Monday, September 30, 2019
Sepsis: Blood and Fluid Resuscitation
Sepsis; pathophysiology, etiology and treatment Abstract To define the disease known as sepsis, briefly discuss its pathophysiology, etiology, signs, symptoms, and treatments. Outline protocols for sepsis screening, early directed goal therapy, and to establish the nurse’s role in the process. Sepsis is a complex disease, or response to a disease process that can lead to patient mortality rates up to 60%. Gram negative infectious organisms invade the blood stream, and activate a systemic response.This systemic response exacerbates the problem, leading to disproportionate blood flow, alterations in tissue perfusion, and eventually multiple organ failure. Sepsis screening begins in the ER, signs and symptoms that are indicative of sepsis, or early indications of infection that can eventually lead to sepsis should be identified quickly. Since the majority of these patients are already compromised, it is imperative to have proper screening and initiate early goal directed therapy. Following standard protocols has proven to reduce mortality rates by as much as 25%. Sepsis; pathophysiology, etiology and treatmentSepsis has been defined as a suspected or proven infection that has entered the blood stream, and has the clinical manifestations of what has been termed the systemic inflammatory response (e. g. , fever, tachycardia, hypotension, and elevated white blood cell count termed leukocytosis) (Dellacroce, 2009, p. 17). Sepsis can be a result of any infection in the body that has triggered this systemic inflammatory response. Often times especially in the elderly it might be a result of an untreated urinary tract infection, or some other unknown infection that enters into the blood stream.When the invading organism or antigen enters the bloodstream, it releases endotoxins, a toxic substance usually associated with gram negative bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Serratia, Enterobactor, and Pseudomonas. In the patient who is ill already this invasion into the blood stream stimulates the release of too much immunodulators, causing an exaggerated response. Vasodilation is the body’s way of increasing blood flow to the attested area, thereby transporting more white blood cells, such as macrophages, to control the original infection.However, vasodilation, without a proportionate increase in blood volume leads to hypotension, increased capillary permeability which allows fluid to leak out of the blood stream and into the surrounding tissue causing edema. Concurrently, fibrinolysis is impaired leading to a decrease in clot breakdown. This is thought to be the body’s attempt to confine the antigen. However, the formation of fibrin clots leads to micro thrombi, causing hypoperfusion of tissues, tissue necrosis and eventually organ failure (Dellacroce, 2009, p. 17).Consequently severe sepsis is evidenced by sepsis-induced organ dysfunction or tissue hypoxia, hypotension, oliguria, metabolic acidosis, thromboc ytopenia, hypotension being a late sign of sepsis. Septic shock is defined as severe sepsis with hypotension, despite fluid resuscitation. Sepsis and septic shock are the most common form of vasodilatory shock, associated with the systemic response to severe infection. Sepsis and septic shock are very common in critically ill patients, elderly, and is accompanied by a high mortality rate.In many cases as high as 30 percent of patients die within the first month of diagnosis, and 50% of patients die within 6 months (Gerber, 2010, p. 141). The growing incidence has been attributed to enhanced awareness of the diagnosis, increased number of resistant organisms, and growing number of immunocompromised patients, and the increase in the elderly population. The early goal is direct therapy interventions and better treatment methods which have resulted in a decreased mortality rate; however the number of deaths has increased, because of the increased prevalence. Porth, 2011, p. 505) The pat hogenesis of sepsis involves a complex process in which the immune system releases a number of proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory mediators. In doing so, the body reacts by generating a fever, tachycardia, lactic acidosis, and ventilation-perfusion abnormalities occur. Hypotension is caused by arterial and venous dilatations, plus leakage of plasma into the interstitial spaces, abrupt changes in level of consciousness and cognition, are a result of decreased cerebral blood flow.Regardless of the underlying cause of sepsis, fever and increased leukocytosis are present. Elevation in lactic acid levels may not always be immediate, but generally a lactic acid level that is above 3. 2 would trigger the sepsis screening and cause initiation of early goal directed therapy. Our role as the nurse is to recognize the signs of sepsis, and or infection that could lead to it, and make the Doctor aware of any abnormal values or signs. Sepsis screening should be done on any patient that present s to ER with symptoms that would indicate infection, or early sepsis.Sepsis should be ruled out by using the screening protocols, and standard blood work, including two sets of blood cultures, (should be from two separate sites fifteen minutes apart) (Dellacroce, 2009). If the patient has passed the sepsis screening, sepsis protocols for early goal directed therapy should be initiated. The sepsis screening for a patient should take a systematic approach. Does the patient have a suspected infection as evidenced by, white blood cells (WBC) in urine, cerebral spinal flood, or other normally sterile body fluid, cellulitis or other skin infection, new pulmonary infiltrate on chest x-ray consistent with pneumonia?Does the patient have systemic inflammatory response syndrome (sirs) as evidenced by, WBC’s greater than 12,000 or less than 4,000, temperature greater than 38C, heart rate greater than 90 beats per minute, respiratory rate greater than 20 breaths per minute, PaCO2 less th an 32, or on a ventilator? Does this patient have organ system failure as evidence by, respiratory on ventilator, vasopressors, and metabolic serum greater than 3. 2, urine output of less than 0. 5 ml/kg/hr or greater than 0. 5 ml/kg/hr above baseline, or platelets less than 100,000?Does this patient have serious condition that indicates septic shock as evidenced by, receiving vasopressors after fluid resuscitation or lactate greater than 3. 9? (EGDT, 2011) Early goal directed therapy or implementation of sepsis bundle, should be priority, after cultures and all blood work has been completed. Antibiotics should be initiated within 3 hours of admission to emergency room, with initial round of antibiotic started within one hour of diagnosis. Central line access should be established for vasopressors.Arterial line should be established to measure central venous pressure (CVP). Fluid resuscitation to maintain CVP of greater than 8, 12-15 for ventilated patients (Soo Hoo, Muehlberg, Ferr aro, & Jumaoas, 2009). Rapid fluid resuscitation is required with these patients it is recommended they receive up to 3 liters of fluid. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) should be maintained via vasopressors to achieve MAP above 65. One of the more recent advances in treatment of sepsis is the administration of recombinant human activated protein c (rhAPC). rhAPC is a naturally occurring nticoagulant factor that acts by inactivating coagulation factor Va and VIII. RhAPC has direct anticoagulant properties, including inhibiting the production of cytokines (Porth, 2011, p. 506). Sepsis is a complex disease that takes a multi-disciplinary team to detect and treat. It is vital for the patients that diagnosis and early treatment begun immediately. This disease process is accompanied by a high mortality rate, so vigilance on the part of the health care team is a must. Screening and early goal directed therapy protocols are vital tools in the treatment of septic patients.The implementation of these tools has been shown to reduce mortality as much as 25%. The health care professional must pay attention to the signs that may be subtle, such as a slight increase in temperature; this is especially tricky in elderly patients whose baseline core temperature may be hypothermic. Nurses should watch pulse rates from baseline, urine output, any changes in mental status. References Dellacroce, H. (2009, July). Surviving sepsis: The role of the nurse. RN, 16-21. Gerber, K. (2010). Surviving sepsis: a trust-wide approach.A Multi-disciplinary team approach to implementing evidence-based guidelines. British Association of Critical Care Nurses, Nursing in Critical Care 2010, 15, 141-151. Porth, C. M. (2011). Essentials of Pathophysiology (3rd ed. ). Philadephia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Severe Sepsis/Septic Shock Screening Checklist for Early Goal Directed Therapy [Protocol]. (2011). LRMC Soo Hoo, W. F. , Muehlberg, K. , Ferraro, R. , & Jumaoas, M. C. (2009, July 4). Successes and Lessons Learned Implementing the Sepsis Bundle. Journal of Healthcare Quality, 31(9-15).
