated while driving, and is in an accident, then he will be severely punished, whereas his license may be suspended and other charges may be pressed against him. Yet, if a sober person is in an accident, he would have minimum reparations to pay, usually an insurance deductible and nothing more. Here, the government is stating they will tolerate drinking, so long as there are no effects on anyone else. The government laid down the law on what is to be done if the privilege of drinking is taken advantage of. It is quite similar to the warning label on cigarettes. Both examples allow people to engage in certain activities, and warnings are given. Everything is left up to the person engaging in the activity. There is limited paternalism, and this is what Mill shows to be acceptable. In On Liberty, Mill does a superb job in demonstrating what paternalism is, and he introduces a solution to the problem. In his bridge example, he lucidly states that there are clear-cut places where one can or cannot step in, especially when the liberties of others are at stake. In summation, if one knows of the consequences of his actions let him be without any interference. Yet, if one is ignorant to what may arise from a given situation one may interfere to protect that person from what he may not want to do. This is where the line should be drawn. Mill does conclude that any state interference would end up granting the state more power against the individual and limit the liberties of man. So, should a paternalistic structure dictate what society can and cannot do? This reoccurring problem is solved in On Liberty, and Mill does suggest that man has the intellectual capability to make personal decisions that are in his own interest. Paternalistic interference is unnecessary. As Mill argued, The worth of a State is worth of the individuals composing it. Moreover, there are no cases when it is acceptable to force an individual to do something for his own good. His principle will never allow for paternalism. Mills principle dictates the freedom to conduct oneself as he sees fit, so long as all others are left unharmed. As he indicated, which I stand firmly by with my argument, liberty consists in doing what one desires, and [one] does not desire to fall into the river.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Father of Revolution Essay Example for Free
The Father of Revolution Essay I belong to the opposing group, who opposes Jose Rizal as the national hero, and affirms Andres Bonifacio, who truly owns the throne to the so-called title of National Hero which currently belongs to Jose Rizal. First of all, let me get some facts straight. His complete name is Andres Castro Bonifacio, and he was born on November 30, 1863 in Tondo, Manila and died on May 10, 1897 at a very young age of 33 in Maragondon, Cavite. Like Abraham Lincoln, his formal education was very limited because of his parents’ death when he was only 14. He was an avid reader too like Lincoln and has read numerous books like the French Revolution, Biographies of US Presidents and many others. As the eldest, he had to drop out from school in order to support his siblings. Bonifacio was able to experienced working several odd jobs such as messenger, salesman and, warehouseman. He was also a businessman selling fans and canes. He founded the revolutionary movement known as KKK and was its supreme leader which sought for independence from the Spaniards. Not known to many Filipinos, some historians regarded him as the â€Å"first president of the Philippines. Andres Bonifacio and Greogoria De Jesus were married at the historic Binondo Church in 1893. His wife, more popularly known as Aling Oriang, was the founder and the vice-president of the women’s chapter of KKK. As a member of the Katipunan, Gregoria was designated the code name â€Å"Lakambini†which is the equivalent of â€Å"goddess†or â€Å"muse†in Tagalog dialect. Andres and Gregoria had a son named Andres but died of smallpox. Bonifacio was executed in 1897 and after more than a year his wife Gregoria met Julio Nakpil, a commander of the Katipunan troops in northern Philippines. They got married in December 1898 and had 5 children. The primary objective of the establishment of KKK is to achieve independence from Spain through a revolution. On July 7, 1892, the day after Rizal’s deportation to Dapitan, Andres Bonifacio founded the KKK – Kataas-taasang Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan (Highest and Most Respected Children of the Society of the Country) As a Katipunero, a member of the secret society called KKK, Bonicafio used the pseudonym â€Å"May Pag-asa†(There’s hope). The first â€Å"Supremo†of the Katipunan, short of KKK, was Deodato Arellano, Bonicacio’s brother-in-law. The second KKK â€Å"Supremo†was Roman Basa. Although Bonifacio was the founder, he only took over as â€Å"Supremo†in 1895 and prior to holding the highest position he was the organization’s comptroller and then its fiscal. Bonifacio wrote the poem â€Å"Pag-ibig sa Lupang Tinubuan†(Love of Homeland) under the pseudonym Agapito Bagumbayan. With less than 300 KKK members in January 1896, memberships of the Katipunan soared high to more than 40,000 by August 1896 due to the publication of â€Å"Kalayaan†and membership spread out throughout Luzviminda.
The Facebook In Education English Language Essay
The Facebook In Education English Language Essay Facebook is a networking site, which connects people all over the world, making the Earth a global village. This social networking giant was launched by Mark Zuckerberg and his friends. The website mainly aims at connecting people or helps them socialise and makes its revenue out of advertising. This paper mainly tries to tell what facebook is all about, and concentrates on how it can be used for educational purposes. It also highlights few of the security problems faced by the users of facebook. This paper mainly tells about the student- teacher interaction, students council on facebook and how it will be useful to their education above and beyond portraying results of a FB opinion poll which can divulge and justify the creation of this study. INTRODUCTION: Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg and his roommates at Harvard. He initially founded a website called Facemash for Harvard students. Since the website attracted many users, he was motivated to programme Facebook. Initially, the usage of this website was limited to Harvard students. Later, seeing the response that this website received, it was extended to the students of other universities as well. In 2009, the services of this website were made global to anyone above the age of 13. The users of this website have to create an account using a valid email- id. Each user has a separate profile, which bears some personal information about the user. Users can edit their profile, add pictures, post on their wall (a wall is a private space provided by this webpage. It is more or less like a personal notice board, where in, users can write, comment, add videos, pictures, etc.), send messages (the message option is more or less like the email and is a secure communication link) or even poke their friends (a partially fun and partially boring event to let other users know that you exist). Users are also allowed to customize the privacy settings for their profiles, where, the contents of their profiles will be viewed only by their friends, or a selected, customized few. Any registered user can search for and add any other member as friend, provided the other person accepts the friend request. Users can also categorise their friends as close friends, family, high school friends, etc to keep track of their close ones activities. Further, users are allowed to create or join groups of their interests. Users are also allowed to create Events and send out online invitations with the RSVP option thus providing the organizer an efficient and simple tool to make their organizing a huge success! Facebook also provides notifications, where in users are reminded about various important happenings, meetings, dates, etc. This interface also informs users if they have been tagged on someone-elses profile. Facebook provides the chart, calendar and clock applications as well. Facebook has emerged as a new dais not only for mere communication but for learning and teaching as well. With the help of breakthrough technology, facebook is supported in all mobiles, tabs and computers. This indeed has turned FB as a teaching platform where we can share materials, have a discussion, conduct contests and assessments and above all it requires no pre-training to start with [4]. Even though FB users range from school going children to elderly people, the ratio of teens and college students is substantially large. The reasons behind this are it is a new-fangled venue to utter and convey themselves, innocuous lurking, identity marking apart from acquaintances, mythoi and quixotic affairs, which are the prime facades of juvenile growth. Elaborate cram based on the time the college youth spend per day, how and why they exercise FB also portray the same end results [13]. From both the students and teachers point of view, facebook can be efficaciously practiced as a social network; Students envision FB as a course and mà ©tier for vigorous participation, to solidify self pride and poise etc whereas rendering inferential outcomes, explicating diverse didactics, adapting and updating to the scenario of expectations of students etc are some added vantages to the teachers [3]. Another angle of approach is how facebook can be made use of to dig into instructors strike of self-revelation which tops on a students reliability in addition to immediate apprehension. Studies are going on in this invited research area which analyses the essence of computer-liaised teacher disclosure. Facebook is likely happened to be a worthy asset to abide academic alliance with faculty. Findings indicate that the latters self-revealing tendency may stimulate students for efficacious learning by means of interactive sessions [6, 11]. Prior to be used for educational purposes, FB is nowadays used by the students to pre-register to engage with an educational institution, to socialize and to integrate with the other students [2]. Detailed works shed light on social networks evolution, peoples horizon, FBs entailment on executives, its prospects on campus networking in time to come and also mentionable is interface with studying environs [8]. Apart from just learning, it definitely acts as a powerful medium in spreading a social matter which draws attention of millions in just a few seconds. More theories deal with this thought and several analyses are done for the practical possibilities [1]. Apart from general studies, finical reports state that several SNSs (certainly including FB) have come under daily cum inevitable means of (academic) communication. Statistics, surveys, questionnaires etc render helping hand to know the diversified impression of SNSs. Having mentioned that, via those one can come to an idea of their grandness, innovation, requisite, uses and intention. Though SNSs have some drawbacks, their overhaul and resources have grown their usance to a phenomenal extent and, which, now have become very common. Some grounds of FB which have made it unimaginably popular are self expression, entertainment quotient, maintaining relations, visual familiarity, global updates of all forms, media drenching, following famous icons regularly etc. [7,9]. Not only meant for entertainment and educational platform, through FB, researchers across the globe are experiment the mental attitude, especially of students, depression references. There exist some strategies to approach a person who have expressed his/her personal opinion about something or somebody. Since it is now a rising issue, this topic is worth discussion [5]. A mathematical experiment on FB and its users reveal the approximate percentage of the genders, the time each race spend, various purposes like chatting, finding friends, lurking, work and event reminder, multimedia sharing, games, business and many more [12]. Thus, Through FB walls, students can keep up tight-knit links, call off one, and establish new contacts, not only generally but with other institutions as well. As far as students are concerned, they can share and exchange information about both teaching and learning and can develop themselves better practically than by being bookish. It definitely introduced an online fashion where people can get together with their near and dears and distant pals [10]. The above picture is that of a facebook profile. THE USAGE OF FACEBOOK FOR NETWORKING PURPOSES: This networking giant is the second most used website in the world and has an online traffic of about 900 million across the world. This website is not only a platform for networking but is also useful in bettering education, making news more accessible, advertising and promoting businesses, etc,. Because of the variety of applications provided by this network, it has almost become ubiquitous. THE USE OF FACEBOOK AS A GLOBAL CLASSROOM: A lot of teachers today feel that since the usage of facebook is very familiar with students across the globe, it may prove to provide an upper hand in their education, if used properly. Teachers and students may become facebook friends. That way, teachers may know a lot about their students personally. The student teacher interaction which may not be plausible in the classroom may be made possible online. Teachers and students can post study