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Acts of congress summary
Politics First Chapter Nine continues with an examination of Barney Frank, the Democrat who served as the senior leader of the House Financial Services Committee that was responsible with researching, marking up, rewriting, and passing proposed legislation that would prohibit another financial crisis from developing in the future.However, while waiting for the release the administration's white paper, which helped inform and educate members of Congress about White House proposals, Frank found himself in the midst of a potential political rebellion from in Congress, nd even from within his own party. Many moderates balked at Franks more aggressive reform proposals, while liberals found it treasonous that he was collaborating with banks, the very institutions that they held responsible for the onset of the financial crisis and the beneficiaries of TARP†Troubled Asset Relief Program.One such critic was Senator Dick Durban, who rejected the idea ofa bank bail-out, and was disappoin ted that banks were still in a position to politic in Washington. Frank disagreed, asserting that the big banks were losing steam in Washington and the evidence was simple: they could not prohibit the passage of redit card legislation that protected consumers. In an effort to gain support and educate members of Congress, Franks staff put on a serious of workshops and work sessions for members.In addition to his efforts to placate liberals, Frank threw his support behind provisions that would ultimately become the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau†an idea first presented by Elizabeth Warren in an article for the journal Democracy. The legislation became important but the â€Å"blues and news,†the old and new moderate factions of the Democratic party of each party, were already rowning in health care legislation, breaking Franks declaration that the new legislation would pass before Congress' summer vacation.Key Points/Details Big banks were largely to blame, but coll ateral damage of the bank fallout could be small banks and credit unions – The press was largely to blame, in Franks mind, for overstating the political clout that big banks and Wall Street had What would their influence be in the process of writing new legislation – Frank recruited the Democratic members of the House Committee on Financial Services (Banking Committee) who he held in highest esteem to work on issues for the reform bill –Frank favored three hallmarks for reform that might relieve liberals who were nervous that banks were not bearing the brunt of responsibility for the crisis o Credit card bill – more transparency from issuers of credit cards o Subprime mortgage bill – bill that banned many subprime mortgages and required that lenders would require companies to give stockholders a chance to give feedback about Though Frank had originally been hesitant to support such a executive pay – provision, White House backing, growing su pport from among popular and powerful Democrats (Clinton, Edwards, etc. polling numbers that seemed to indicate that the public favored it, and convincing arguments from Harvard law professor – and current US Senator from Massachusetts – Elizabeth Warren, persuaded Frank to throw his support behind the creation of a new regulatory agency (CFPA/b). Agency would regulate American financial firms and the services and products that they offer to the public –> Independent agency under the Federal Reserve Board o Frank felt pressure from both sides – the administration as well as hesitant, moderate â€Å"news and blues†– of his own party Many were worried that supporting the creation of he agency would leave them vulnerable in upcoming elections in vulnerable districts o Proposed health care and â€Å"cap and trade†legislation distracted both Congress and the public –Frank began to recognize that he had to do more to reassure his c olleagues that this agency was a good idea Worked to cajole them and gain their support o By the end of the chapter, Frank is convinced that he is right and that he will be able to get such legislation passed Terms: derivatives rating agencies systemic risk regulator subprime mortgages consumer protection â€Å"say on pay' Elizabeth Warren Price gouging Payday lender Office of Legislative Council CFPA / CFPB Chapter 10 – An Impotent Minority Chapter 10 focuses on the struggles of Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL) and the rest of his party to reconcile their desire to reform the financial sector but not seem to bow to the desires of the Democrats. Rep. Bachus, a moderate Republican who before the crash had proposed legislation regulating subprime mortgages only to be rebuffed by his more conservative colleagues, favored bipartisan efforts.He was up against an increasingly conservative House Republican caucus, who were led by radicals who ere emboldened by redistricting in their stat es that left them with little need to proposal for financial reform, undercutting the release of the administration white paper by a week. This proposal overwhelmingly focused on the principle that they would not stand for future â€Å"bailouts†of the Wall Street institutions that were responsible for the financial crisis. Though the plan garnered little media attention, and did not include many of the provisions laid out in the White House bill, it did indicate that Congressional Republicans recognized the reality that comprehensive financial reform was necessary. TARP Republican Study Committee
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Managing the employment relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Managing the employment relationship - Essay Example Under this situation, it is highly likely that the new and experienced staff would find it hard to continue performing their tasks in a professional manner. Till this point of time, both Harvey and Wong have not been able to provide any practical human resource policy. In a closer analysis of the case study, it can be easily deduced that the organization is more interested to expand business and to look for new business opportunities in Europe and Asia as well instead of giving fair time and attention to both internal and external issues. From a business perspective, this expansion policy is commendable step. However, giving insufficient time and the absence of any policy to the internal matters makes it hard for them to achieve their business and performance objectives in a timely and professional manner. As a result, both Harvey and Wong face the problem of grumbles and it further intensifies as no formal mechanism has been put in place to address the concerns of employees. Demotivation among other employees will be increasing. It is a normal practice that employees share their feelings and grievances with colleagues in the workplace. More specifically, the employees do not find it reasonable to hide their grievances instead they find it as a way to forward their concerns to appropriate authority through sharing their employment problems with their colleagues and friends as well. As far as the current situation is concerned, it is highly likely that the employees are not satisfied but highly worried about their employment issues. Moreover, if the grievances of one employee are not addressed on time, it cannot be ruled out that the employees find little motivation to complete their assignments and tasks enthusiastically. Employee productivity and motivation go hand in hand. Employee productivity refers to the output produced by
Friday, September 27, 2019