related videos and articles on their wall, for other students to view and learn. If students and teachers are facebook friends, students will be able to ask doubts any time and get clarified based on the availability of the staff online. If the topics and dates of submission for assignments are posted on facebook, it would be convenient for both the staff and the student. This networking may create a bonding between the preacher and the preached that may not be possible in todays classrooms. picture shows how networking is made easier by writing in some ones wall on facebook THE USE OF FACEBOOK AS A STUDENTS COUNSEL: An online forum or group may be created in facebook wherein students can counsel among themselves. Such groups may be very interactive and useful for students to do group activities and combined studies. A new innovative idea of any student may be shared among their fellow beings any time, and discussed. Discussion about any topic on their subject or any assignment may be done online and students may get a good participation from other fellow students. THE CRITICS ARGUEMENT: Critics however say that students and teachers should not be friends on facebook because it changes the entire relationship between the teacher and the taught. A few people also say that teachers or students may misuse or take advantage of this online friendship. A survey conducted by Kirschner and Karpinski on the students of Midwestern University, USA, states that students spending time in facebook were found to have lesser GPA, than the ones not using facebook. Though this might not be the only reason for these students reduced GPA, this might also have accounted for it. This might be true in the western part of world. But an emphatic study at universities in the eastern part of the world, show that the usage of facebook and GPA are not related. THE THREAT FOR PRIVACY ON FACEBOOK: There is always a threat for privacy in facebook. With the increasing use of pseudo identity by unlawful people, there is even more of a security threat on facebook. But, according to a study conducted on students, they did not face any real time security problems (for example, being stalked by strangers either online or in the real world) because of using facebook. Also, not a lot of students care about their identity being disclosed on facebook. THE STUDENTS USAGE OF FACEBOOK FOR DIFFERENT PURPOSES: A survey, via a questionnaire was conducted on about two hundred and fifty students of SASTRA University. The following questions were asked and the students were requested to answer them briefly. Name: Age: Gender: The time that you spend on facebook: Your marks in %: The number of hours that you spend online: The activities that you do in facebook: Can facebook be used in education: yes no If yes, please elaborate: If no, please elaborate: Does facebook in any way help you in your academics: Does the use of facebook affect your studies: Can facebook be used as a global classroom: yes/no If yes, please elaborate: If no, please elaborate: Can facebook be used as a students council: yes/no If yes, please elaborate: If no, please elaborate: The following results were obtained. About 86% of students reported that facebook can be used for education, 64% of them told that facebook helps them in their academics, 70% of them agreed that facebook does not affect their studies, 68% of them voted that this networking site could be used as a global class room, 83% of them voiced that the networking giant could be used as a students counsil. CONCLUSION: As we all know, there are two sides to a coin, to an untold story and to every other thing on earth. Everything has its pros and cons. Hence, facebook, if used properly can be made a powerful educational tool. But, the students who spent more than six hours on facebook were found to have lost interest in studies and eventually, their GPA were less. But, the advantages of facebook can be made to outweigh its disadvantages if educators start using facebook as an educational tool. In conclusion, this study is all about fore fronting the emerging phases of Facebook with special attention to education and academic purposes. Therefore, this paper triggers empiric and theoretical probe on academic activities in Facebook.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Ideology of Fundamentalist Islam Explained Essay -- Muslim Religion, S
Introduction: This essay concerns itself with exploring the Islamic and political orientation of Sayyid Qutb (1906-1966), an Egyptian civil servant turned political and religious activist, inspired by fundamentalist Islam. To gain an understanding of what influenced and formulated Qutb’s ideas it has been necessary to provide some background information relating the history of modern day Egypt and the emergence of reformist and fundamentalist Islam, from the 19th century until Qutb’s time. The essay also seeks to give some biographical information in order to provide a fuller picture of Qutb the man. Qutb’s involvement with Egyptian religious politics caused him to come into conflict with the Nasser government of 1950s’ Egypt and Qutb spent a decade in prison. It was during this period he produced many of his seminal writings on the establishment of a truly Islamic society. By drawing on early Islamic thinkers and on direct interpretation of the Qur’an, Qutb advocated violence in establishing an Islamic state. The thinking behind and the implications of these interpretations are discussed at length in this essay to demonstrate how they have informed the belief of many Islamic fundamentalists, especially with regard to the use of violence to achieve their aims. The latter part of the essay focuses on the legacy of Qutb’s ideas and how these have been manifest in various fundamentalist groups. However, because academic literature is often a few paces behind the present it has not been possible to explore some recent developmenst of Islam inspired violenc e in any detail, namely the emergence of fundamentalist groups within the Muslim diaspora of the West. The rise of fundamentalist Islam, especia... ...racuse N.Y.: Syracuse University Press Hourani, A. (1983) Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age 1798-1939. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Juergensmeyer, M. (2003) Terror in the Mind of God (3rd Edition). Berkeley, Ca.: University of California Press Lawrence, B.B. (1998) Shattering the Myth: Islam Beyond Violence. Princeton N.J.: Princeton University Press Moussalli, A.S. (1998) Islamic Fundamentalism: Myths and Realities. Reading : Garnet/Ithaca Press Rabasa, A. et el (2006) The Muslim World After 9/11. Santa Monica, Calif. : Rand Corporation Roy, O. (2004) Globalised Islam. London: C. Hurst & Co Ruthven, M. (2004) Fundamentalism: The Search for Meaning. Oxford: Oxford University Press Turner, B.S. & Ahmed, A. (2003) Islam: critical concepts in sociology. London: Routledge Weber, M. (1963) The Sociology of Religion . Boston: Beacon Press
Monday, August 19, 2019
Symbolism in Arthur Millers A View from the Bridge Essay -- essays re
In Arthur Miller’s tragic drama, ‘A View from the Bridge’, we see that the bridge itself is a symbol of the linking of two cultures, Italian (namely Sicilian) and American (namely New York), whereby the manifestation of these two cultures dwell in Red Hook, Brooklyn. Despite this, differences between the two are distinctly evident from page 17 to 18, and it is the purpose of this essay to discuss how Miller conveys these differences in the given pages. Miller uses language effectively in this play, his use of dialogue, of which makes up the bulk of the drama is his main tool in conveying the large cultural differentiation between Red Hook and Sicily. We know only of Sicily by the way in which Marco and Rodolpho describe it, similarly we do not get to see all of Red Hook (the composite set is all the audience sees) yet we know how it is by the way players talk about it and how they interact with each other within the community. Marco is the first of the two immigrants that enter the Carbone household to shed light on the differences between Sicily and Red Hook, when asked if he had...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Medias Role in the Escalation of Palmer Raids and the Red Scare in