Dissertation Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Proposal - Dissertation Example 2. STATEMENT OF RESEARCH 100 words i. Identify and list your objects of study: these must be PRIMARY sources that you can see/ visit/ access directly now and later. Make it very clear what and where these are. (WHAT exactly are you researching) This research aims to explore the existence of Feminism if any in the field of arts, media and design. The research takes into consideration the various transformations that have happened over the centuries in order to have an insight on the transformational process. The study will focus completely on the feminism aspect in arts and media studies and will tend to explore the stages involved. ii. Define the significance of the subject. (WHY you are researching this) Arts have been a successful medium for girls in schools and it has been one medium that is free from all sorts of gender inequality and the lack of opportunity. Although arts have been successful among the girls as far as the education is concerned, however there has been explicit o mission of this gender in art education books. This research will attempt to find out the issues of gender in the art and media design and how it has been carried out over the years in terms of the social and economic contexts. iii. Define the approach you will adopt: provide theoretical approaches that may be relevant to your study - explain how; reference carefully.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Corrections Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Corrections - Research Paper Example The desired goal of the overall intervention of the criminal justice system with various offenders is ensuring public safety. However, in recent years, the criminal justice practitioners have continued asking new questions with regards the most effective approaches of having the goals achieved as well as the implications of such new strategies into managing offenders (Silverman, 2001). The new approaches into offender management develop different implications for diverse agents in the system with roles which, in the past, have been rather functional as compared to system focused. For instance, where the responsibility of prosecutors is primarily concerned with the lawful conviction of the offenders. Here, the judges with an imposition of the fair and just sentences unlike the institutional corrections provide safe and secure custody of the offenders. The current policies are for the same reason encouraging the agents towards considering the possible impacts of the individual responsi bilities for broader offender management strategies. ... Also, it is a critical element in enhancing public safety through effective management of offenders in a given community. The fact that the primary aim of community corrections is that of seeking to achieve the public safety based on reduced recidivism for the effective management of offenders in the community. The community corrections agencies need to reach out to various collaborative partners. While the more comprehensive approaches for the supervision of offenders continue embracing implementation within the field, there is an enhancement of the collaboration which is required while providing the assistance as well as the additional resources that are critical in promoting offender success. For instance, with increased understanding for the implementation of such integration of case management systems across the country, the goal of appropriate communication within the criminal justice professionals as well as community partners is important (Silverman, 2001). The new approaches for this community supervision will involve strong partnerships within the community such as the victim and that of the offender. Further, collaboration with the institutional partners amounts to the other goal which is critically important while working with diverse correctional officers. The other goal is to have institutional case managers prepare offenders for community reentry. The various issues that face offenders on release are many and diverse and can be rather confounding. They include drug addiction, lack of housing, limited education and limited employment options. To achieve success, such needs have to be considered while planning to put in place a comprehensive behavior in an offender upon release (Siegel, 2012). The barriers for this successful reintegration
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The industrial revolution in Japan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The industrial revolution in Japan - Essay Example Many parallels can be drawn between the industrialization in Japan and that of other countries especially USA and countries from Europe aside from the fact the Japan’s industrial revolution came years after that of USA and European countries like Britain, which was the initiator (Spielvogel 613). Industrial revolution in Western Europe was a result of revolutionary force from below, led by merchants based in the urban centers who were calling for the destruction of the old social order and creation of a current one that would generate new institutions based on urbanization and commercial context of the region. In contrast, leaders who had gained power through the manipulation of the feudalistic social regime spearheaded Japanese industrial revolution (Levine 105). The call for the modernization of Japan the came from above, led by those who were eager to bring change to the older regime, but not through radical overthrow of existing rulers. The difference in sources of economi c power between preindustrial merchant classes of England and France and that of Japan mirrored the theme of urbanism in the respective countries. From around 15th century, the urban merchants of these European countries made the cities the center of their rebellion against the feudalistic rulers. In Japan, anti-Tokugawa political force was inherent in the expanding population but not in the revolutionary sense of being anti-feudal as seen in the European countries. Those who wanted change were willing to achieve it through taking up of political offices as a means of gaining these advantages but not through a revolution in the social structure (Levine 105). To understand the performance of Japanese economy before, during and after industrial revolution, it is important to note that the country’s economic growth experienced a distinctive rhythmic growth during the period of 1887-1969. Lonien agrees that the Japanese economic growth since the beginning of industrial revolution to the end of the Second World War was cyclical (24). It is during this period that Japan joined the world’s major economic powers especially those from the west as far as it’s per capita and labor productivity is concerned. This economic growth took place through a growth phase that recognized by the Japanese economic development literature as upswings of long swings. Mosk recognizes this period as taking place in the following periods: 1887-1897, 1911-1919, 1930-1938 and 1953-1969. This are the periods that coincides with the time when Japanese economy experienced the most intensive growth rate (Mosk 6). Mosk notes that a long swing represents a growth pattern in the gross domestic product of the country in which the rate of output growth rises, reaches a peak, declines, reaches a trough and then begins to rise once again. Every long swing in this cycle involves two phases, an upswing phase that heralds the long swing and a downswing that that ends the cycle. Compar ative to average growth over the complete long swing, growth rates during the upswing surpass the long swings average and growth rate during the down swing is less than that of the long-swing average. It is this analysis that provides historians with a mechanism to determine Japanese economic growth during the industrial revolution period (6). According to these upswings of long swings analysis, the first long swing in Japanese economic
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The history of The High School Journal Research Paper