Newspapers are supposed to give us an unbiased factual report of important events, but that isn’t always the case. Newspapers can make certain events seem more important and more consequential than other events. This happened during the Palmer Raids of the early 1920’s. Newspapers made the Palmer Raids more prevalent and Anti-Communist feelings stronger among the American public during the 1920’s. To understand how the media escalated the Red Scare and Palmer Raids it helps to have a brief history of them. After World War I there was a Red Scare among many Americans. There are many explanations for this: rampant inflation, a tough job market, strikes, race riots, and the public’s need for a scapegoat (Duminel 218). When Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer’s home was bombed he immediately believed it was the Communists and went after all of them. In November of 1919, and December of 1920 the U.S. Department of Justice under Palmer’s direction conducted raids in a number of prominent cities (Remelgas 3). Many persons were arrested without warrants, and without being given proper rights. Over five thousand people were arrested, and a total of two hundred and forty nine people were deported (Remelgas 4). After these raids and unlawful arrests, Palmer was called before the House Rules Committee and Senate Judiciary Committee and conv icted of using Government funds in an improper way causing the end of the first Red Scare. In journalism there are certain standards used to draw attention to certain articles. Alexandra Remelgas states: The standards of responsible journalism are useful in examining the press coverage of the Palmer Raids. Standards of responsible journalism are limited by the selection of and emphas... ..., Edward A. â€Å"Heaven On Earth.† Detroit Free Press Magazine 11 Jan. 1920: 2 Hoyt, Edwin. The Palmer Raids, 1919-1920 An Attempt to Suppress Dissent. New York: The Seabury Press. Murray, Robert. Red Scare: A Study In National Hysteria, 1919-1920. Minnesota: North Central Publishing, 1955. â€Å"Reds Plotted Country Wide Strike Arrests Exceeded 5,000, 2,635 Held; 3 Transports Ready For Them†New York Times 4 Jan 1920: 1 Remelgas, Alexandra. â€Å"News Reporting And Editorial Interpretation Of The Palmer Raids 1919-1920 By Three Detroit Newspapers: A Study†Thesis For Degree Of M.A. MSU, 1970,   Shulam, Alix. To the Barricades: The anarchist Life Of Emma Goldman. New York.  Thomas and Crowell Company, 1971. Who Built America, v. II. â€Å"Between to Wars – The Palmer Raids.†CD Rom. 25 January       2000. Â
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Happy-haus Food Corporation Essay
Happy-haus Food Corporation is the mother franchisor of happy-haus Donuts. The company was established in 2005 by seasoned individuals in the donut industry. The company’s aim is to create quality donut products at affordable prices. Happy-haus Food Corporation is the mother franchisor of happy-haus Donuts. The company was established in 2005 by seasoned individuals in the donut industry. The company’s aim is to create quality donut products at affordable prices. This was realized with the birth of happy-haus Donuts, a franchising business, giving not only quality products at affordable price but also formulating a superb business opportunity to Filipino families. The company believes that luscious mouth watering donuts should be available to all Filipino families and not just to those who can afford expensively priced donuts. At happy-haus Donuts, total quality is assured through ingredients and equipments sourced both from the United States and locally following stric t quality control standards. Company Vision The company’s vision is to be the number one donut retail company in the Philippines and expand into nearby countries like China and Taiwan. The company’s principle is to provide high quality products at affordable prices. The company aims to provide this service to the Filipino people and eventually to other countries as well. In order to achieve this vision, the company continues to increase its production volume and invest in product development to provide quality and affordable donuts to Filipino families. The company ensures this attainment of this vision by: †¢ Continually seeking strategic locations to open outlets through franchising. †¢ Drive sales growth through a focused operations strategy. †¢ Prioritize innovation in product development and sourcing of alternative sources of raw materials. Company Mission The company’s mission reflects the ultimate reason for our existence. One of them is to provide a superb business opportunity to Filipino entrepreneurs. Another is to provide high quality affordable donuts to the Filipino market. And lastly, the company is dedicated to consistent improvements. Core Values Our company is committed to: †¢ Excellence †¢ Service †¢ Professionalism †¢ Social Responsibility
Friday, August 16, 2019
Non-Cognitivists vs. Moral Realism
Cognitive sentences are those that are dependent to facts and readily have or consist of truth values, such as true and false. Non-Cognitive Sentences constitutes statements which are independent of facts and are cannot be assumed to have a truth value. In this regards, statements such as â€Å"Girelle is stands about five feet and five inches tall†and â€Å"the vase is red†are statements which falls under the Cognitive division. While statements like â€Å"keep quiet†and â€Å"you must not lie†corresponds to Non-cognitive statements.(Marturano 2006, 1)According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of philosophy, Non-cognitive holds that moral properties otherwise known as moral facts do not exist. This means that moral statements are statements that can neither be true or false or simply these statements do not contain any truth condition. Moral sentiments are merely â€Å"approval or disapproval†expressions more akin to wishes and aspirations that ar e seldom associated with emotions than to cognitive â€Å"state of mind†such as beliefs or ideas. Moral Realism on the other hand holds that moral statements were actually reports of factual actions or ideas that are always true or real or existing. ( Sayre-McCord 2005, 1)Non-cognitivist argues that moral statements have no truth conditions in such case that their predicate was merely moral utterances or sentiments that neither have truth or falsity. It does not tell anything about its subject that could prove its truthfulness. In a sense, moral sentiments are meaningless and remain to be mere expressions. They further argue that moral statements were emotive, prescriptive and motivational that cannot be classified as either true or false (Ayer 1936, 28-55) .Non-moral statements on the other hand can express beliefs and ideas that can be evaluated as either true or false (Blackburn 1984, 12-25).Thus the Non-Cognitivist holds that since moral claims are non-cognitive statemen ts, they do not contain any descriptive sentence and are therefore not describing anything at all which means that they do not contain factual statements and are not asserting anything.(Railton 1986, 4-6)The Non-cognitivist believes that normative claims are not valid of any logic since they cannot be true or false. According to Ayer, as quoted in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, â€Å"ethical claims are comprised of pseudo concepts which merely convey commands or feelings and do not contain any meaning (Marturano 2006, 1). Ethical statements remains important or significant because it is being use to persuade other people most specifically the receiver to perform or act in a certain way. In such case, ethical claims can be debated or can cause several disagreements and agreements but it can never comprise a logical understanding or reach any rational conclusion because normative claims cannot express the truth value of the statement. Thus, logical laws or basic rules of lo gic are inapplicable to moral statements (Hooker 1996, 3-5).By being a non-cognitivist, a person can deal with more relevant questions concerning reality. For instance, instead of dealing with the question of truthfulness of the statement â€Å"abortion should not be permissible†, people would be more focused on assessing the claim with respect to its effect or to its general utility. If abortion is done what would be its effect, thus basing the judgment on the factual outcome and not on mere assumption. To make this point clearer, consider the statement â€Å"genocide is wrong†, since it does not express any truth value, its assessment or its continuation would depend on its result.Non-cognitivism, by removing the truth value of normative statements has ended the dispute regarding the reality of an objective moral code or morality. This paved the way for moral relativism which favors the variation of moral codes in the different parts of the worlds at different times. This results to more respect to different cultures and traditions across national and ethnic boundaries.By denoting that moral statements are merely expression of approval/disapproval or sentiments, the non-cognitivist have also succeed in emphasizing the reason why there have been different reactions among different people regarding a certain moral issue. The varying reason as to why and how people view things differently. It also shows that moral statements cannot be true or false, thus they cannot be use to persuade other people in doing this or that.Moral realism on the other hand purports that moral statements is either true or false. The moral claim, â€Å"abortion is wrong†is either true or false. If this will be the case, there would be fixed moral codes that should apply to everyone else or at least every rational person in the planet. Yet, the relativity and subjectivity of moral statements seems to contradict the moral realist position because in different countr ies there were differing view regarding this matter and this is something that is prevalent in the reality in which we lived in. People does not agree on the same moral issue, most often they would argue differently depending on their position, biases, outlook, experiences and so on. The reason why I agree that â€Å"abortion is wrong†would be very different from your or his or her reason.In moral realism, people would continue to argue and debate over claims fruitlessly. In the end they would come up with a conclusion that is not far from being the decision of the â€Å"majority†. If moral realism are right in asserting that moral statements expresses truth value, then what people, specially influential and powerful ones would do is to persuade other people into believing that their statement is the right and whatever that contradicts their statement and purpose are wrong.Moral realism maintains that there can be â€Å"objective moral values†which contradicts the Non-cognitivist claims. However, moral realist failed to account what constitute the objective moral facts (Shafer-Landau 2005). They argued that â€Å"death penalty is wrong†can be accounted as either true or false simply because they believed that it is the same as any cognitive statement such as â€Å"it is dark†. Moral realist cannot prove that â€Å"death penalty is wrong is in fact true†for it differs from people’s opinion, perspectives and desire. There is no factual evidence that could actually prove that it is true (Stevenson1944, 15). The reality of the existence of moral facts is inaccessible to scientific inquiry and cannot be observed directly through our senses without appeal to our emotions, sentiments or feelings.References:Ayer, A. J. 1936. Language, Truth and Logic. London: GollanczBlackburn, S. 1984. Spreading the Word. Oxford: ClarendonHare R. M. 1997. Sorting Out Ethics. Oxford: O.U.P.Hooker, Brad. 1996. Truth In Ethics. Ox ford.Kim, Shin. 2006. Moral Realism. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.Marturano, Anotonio. 2006. Non-Cognitivism in Ethics. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Railton, Peter. 1986. Moral Realism: The Philosophical Review. Vol. 95, No. 2 (Apr.,), pp. 163-207Sayre-McCord, Geoff. 2005. Moral Realism. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved on September 20, 2007. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: Shafer-Landau, Russ. June 15, 2005. Moral Realism: A Defense.  USA: Oxford University PressStevenson, C.L. 1944. Ethics and Language. New Haven: Yale U.P
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Information Systems in Global Business Today Essay
1. Why is it important to understand the difference between computer literacy and information literacy? Answer: Computer literacy – When you are computer literate, you have a general working knowledge of computers. You understand what they can be used for. Most people know that they can type a paper, create a power point and if you have internet access, you may e-mail and search the World Wide Web for information. Information literacy- When you are information literate, you understand and are able to gather, analyze and use information gathered from the various types of technological medians – especially the internet. This person may access the internet, for instance on their cell phone, iPod, lab tops, and a multitude of medians, some which may have not yet been realized. -It is important to understand the difference of this two literacy because A literate person cannot be expected to know how to operate a computer. In essence, a person can be literate but not computer literate. But the opposite seems difficult to be true. A computer literate is often always a literate. 2. Discu ss the three elements of an information system (hardware, software and persware) that managers must consider. Which of the three do you consider the most important? Answer: Hardware- Hardware, in the computer world, refers to the physical components that make up a computer system. Software- is any set of machine-readable instructions (most often in the form of a computer program) that directs a computer’s processor to perform specific operations. Persware- that is short for ‘personware’ or ‘peopleware’, a terribly inpersonal way of referring to people as a resource, like hardware or software. – I consider being the most important element if information system is the Persware because without this persware the hardware and the software will be useless. 3. What are some of the new roles information systems are playing in organizations? * The Widening Scope of Information Systems * The Network Revolution and the Internet * New Options for Organizational Design: The Networked Enterprise * Flattening Organizations * Separating work from location * Reorganizing work flows * Increasing flexibility of organizations * The changing management process * Redefining organizational boundaries * Electronic Commerce and Electronic Business 4. Discuss the changes in the business environment brought about by technology in the last three years. Use your own personal experiences to formulate your answer. Answer: There are many changes in the business environment brought by the technology in the last three years. I believe that one of the most important changes (affecting accounting practice) that has taken place in my experience is the changed relationship between the company and its investors. There is an explosion of required disclosures, and a huge increase in the interest the investment community has in those disclosures. And the internet is the largest changes because every year there is changes on it. Many programs are approaching that every people in the society can learn many things about those programs brought by the technology.. 5. Draw your conclusions about the article â€Å"IT Doesn’t Matter†by Nicholas Carr by accessing the given url: []. Answer: The article explained the dilemmas that the IT industry and the end users are currently experiencing. IT used to be a way for companies to gain a competitive advantage, but nowadays IT has fused into another tool to conduct business. IT products are becoming cheaper and cheaper while yielding more power. This trend in the long run will destroy the economic incentive for IT manufacturers to continue doing business. On the other hand cheaper is better for companies implementing this technology. The author made it clear that avoiding brand new IT products and opting for slightly older IT products would save money. In addition, slightly older products have all the â€Å"kinks ironed out†yielding a more reliable system. Buying slightly older IT products is not a fail safe way of obtaining efficiency and initial cost savings.