The history of The High School Journal - Research Paper Example This then led to the conventional schools that we currently known as public schools. It has also undergone a wave of racial and sexual mixes that has transformed the learning system. Originally, education suffered from segregation, racism and social class. Children from rich families were educated in some of the best private schools while those from poor families were left to toil in the public schools. Immigrants were also not allowed to freely engage in education and state funding rarely went to the development of schools in the predominant south. Women played an active role in advocating for reforms in the education system. The United States education system has developed from a place whereby there were few valuable skills imparted on adolescents as seen in progressivism. It has however undergone significant reforms over the years to cater for its multicultural population. These reforms have however been attributed to historical events that contributed to the present education system. I chose to analyze the History of the High School Journal which published in the first issue in 1910. The journal has been issued every year since then and is still being printed to date. This publication has been reviewed by several authors and continues to be the source of information on the advancements that are being made in the education sector. This period still had traces of the industrial revolution that had spilled over from the 19th century. It was a time of unprecedented economic growth at the height of industrial revolution. Many young people had engaged in jobs and very few were to be found in classrooms. Colleges and other institutions of higher learning had not yet been well established. Measures in secondary education were also still undergoing significant changes with school libraries still being advocated for to improve learning. This period was characterized by the great depression that started in 1929 and lasted the whole decade. There was limited
Monday, September 23, 2019
Relationship between Film Form and Meaning Essay
Relationship between Film Form and Meaning - Essay Example The meaning of a film lies in the interpretation that film evokes as well as the magnitude of the nature of these interpretations, which can be derived from the underlying photographic effects that the film portrays. In most incidences, the meaning of films has frequently stirred a lot of concerns. Sometimes, some films tend to have an obvious meaning owing to their instant accessibility to a wide audience without any difficulty. On the contrary, some films have deeper meanings that are not easy to understand, and are intended for a special group of enlightened audience. Maya (1999) present that the most crucial issue in film depends on how the films are meant to be understood plus the procedure by which they are understood. This issue is often important for film makers especially when they are intending to introduce an unusual element in their product without being noticed by the viewers. ... mages in a film may be, if the form of the film does not stretch beyond the conventional approach, a film’s meaning cannot be easily understood. The form of a film is usually interceded through the use of various formal elements, which the film makers employ in order to stimulate a certain effect in the audiences. For instance, in a typical Hollywood film, film makers tend to combine certain scenes in their films with flashbacks or even at times crosscutting the scenes so as to provide additional information. This way, an audience may be able to predict what might possibly happen. Therefore, this shows just how the form of a film can influence the meaning or understanding of a film. Similarly, to enhance the form of a film, the actions of a film can be shot from different angles thereby providing the viewers with various points of view. Most films are usually made of numerous shots of different lengths, which are edited to create the rhythm and meaning of a particular scene. One the same note the form also helps to distinguish a film from simple random footage by incorporating certain stylistic elements such as narratives, sound, which create a given logical pattern in a film. In turn, this logical pattern poses a significant impact on the audiences’ feelings, expectation as well as their perceived meaning of the film. Quite often, Maya (1999) presents that it is the nature of a film that normally leads the audience to have certain expectations that are likely to follow. This in turn breeds curiosity, which has quite often been described as the ultimate reason as to why people find themselves immersed and drawn into a film after a few minutes. This is sometimes bound to occur even if
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Explain this article in your own words (paraphrasing)- easy to follow, Speech or Presentation
Explain this article in your own words (paraphrasing)- easy to follow, step by step - Speech or Presentation Example Basically, carbon sequestration can be defined as the process through which carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere through agriculture as well as forestry activities (Eco preservation society, 2008). Naturally, carbon dioxide is reduced from the atmosphere through photosynthesis which is aided through agricultural and forestry activities. However, the decay of biomass such as leaves or burning activities through agricultural activities can lead carbon dioxide to return to the atmosphere. Therefore, agricultural soils can act as either a source of carbon dioxide prevalence in the atmosphere or a source which reduces its prevalence in the atmosphere. According to the given article, less tillage practices can lead to a rapid increase of the carbon stock in the soil. This is so because of the fact of decomposition of biomass taking place which cannot be recycled back into the atmosphere to be absorbed by the vegetation as well as other agricultural produce. It has been observed th at no tillage causes an increase in the level of soil carbon and the farmers are often affected by the costs and benefits they can reap from practicing non tillage which is beneficial over a long period of time. In order to adopt a no till soil management program, policies should be developed to target a long duration practice of no till exercise as this will be beneficial in the long run. However, there are still complications that this can be a long term process but once the carbon dioxide has been emitted into the atmosphere, then the damage has already been done. It may not be that easy to remove the carbon dioxide already released into the atmosphere. Thus, a permanent offset system to the buyer must allow the seller to have a low cost sequestration opportunity or to have special permits that would allow them to cover for their own emissions at a later period. Monitoring of the situation is imperative in each case where transaction costs are closely monitored in order to ensure that there is a balance between the aggregation of services offered as well as the profit making initiative. There are different agricultural management practices that can either positively or negatively impact on the farmers’ endeavour to sequestrate carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. These can be achieved through improved yields especially from poor quality soil as well as decreased nutrients loss. For instance, the two levels of carbon dioxide pools can illustrate this example. With no tillage, the carbon dioxide in the surface labile pull can be transferred to the deeper stable pool. This leads us to the conclusion that the soil that is frequently tilled contains less carbon dioxide given that it is released from the surface pool. Given that farming is a business on its own, it can be noted that management practices that are bent on protecting soil organic carbon (SOC) may not be beneficial to the farmers in the long run. Such practices do not quickly bring tangible ben efits to the farmers hence there is need for government intervention in crafting of policies that are meant to promote carbon sequestration in the long run. There will be need for the farmers to be paid over the long periods they leave their land fallow in order to promote carbon
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Two Gentlemen of Verona Essay Example for Free
Two Gentlemen of Verona Essay William Shakespeare is an interesting character that just happened to be one of the best play writes of not only his time, but even today. He was born in the year 1564 and died in 1616. Though there are not many records of his personal life, from what there is, he lived a sort of scandalize life. Moving to London and leaving his wife, Anne Hathaway, behind to write plays, act, and, it is said, have affairs with men and women. He is often called Englands national poet and the Bard of Avon. Some people say that his earlier works were not so well written as his later plays, but he wrote about 38 plays in total and is said to have changed not only theater by his influences in other authors, but the English language as well. Though he wrote many good plays, one of his earlier plays, â€Å"Two Gentlemen of Verona†will be discussed in greater detail in this essay. Shakespeare, did many things for the first time in theater and his plays that no other other had done before him. One of his most obvious achievements include language. It is said that he had created about over 1700 of our common words by changing nouns into verbs, changing verbs into adjectives, connecting words never before used together, adding prefixes and suffixes, and making up words that are completely original. Language is a big part of theater. In many plays, as well as life, people play with worlds and sentence structures to portray many different types of emotions. In Two Gentlemen of Verona, many scenes were funnier because of the wordplay they used. For example, in Act III scene i. Speed, the servant of the main character Valentine, had asked Launce, the servant of Proteus, â€Å"How now Signior Launce, what news with your mastership? †Launce replied with, â€Å"With my mastership? Why, it is at sea. †Like many other parts in the book, this dialogue shows Shakespeare creativeness and wordplay. When Valentine asks about the â€Å"mastership†what he really is talking about is Proteus because he is Launces â€Å"master†. Proteus is â€Å"set out to see†because he left Verona, but it is also referring to the â€Å"ship†that Speed was joking about. Many other examples of this are in all of William Shakespeares plays; because it is in old English, it can sometimes be seen when acted easier than just read. In addition, all plays must have a character that has inner conflicts; Shakespeare figured out how to make soliloquies explore a characters inner motivations and conflict. Up until Shakespeare, soliloquies were often used by playwrights to introduce (characters), convey information, provide an exposition or reveal plans. This can probably be more more apparent in plays such as Hamlet, hi the big, and famous â€Å"To be, or not to be†soliloquy. Though, in Act I scene ii Julia, Proteus first love, has a soliloquy where shes does just that. It occurs right after she receives a love letter from her servant that Proteus had sent with his servant, Speed. Right before her soliloquy she had tared up the letter into pieces and kicked her servant out of the room. The first line in her soliloquy, â€Å"Oh hateful hands, to tear such loving words! †demonstrates how Shakespeares characters can show their inner motivations within their soliloquies. Though she had destroyed the letter, and acted as though she was annoyed by it and by her servant, her true motives, and inner feelings are revealed. Another influence William Shakespeare had in the culture of theater is the way that Shakespeare mixed tragedy and comedy together to create a new romantic tragedy genre. Before Shakespeare, romance had not been considered a worthy topic for tragedy. While this can be more easily seen in a play like Romeo and Juliet. Two Gentlemen of Verona is also a comedy that involves some romanticism and tragic events. For example, Proteus, character almost like Romeo, in Romeo and Juliet, is young and falls in love too easily. Like Romeo, Proteus falls in and out of love by the beauty of a woman versus her intellect, or thoughts. Though it is a comedy, some traumatic events occur towards the end cause by love and the betrayal. Proteus falls out of love with Julia, and in love with Sylvia. The flip to this story is that Sylvia was supposed to get married to Valentine, which is Proteus best friend. Proteus betrays Valentine and gets him kicked out of the city. He then attempts to rape Sylvia because she refused to give in to someone that will betray their own best friend by in such a way. The play, Two Gentlemen of Verona, has a shocking ending that seems like it could have many different meanings. The scene begins with Valentine sitting alone in a bush where he hears that Proteus, Sylvia, and Julia (disguised as Sebastian) enter the forest scene. Proteus tells Sylvia that she should be thankful that he had saved her from the â€Å"outlaws†, but Sylvias love for Valentine and hatred for Proteus to betray his friend is too strong. When Proteus is about to rape Julia, Valentine jumps out and stops him. In the end, Julia reveals who she is and the Thurio, the man who was supposed to marry Sylvia from the beginning, enters the scene saying that he will not marry Sylvia because he never really loved her. When Proteus decides he does loves Julia after all, the Duke, Sylvias father, says both men will get married on the same day to both women. This scene proves Federico Garcia Lorcas view that â€Å"the theater is a school of pain and laughter, a free tribunal where we can question norms that are outmoded or mistaken and explain with living examples the eternal norms of the human heart. The whole play involves pain and laughter, in this comedy, we as the audience laugh at Proteus thinking that he loves any girl that is beautiful. Though we laugh at it, there are other mixtures of pain and laughter. It is comical that Valentine, such a noble man, is hiding in the bushes waiting for his best friend to do something bad to his girlfriend; Julia is dressed as a man and no one can see it, but at the same time she is in pain because the love of her life is about to rape someone else; and there is more pain and laughter irony in this one scene. It is definitely a â€Å"tribunal where we can question norms that are outmoded†because the Duke comes into the scene unexpectedly and lets the two men get married without asking the women. This is an outmoded norm that men are superior to women, and men do not need to ask the women permission or what they would like. What if Julia no longer wanted to marry Proteus after all she saw? What if Sylvia did not want to get married on the same day of the man who tried to rape her. The norms can also be â€Å"mistaken†because there is a line where Valentine forgives Proteus for almost raping his lover and he concludes by saying, â€Å"All that was mine in Sylvia I give thee†(Act V, Scene iiii). This line, among many others, is up to interpretation. The line could mean that Valentine decided to give away Sylvia to Valentine in the end, or it could mean something completely different and the audience could be â€Å"mistaking†Shakespeares meaning of what is said. The finale, everyone getting married, shows â€Å"the eternal norms of the human heart†, even in Shakespeare’s time a happy ending is seems more complete. The audience in that time, and today would rather hear that everything resolved in the end for these characters. Although some people may argue that Shakespeares plays were not so well writen in the beginning of his career, there can be much said about his earlier plays like The Two Gentlemen of Verona. It is also clear that Shakespeare has changed and influenced theater greatly. He had changed various things like the English language, characters development within soliloquies, and even created new genres. There can be so much to be said about all his novels, in one scene, like the one above there can be much to debate, laugh, and feel pain about. In this on scene proved Federico Garcia Lorcas quote about theater to be true. If analyzing another scene, the same could be said.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Cubas Transformational Leader Fidel Castro Cultural Studies Essay