Morality in “A Farewell to Armsâ€Â
The concept of morality refers to the dimension of human existence whereby man confronts or finds himself, an ideal vision of man, or an ideal state and goal of his existence which he finds himself oriented toward. The ideal vision thus constitutes for him an exigency, a demand to action in accord with the ideal vision and goal. By the same token, this ideal vision of man constitutes a fundamental norm in relation to which his life and actions are judged to be either right or wrong, good or bad. Right and wrong literally mean being straight or not, in line with, in conformity or not, with the norm. On the other hand, good and bad are often used as equivalents of right and wrong. However, in more precise language, right and wrong refer specifically to that which is morally binding or obligatory. Thus, the right action is that which we ought to do or ought to have done, whereas the wrong action is that which we ought to refrain from or ought to have refrained from doing. (Williams) In a shorter and briefer evaluation of the concept of morality, morality stands for what is established as standard for right and wrong. It goes for what the society has as norm or custom. An action can be permissible though it is not moral. However in this regard, rightness and wrongness are out of issue. Practicability is said to be the motivation force for such action which is primarily due to its character as necessary. Yet, necessity is strictly beyond the sphere of morality. Morality in â€Å"A Farewell to Arms†or â€Å"Farewell to Manzanar†The story boldly exposed the transformation of the character of Lt. Fredric Henry while he engaged to different characters. First transformation occurs after he met Catherine. Before, he was initially described as immature and womanizer. The nature of his work asked him to leave his personal interests over his goal as soldier – that which is to obey the army and fight for his country. In this initial scene, Henry was not really aware of what he was doing. He hanged out with his comrades. He drank alcoholic beverages. He engaged himself to many women. But such seemed to be normal for a soldier like him. Being a soldier, he was ordered to risk his life in order to do his job. As compensation, he wanted to relax by having night-outs and drinking sessions with his co-soldiers. However, when he knew Catherine, he suddenly became serious in his life. He was now more considerate in all that he did. He stopped going to bars. He stopped hanging out with his comrades. He instead focused himself on his relationship with Catherine. For a while, he wanted to be free from his work as a soldier. Nevertheless no matter how he was serious with the girl, he just cannot put away his being a soldier. Catherine was pregnant. He wanted to be at her side. Yet he knew that he had to go back to the front and function as a soldier. He was in a dilemma. He knew that if he chose the former, he would neglect his duty as a soldier to his country. And if he chose the latter he would neglect his obligation to Catherine and to their baby as father. But like what was stated earlier, he knew that his work requires sacrifice of his personal interests – that which is more important is the interest of his country and countrymen. Later on, he virtuously considered the latter. Upon knowing that there was this conspiracy to bring down the army by some of his co-soldiers, he escaped from the army. In this scene, Henry can be seen as a soldier that upon knowing what was really happening, he had chosen to leave the army instead of reporting the incident to his superiors – maybe because he was somewhat worried of himself. But then as a servant of his country, his duty is to protect and fight for his country no matter what happen. In this aspect, he acted against his duty. When he fled from the army, he happened to meet again with Catherine. Realizing that he had a responsibility toward her and their baby, he convinced her to go to Switzerland and make new life. The girl agreed and together they ran away. It is to be noted that before the two met and became in love with each other, they had already duties to their countries. Henry was a soldier and Catherine was a nurse. When they escaped, they turned down these supposed jobs in pursuit of their own interests. Honestly, I cannot literally say that they had committed a moral crime of being selfish. Selfishness can be right in certain situations. But still, they left their posts as servants of their country hence somehow they can be criticized for doing such. To analyze Henry’s transformation, his character started at the end of the continuum, far from being moral. But after he met Catherine, he became aware of the rightness and wrongness of his actions. Conversely, in the end of the story his moral ascendancy was exposed to conflicting duties –duty to his country as a soldier and duty to Catherine and his baby as father. Personally, I think that Henry failed to exercise his practical reason for choosing his own interest over his country’s interest. And this can be supported by the ending when Catherine and his child died. It suggested that he had picked the wrong decision therefore he suffered its ill-consequences. Using Kantian Ethics, Utilitarianism and Virtue Ethics Moral Theories are important in the evaluation of human actions. They serve as the chief framework and criteria for moral judgment.(Timmons) Furthermore, morality is said to be one of the most contested concepts. Its truthfulness and applicability are always put into question. It is true that morality is more specific than the concept of ethics because ethics refers to the study of human actions whereas morality pertains to a particular set of standards in which moral judgment is being based.(Williams) Now, in evaluation of morality, there are different aspects that moral theories tend to look at.(Harris) Kantianism or the Kantianism, one of the Deontological theories, implies that human actions are judged with reference to duty or obligation.(Baron) On the contrary, Utilitarianism states that moral judgment can be done by appealing to the consequences of human actions.(Mill) Nevertheless, Virtue Ethics does not focus its evaluation neither on the duty or consequence of an action but rather on the character or the intention of the acting agent.(Hursthouse) It is noteworthy to use the abovementioned moral theories in analyzing the transformation of Lt. Henry’s character throughout the story. Kantian ethics would most likely criticize Henry for not fulfilling his duties to his country and to his baby. As mentioned earlier, Henry first left Catherine even if he was already aware of the latter’s pregnancy. When he escaped from the army, he reconciled with Catherine and planned to move to Switzerland. Obviously, as it was manifested in the novel, Henry neglected his duty as soldier. For Kantianism, such undertaking is morally wrong. In relation to the Utilitarian principle, greatest good for the greatest number, Henry also failed to act morally.(Mill) He undervalued his job as soldier and instead pursued his personal interest. Though his action would benefit him, Catherine and the baby; what was deserted was his task of fighting and protecting his country and his fellow countrymen. Obviously, the latter was greater in number as compared to the former and possessed the most intrinsic good. Utilitarianism would say that Henry failed to act morally. Finally, Virtue ethics suggests that the assessment of Henry’s decisions and actions should be based on his character and intention.(Hursthouse; Williams) Giving the fact that Henry had this intention of escaping and abandoning the army for he valued more his life (though there is nothing wrong for doing such), virtue ethics would say that Henry was not virtuous for not being courageous in facing the worse situation that he supposedly had. Moreover, he was not virtuous for he did not make a good judgment in making decisions or in solving the dilemma that he had. As a result, he acted against what is morally right in the light of the Virtue ethics. Conclusion To sum up, the novel: A Farewell to Arms can be described as a story of struggle.(Hemingway) This struggle was all about freeing oneself from the sphere of war, from the sphere of morality. Morality suggests what one ought to do and not to do.(Williams) It talks about standards and code of conducts. On the other hand, morality fades in the sphere of warfare and in the sphere of love. One has the privilege to either stick to what he think is right rather than do what society tells him to do so. At the end of the day, what gives person happiness is what really counts. References/ Works Cited: Baron, Marcia W. Kantian Ethics Almost without Apology New ed ed: Cornell University Press, 1999. Harris, C. E. Applying Moral Theories 5th ed: Wadsworth Publishing, 2006. Hemingway, Ernest. A Farewell to Arms. Reprint ed: Scribner, 1995. Hursthouse, Rosalind. On Virtue Ethics. New ed ed: Oxford University Press, 2002. Mill, John Stuart. Utilitarianism. IndyPublish, 2005. Timmons, Mark. Moral Theory Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. , 2002. Williams, Bernard. Morality: An Introduction to Ethics (Canto). Reissue ed: Cambridge University Press, 1993.  Â
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Business Research For Business
In order to draw the attention of tourists, the tourist market of Australia has been associated this arrangement of the Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast which is a fruitful opportunity. Quantitative data would be increased in light of investigation of reports considering the recorded number of accommodation properties in Gold Coast furthermore on required improvements and developments of inn properties in the district (Wetcher-Hendricks, 2014). At the end of the day, the Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast in Australia effect and impulse tourists to appreciate a particular service in an induced period. To execute this examination objectives, inquiries and exploration methodology will be talked about in this business research. All things considered, the Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast in Australia sway bargains especially at the period of festivities. In addition, Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast and its accommodation properties redesign an opportunity to endeavour another service of a checked tourist market of Australia through prohibitive arrangements accommodation properties(Fink, 2012). In this research proposal, the criticalness of Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast and accommodation properties on the tour market of Australia will be examined. Consequently, the relationship between the need of visitor and service of tour industry of Australia will be portrayed in this research proposal. The qualitative data would be for the most part increased in light of interviewing the managers of Hilton Surfers Paradise. Furthermore, each and every part related to the Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast in Australia and tour requirement in Australia will be analysed in this research proposal. In order to examine strategy, Hilton Surfers Paradise Hotel management have been utilized for meeting the exploration objectives would comprise of both gathering interviews furthermore the investigation of secondary data connected with the assessment of reports(Norris, 2016). In this article essentially the unfavorable impact of the climatic change has been highlighted on Queensland and additionally on Gold Coast. However, the journal demonstrates the central difficulties that Gold Coast aspects and the proposals for enhancing the viability of the business in Gold Coast. Besides that, it has likewise been highlighted that the ascent in the ocean level has undermined the ways of life and properties of Queensland. At present, it has been found that the Gold Coast has a larger number of houses than some other part in Queensland. In other words, the specific article centers that the tourism business of Queensland is at danger because of climatic change. Along these lines, more than 3,500 private structures in the Gold Coast are at danger. Nevertheless, it has been noticed that a large portion of the houses in the Gold Coast exists in 100 meter of erodible coastline (Masny, D, 2016). These integrates the records of the management of Hilton Surfers Paradise Hotel and its arrangements and strategy that are identified with the monetary advancement, group arranging, urban outline and real framework ventures. Though, this specific research work has been done on the premise of the narrative research of the secondary materials. In other sense, this includes going by the field to the minor and real wellbeing and/or information hubs with regards to rural and urban. Moreover, the narrative research is supplemented by the spatial analysis. In this article, the specific researcher has settled on one and only essential research procedure and that is analysis of the proper writing audit. In addition, research system accumulates data through specific data collection methods. In order to conduct a powerful research, a researcher may assemble basis data and can examine the gathered data and data to achieve a specific conclusion.  Thus, in this research work, qualitative analysis has been achieved with a specific end goal to analysis the assembled data. In other words, to conduct specific research, the researcher has gathered data from the secondary assets. Moreover, this incorporates the contextual investigation on Gold Coast, books identified with the research subject, sites, past documents and articles. Accordingly, this research study and its discoveries will equally help the researcher in the proposed research work, as the discoveries will accumulate data with respect to the open doors for Gold Coast that will broaden the appearance of the visitors in a productive way. In other words, the specific research work will contemplate alternate urban areas that are principally in view of travel and tourism reliance. Apart from that the discoveries of this research paper will help in viable application for the gathering of Gold Coast City by giving basic audit with respect to the reinforcing of ebb and flow projects and strategies of the Council on learning regions (Australia, 2006). This research study has been performed in view of the survey of the universal visitors who visit Australia. Besides that, this particular journal quarterly concludes the universal guest survey for the month of June 2013. Moreover, this Journal primarily demonstrates the reasons furthermore prescribes a couple ventures by actualizing which the entry of the global visitors in Australia has expanded. In other sense, this will similarly help the researcher to anticipate the pattern of tourism industry or quantities of visitors who will visit Gold Coast in future. In this manner, this specific article comprehends the explanations behind expanded quantities of visitors in Australia (Grand, S. and Jonas, W. 2012). According to the specific article, it has been found that the International Visitor Survey (IVS) speaks to the most comprehensive wellspring of data with respect to the global visitors to the nation Australia. In addition, The IVS tests of 35,000 withdraw transient global voyagers who are matured 18 years and increasingly and