Cubas Transformational Leader Fidel Castro Cultural Studies Essay Inspirational Leader During my involvement with issues like leadership and management, I must admit that real leaders are the ones that implement their vision with efficiency and make people feel trusted and inspired. People can be inspired and find their meaning of life by align their needs and desires with the vision of their chosen leader. The history has shown that few individuals can be thought as real leaders. As Ronald Heifetz and Donald Laurie state , the leaders main responsibilities are to direct people by defining the problems of a situation and identify the adaptive challenge. In this way the leader can be considered as protector since he or she can shield people and organizations from external threads. Apart from this an inspirational leader must have self knowledge, must be authentic and devoted to his passion and vision. Great leaders as Goffee and Jones discovered, share unexpected qualities such as they empathize passionately and realistic with people. In addition th ey manage employees with something they call tough empathy. Early Life An important personality and an inspirational leader can be considered Fidel Castro. Fidel was born in Biran and he is connected with the revolution of Cuba for its independence. His father was an immigrant from Spain that succeeded in sugar industry. His mother was a household servant. It is said that Fidel was an intellectual student that was more interested in sports and spent many years of his life in private Catholic schools. He entered the University of Havana and he began his political careers by being a recognized figure in Cuban politics. It is important to mention that Castro was considered to be one of the primary leaders of Cuban Revolution. At that time Castro enrolled with the politics of the country by being the Prime Minister of Cuba in 1959-1976 and then he took over as the President of the Council of State of Cuba until 2008. By being a transformational leader Castro tried and manage to overthrow the dictator Batista, and led the transformation of Cuba into a one party socialist republic. Values Castro tried to pass the message to Cubans of social justice, honest government and political freedom. He believed that freedom and economic independence are two of the most important elements and principles that a person should fight for. His beliefs and his vision were highlighted by the Cuban Revolution, where he managed to make his followers believe in his thoughts and sustain their freedom and equality. He and his followers tried to attack Batistas government. Although this attack proved to be a disaster and caused the death to many people, Castro managed to escape. His people were totally devoted to him and he assured that freedom will arise. It is of great importance to mention that Castro believed that his failure came from the fact that his car encountered serious problems and that the operation was lost. This, tell us that he never gave up the fight and that nothing else could be a fine reason for his failure! Castro went to prison for fifteen years. During his trial he delivered his famous defense speech History will absolve me a speech that can be considered as the expression of the personality of the leader. Leaders Traits and Style According to this speech we can highlight some core concepts from the Rhetorical Tradition. Fidel had the ability to Adjust ideas to people and people to ideas. His speeches had ethos and character along with pathos. His listeners and audience were engaged in his ability for talking for hours, always remaining devoted to his words. He repeatedly made rhetorical questions to its audience making his speeches lively and enthusiastic. Fidel held totally and absolutely incommunicado, in violation of every human and legal right. He states, emotionally, that only one who has been so deeply wounded, who has seen his country so forsaken and its justice trampled so, can speak at a moment like this with words that spring from the blood of his heart and the truth of his very gut. He was very self confident of his competencies where he stated that: taking advantage of my professional rights as a lawyer, I would assume my own defense. In an interview in 1995 he express that Today, I feel I am more a revolutionary than ever because everyday I am more convinced that what we did was right. In an attempt to support his subordinates he said: The rest of the accused, the minority, were brave and determined, ready to proudly confirm their part in the battle for freedom, ready to offer an example of unprecedented self-sacrifice and to wrench from the jails claws those who in deliberate bad faith had been included in the trial. Fidel was proud of himself as we can see from his own word: to inform you that if to save my life I must take part in such deception (of being ill), I would a thousand times prefer to lose it. He seems to be ironic and sarcastic in some part of his speech: What unbelievable crimes this regime must have committed to so fear the voice of one accused man! This in fact tells us that he never lies and he expresses his feelings (negative or positive). A leader is important to have specific traits that will help him in his mission. According to Kirkpatrick and Locke traits alone are not sufficientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Leaders who possess the requisite traits must take certain actions to be successful. Among these traits are certainly drive, leadership motivation, integrity, self confidence, and cognitive ability, traits that can be identified to Fidel Castro personality and leadership characteristics. Fidel Castro can be considered as an effective leader that combines a task-oriented behavior along with relations-oriented behavior. He is task oriented since he has the ability to plan and schedule his people, coordinate his subordinates activities. He tried to overthrow his enemies by setting high but realistic performance goals. In addition he can be though for his relations-oriented features due to the strong supportive and helpful role he maintained through his political career. At a point of his speech he addresses his people: my brave comrades, with unprecedented patriotism, did their duty to the utmost. Yes, we set out to fight for Cubas freedom and we are not ashamed of having done so,. Being a charismatic leader, Fidel was being change-oriented, possessing a compelling vision. According to Bycio behaviors associated with transformational leadership include giving a high degree of attention and support to individual followers and offering followers intellectual stimulation and engendering a high degree of respect from them. Fidel as we can see, was able enough to gain the respect of thousands of Cubans and thousands of people around the word. On the other side he respected them also. As he states: I am grateful for the polite and serious attention they give me. His vision was correlated with his followers needs, beliefs and values, and this was of extreme importance for the achievement of Fidels goals. His vision of freedom was aligned with his followers dreams! This can be seen from his own speech The fact is, when men carry the same ideals in their hearts, nothing can isolate them neither prison walls nor the sod of cemeteries. For a single memory, a single spiri t, a single idea, a single conscience, a single dignity will sustain them all. Fidel employed a range of change management styles. He can be considered an Effective Leader since he was totally committed to his believes and to the goods such as freedom, faith. As he states in an interview identity with the fatherland, with sovereignty, with independence, and with the Revolution save it, help to save it, among all of us. Many, many things can be done. I hope that you are convinced. Moreover he possessed a vigorous pursuit of a clear and compelling vision. In that sense it is important that he managed to stimulate his people with high standards as he tried to pass the message of freedom to its community and its country in general. Moreover we can distinguish in its face a competent manager and leader where he managed to organize people and resources toward its effective objectives. Fidel engaged in intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration and inspirational motivation, making himself being recognized as a transformational leader. He possessed the charisma in order to transform the whole society. It is clear that this variety of leadership styles had been used concurrently. According to trait approach, Fidel was intelligent and confident. Moreover he was sociable and this can be seen from the way that he handled his people in his speeches, his jokes etc. According to R.Duane Ireland and Michael A.Itt, Fidel managed to develop a great group that has accepted their responsibilities, which are fulfilled with involvement and commitment, understand the significance of their duties. As Fidel says: You must know your duty; I certainly know mine. Fidel can be seen as a visionary Leader with many characteristics of a strategic leader as these are described by Glenn Rowe. As a visionary leader Fidel Castro was proactive with shaped ideas. He had the ability to influence attitudes and opinions due to his strong character and personality. Moreover he was concerned about the future of his society and his people and he kept finding ways of ensuring the freedom and justice. He was making decisions based on values, such as