who have been going by Australia. On the other hand, these incorporate the Melbourne, Darwin, Brisbane, Perth, Cairns, Adelaide, Sydney and Gold Coast and includes the survey of global visitors and for this an altered example size has been chosen. The survey of the predefined research work has been performed by Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing in the flight sprawls of eight noteworthy global air terminals. On the premise of the survey, quantitative analysis of the gathered data to conduct a successful research. In this article, the specific researcher has settled on one and only research procedure and that is the survey analysis (Mann, T. 2005). Besides that, a research is considered as the viable method just if the technique contains research points and goals, research inquiries and data collection assets. Moreover, this survey methodology additionally helps the researcher to accumulate general perspectives of individuals. In addition, in a compelling research technique, a researcher may accumulate foundation data. In other words, the survey analysis procedure helps the researcher of the research study to accumulate quantitative data. Although, in this specific article, research inquiries are given and can analysis the gathered data to achieve a specific conclusion (Pei, J. 2013). The survey was comprised of 100 inquiries that were bolstered by 'show postcards' so as to guide the members of the survey to react to the answer in some particular zones. On the other hand, the researcher of the specific research work has led a survey. In addition, this survey the researcher has gathered different data and data with respect to the research point and these particular ranges incorporate rehash appearance, common spot of home, gathering visits, demographics, exercises, use, travel gathering, transportation and convenience, motivations behind visit. In terms of hotspots for accomplishing data in regards to Australia can be said that the data and data were gathered by directing a survey and these data were broke down by the researcher quantitatively. Accordingly, this research study and its discoveries will help the researcher in the proposed research work, as the discoveries will assemble data in regards to the main difficulties that Gold Coast faces. It will also suggest the progressions for enhancing the adequacy of the business in Gold Coast (Phillips, P. and Stawarski, C. 2008). According to the article, with the quick development of Gold Coast into a vacationer utilization city of a large portion of a million people and to enhance the way of life, economy and way of the city. In addition, the journal principally demonstrates the open doors for Gold Coast that will broaden the appearance of the visitors in a proficient way. In terms of approaches that emerge from the vision of Gold Coast City Council with respect to a sound city that advantages from learning based urban improvement. In addition, open doors in the advancement of the developing cosmopolitan city as a solid and information city. Although, this additionally analyzes the potential for the advancement of a system comprising of littler hubs with dynamic transport. Besides that, this research work for the most part highlights on bigger wellbeing and learning hubs alongside principle expressways. In this way, it can likewise be said that this research work gives a more coordinated (Svarcas, A. and Ca ss, B. 2008). These integrates the archives of the management preparations and approach that is identified with the economic improvement, group positioning, and constructed location, farming and human wellbeing. Moreover, this specific research work has been done on the premise of the narrative research of the secondary materials. Although this, the narrative research is supplemented by the longitudinal analysis. In this article, the specific researcher has settled on two vital research methodologies analysis of the writing audit and contextual analysis. In addition, research technique is considered as the powerful method just if the methodology contains research points and goals, research inquiries and data collection assets. Afterward, it can be said that research methodology is a general arrangement that helps the researcher to answer the research questions in a precise and orderly way. In addition, it can also be said that in a compelling research system, a researcher may accumulate foundation data and can examine the gathered data and data to achieve a specific conclusion (Gionis, A. 2013). This incorporates books identified with the research theme, sites, past diaries and articles. In this way, in this research work, qualitative analysis has been performed so as to dissect the assembled data. In the specific research concentrate on, the researcher has gathered data from the secondary data. This will also help the researcher to foresee the pattern of tourism industry or quantities of visitors who will visit Gold Coast in future. Thusly, this research study and its discoveries will likewise help the researcher in the proposed research work, as the discoveries will assemble data with respect to the foundations for expanded quantities of visitors in Australia. In addition, the specific article will comprehend the statistical data points and on the premise of these the proposed research should be possible effectively. The significance of executing different research methodologies in view of various angles can likewise be considered as an accommodating component for the researcher to finish the proposed research study. Moreover, the methodology for directing survey furthermore to collect data and data through secondary assets can likewise be better comprehended from the above articles. Additionally, the different methods of data collection will likewise give the researcher distinctive suppositions with a specific end goal to direct the specific proposed research concentrate effectively. However, it can be presumed that each of the three articles gives different data, data, raw numbers will help the researcher to play out the proposed research work. Commonwealth Games, 2016. Gold Coast 2018 I 4 - 15 April 2018. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 July 2016]. Fink, A., 2012. How to Conduct Surveys: A Step-by-Step Guide: A Step-by-Step Guide. United Kingdom: SAGE. Norris, G., 2016. Commonwealth Games set to boost tourist strip. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 July 2016]. Silverman, D., 2015. Interpreting Qualitative Data. United Kingdom : SAGE. Wetcher-Hendricks, D., 2014. Analyzing Quantitative Data: An Introduction for Social Researchers. United Kingdom : John Wiley and Sons. Alshenqeeti, H. (2014). Interviewing as a Data Collection Method: A Critical Review. ELR, 3(1). Gionis, A. (2013). Data Analysis. Data Science Journal, 12(0), pp.GRDI13-GRDI18. Masny, D. (2016). Problematizing Qualitative Research: Reading a Data Assemblage With Rhizoanalysis. Qualitative Inquiry. Australia. (2006). Madrid: World Tourism Organization. Brasch, N. (2005). The Commonwealth. Port Melbourne, Vic: Heinemann Library. Grand, S. and Jonas, W. (2012). Mapping design research. Basel: BirkhaÃÅ'ˆuser. Mann, T. (2005). The Oxford guide to library research. New York: Oxford University Press. Pei, J. (2013). Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Berlin: Springer. Peile, E. (2010). Multi-method research; Multi-source feedback: pauci-impact data. Education for Primary Care, 21(3), pp.139-140. Phillips, P. and Stawarski, C. (2008). Data collection. San Francisco: Pfeiffer. Svarcas, A. and Cass, B. (2008). Tourism Australia. Canberra, A.C.T.: Australian National Audit Office.
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