freedom, justice, virtue, trust. Moreover we can find characteristics that justify the fact that Fidel is considered to be a strategic leader. He had strong positive expectations of the performance he expected from his subordinates and itself. His choices made a difference in the whole society. Can Fidel be considered as an authentic leader? I believe that Fidel managed to convince his people and his subordinates that he is capable of achieving great things for his country. His words where consistent with his deeds, as his vision of liberation of his society from the injustice and poverty became a reality. He never said that he was an authentic leader! As Goffee and Gareth assumes, authenticity is largely defined by what other people see in you and, as such, can to a great extent be controlled by you. For these reasons he can be considered authentic. Fidel maintained a helicopter view of his society with strategic thinking, strategic management and leadership. He was able of doing the right things for his people. The Alchemist The leaders voyage of development is not an easy one. Some people change little in their lifetimes; some change substantiallyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Few may become Alchemistsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ David Rooke and William R. Torbert In their survey on the Seven Transformations of Leadership, David Rooke and William R. Torbert, demonstrate seven ways of Leading. Fidel can be considered as a strategist since he generates societal and personal transformations. Apart from this we can justify that Fidel combines also characteristic of an Alchemist, where he generates social transformations, integrates material, spiritual and societal transformation, making himself one of his kind. As they state, alchemists are typically charismatic and extremely aware individuals who live by high moral standards, while they focus intensively on the truth. As Fidel says: I had nothing to hide, for the truth was: all this was accomplished through sacrifices without precedent in the history of our Republic. Moreover he as a leader had the ability to speak to peoples hearts and minds. Fidel ´s personality and paradigm could be extremely important in the todays globalizing world. Companies should be recruited with this kind of minds in order to sustain the competitive advantage and be more wealthy and profitable. Strategic alignment, agility and sustainability are the most important values in a business context. A transformational leader like Fidel can maintain the effectiveness of the performance of every business or society.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The History of Buckman Company Essay -- Laboratories Water Treatment P
The History of Buckman Company Founded in 1945 by Dr. Stanley Buckman Buckman started the company in Memphis, Tennessee, with five employees in a small building located on land that was once a lumberyard. Offices and laboratories were located on the first floor of the building, and a 50-gallon black iron chemical reactor and a steam boiler were placed in the basement. The 50-gallon black iron chemical reactor was sufficient to supply the initial order for 20 gallons of a microbicide, trade name BSM-11, to the company’s first customer – Whiting Paper Company. Three years later, BSM-11 and its derivatives had become the industry standard for microorganism control. Soon a new production facility was built next door and Buckman Laboratories of Canada was formed. During the 1950s, the company’s customer base expanded to include the leather, paint, sugar processing, agriculture, paint, coatings and plastics industries. During the 1960s, new manufacturing and sales companies were formed in Mexico and Belgium. The expansion during the 1970s followed with the opening of sales and manufacturing companies in South Africa and Brazil and a sales company in Australia. New products were introduced for water treatment, ranging from swimming pools to fresh water, and a new international headquarters housing all corporate activities, including Research and Development, were built in Memphis. In 1978, Dr. Stanley Buckman died of a heart attack in his office His son, Robert (Bob), became the new chairman and CEO. In 1945, Buckman Laboratories started with one product, a 50-gallon process vessel and four employees in a small house in Memphis, Tennessee. Today, Buckman is a global business producing over 500 different products and employing over 1,300 people in over 70 countries. The company was originally founded on its unique ability to create and manufacture innovative solutions for controlling the growth of microorganisms. Ever since its inception, Buckman believes that a specialty chemical supplier should listen to and anticipate customer needs and then respond with innovative and unique solutions. Buckman will continue in the future as it has in the past providing value-added services and products to improve the efficiencies and products. 2. PROVIDE A SHORT DISCUSSION OF THE KEY MANAGEMENT OF THE COMPANY. DIS... ...y for all customer information and forums should be developed to include customers. Buckman’s idea was to bring knowledge to the learner rather than bring the learner to the knowledge. Since Buckman employees or â€Å"learners†speak nearly a dozen languages, the frontier issue of instantaneous translation is immanent. The idea of when someone posts a note in English, people in Japan will be able to read it and respond in Japanese, which in turn people can read and respond in Portuguese, Swedish, Dutch, French, etc. Therefore, creating a â€Å"universal†culture within the organization will ensure employee buy-in into the K’Netix system. In the end, the system’s success rests on the people and not the tools. It is 90 percent culture change and 10 percent technology. Driving these changes solely based on technology and technology budgets will not be successful. The employees are who bring about the change. Therefore, by implementing focus groups that include different levels of employees will bring about the change in a successful manner. Additionally, by revamping the mission statement to reflect the culture of the company will give the employees and management a sense of direction.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Raven :: Literary Analysis, Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe wrote many literary works and had many tragedies in his life. Edgar Allan Poe’s life started in poverty, became better during his adopted years, and once again fell into poverty. Edgar Allan Poe inspired many people with his haunting poetry and short stories. One of his best known poems is â€Å"The Raven.†In this poem he is represented as a lonely fellow in his bedroom, longing for his lost love. Some say this poem is a metaphor for his close friends and family dying. Edgar Allan Poe had a rough life that resulted in many inspiring poems. (Hallqvist 1). Edgar Allan Poe was born January 19 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts. His parents, Elizabeth and David Poe were both involved in acting careers. When Edgar was two years old, his father mysteriously abandoned his family, leaving Elizabeth Poe with Edgar and his two siblings, Henry and Rosalie to raise on her own. Soon after Edgar’s father leaving, his mother fell ill with tuberculosis. Elizabeth Poe suffered with the disease from October until December 8, 1811 when she died. Later in Edgar’s life, his poems would relate back to December 1811 and its misfortunes. â€Å"And all I loved, I loved alone†(Lange 12). Poe said speaking of the tragedy of his mother’s death. (Lange 12-13). While Elizabeth Poe had lain sick, Frances Allan and a few other ladies cared for the Poe household. Frances Allan grew and attachment to Edgar and adopted him after his mother died. His siblings were adopted by different families. Frances loved Edgar as her own. â€Å"Edgar was somewhat spoiled by his doting foster mother†(Anderson 12). Frances and her husband John Allan were very wealthy. (Anderson 12). When Edgar turned six, John moved the family to London for business. There, Edgar attended an English boarding school where he studied French, Latin and literature. In 1820, John Allan’s business in England failed, which caused the family to move back to Richmond. Edgar continued school back in Richmond and began writing poems. One of his first poems was about a crush he had on his friend’s mother. â€Å"Helen, thy beauty is to me Like those Nicean barks of yore, That gently, o'er a perfumed sea,
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Social Influence Research - Do the Ends Justify the Means? Essay
Social Influence Research - Do the Ends Justify the Means? To what extent does the importance of social influence research, justify the methods used in its investigation? The debate about ethics in psychology focuses on two areas: protection of participants and benefiting society. This is a double obligation dilemma as if some psychologists are not allowed to do certain experiments because of ethical restraints; this can cause problems with validity. In social psychology, these psychologists have an obligation to use their research skills to advance our knowledge of human behaviour, for the ultimate aim of human betterment. Milgram’s study into obedience involved participants becoming a ‘teacher’ and applying an electric shock to the ‘learner’ (who was a confederate) when they answered a word association question incorrectly. The participant was not aware that the shocks they administered were false and some believed they may have killed a man. In this instance therefore, the code of conduct and ethical guidelines published by the British Psychological Society (BPS) and American Psychological Society (APS) in 1993 were broken in more than one way. The participants’ right to withdraw was disabled as the prods given by the experimenter (such as â€Å"please continue†etc) made the participants feel that they had no choice but to continue. The were also involved in deception as they thought they had administered real shocks and were not informed of the confederate being present. This study, however, was conducted in the 1950’s and the ethical guidelines were not in position and therefore this study may be published in modern day t... ...very case. For example, there was only one prisoner who tried to resist and went on a hunger strike. When he was put into solitary confinement the others were allowed to release him by means of giving up their blankets. They refused. They saw they situation as every man for themselves. Another benefit to society was also the impression this experiment left on the prison system in America at the time, and some aspects of this were changed as a result. Therefore in conclusion, in these two experiments alone, the unethical methods used can be justified as they have helped to profit humanity by providing insight into how humans behave when put into certain social situations. Without these ethical guidelines being broken, both experiments would have lacked ecological validity and the results would not be legitimate.
Monday, September 16, 2019
The â€Å"Rainbow Underclass†The main purpose of the article, â€Å"Rainbow Underclass†written by Mortimer Zuckerman is that there are too many immigrants and illegal aliens in the United States. Zuckerman wrote the article to provide people awareness of both, the immigrants and the aliens in the US. In the article, Zuckerman attempts to determine ways for the U. S. government to measure and reduce the immigrants, especially by safeguarding and protecting the boarders.The other main point that has been raised by Zuckerman is for the government to reduce the issuance of visa to the immigrants, allowing them to enter the U. S. Immigrants do not learn and speak English as quickly as the immigrants before 1965. The government should only allow highly skilled immigrants to enter the U. S. and slow down the immigration process. While I have agreed with some of the points Zuckerman is making, I do not agree with all of the points that he is making, regarding the immigrants i n the U. S.Firstly, Zuckerman states that new immigrants do not learn English as quickly as immigrants before 1965, because they are not linguistic minority to dominate any large city the way the Spanish speakers now dominate Miami and Los Angeles. I believe it is not true to assume that immigrants before 1965 have learned English quickly. As an immigrant, I do learn English faster than the immigrants before 1965. In my situation and as an immigrant who has left my birth country and lives in the U. S. , studying for my education, I do study; read, and write English.I have studied, learning how to write, using the different types of tenses as well as the spoken English language better compared to immigrants before 1965. In addition, I have disagreed Zuckerman’s statement that the immigrants before 1965 mastered the English language better than the immigrants in existing times, because I believe that the immigrants before 1965 purposely learned and spoke English to work in fact ories and groceries stores. The other problem that I have noted, concerning Zuckerman’s article is the statement that only highly skilled immigrants should be provided entry in the U.S. He argues that US should only allow highly skilled immigrants that can be beneficial to the US economy. I believe it is unfair to only allow immigrants with high level skills in the U. S. In my opinion, some of the American citizens do not have high level skills. The majority of the immigrants that come to U. S. came here to learn and improves their lifestyles better from the lifestyles that they used to live in their native countries. Further, I have carefully reviewed Zuckerman’s argument that only high skilled immigrants should be allowed to come to the US.Has Zuckerman considered the unskilled immigrant’s desire to learn and the country government’s struggles to sponsors them in the U. S.? Has Zuckerman also considered the impact that the economy of the immigrants†™ country has on them, denying them the opportunities for education to develop high level skills? Besides the goals that some immigrants have for coming to the U. S, for example, to acquire education; return to their country, and develop the country. Some immigrants come in the U. S. with the goals to study and stay permanently.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
American-Cuban Relations: A critical analysis
The American Cruise Line is a United States small ship company. Its operations are around Eastern Seaboard in the US. Its operations commencement is dated back in early 1970’s. However, the business stopped sometimes in 1980s due to a decreasing level of customers. Its operations either went in business again in 2000, by launching some three ship fleet with the American Eagle (49 – passenger capacity) being the first ship. Others launched in 2002 and 2005 where the American Glory (49 – passengers) and the American Sprit (98 – passengers) respectively. In 2007, the company is to launch the American Star.The owner had sold the company in late 1980’s before it went under due to operational inefficiencies. Since it’s rebirth in 2002, the company continues to embrace a big growth, with its operation expanding highly. The same rebirth followed an acquisition by the owner of the then former company which was operational in 1980’s. The company is a US based small ship company registered in Maine. Its operations are along the US coastal line form the Maine to Florida. Operational profile. The company owns a much larger fleet with a capacity of 220 square fleets.Its cabins are of a larger size than any other small ship company. In its fleet Profile, its currently operates with three cruise ships such as the American Eagle, American Glory and the American Spirit. Its current decision to launch the fourth ship (America Star) within the year is perhaps its greatest achievement. Its ships are profound in three characteristics which make it to adequately compete with its competitors at the market place. They are highly roomy, and of the most modern nature. (http://www. cruisecritic. com/reviews/cruiseline. cfm? CruiseLineID=57)Their ships have adequate privacy due to the large capacity, intimate relations for their relatively small size as well as allowing its passengers to be able to frequently meet within a week. Their dining room are located at the deck which primarily lowest at the stem point, where it has some windows on its three sides it has other two cabin sized lounges, with the tip deck making open cut facility for the remaining part of the ship. The four decks will then be linked together by an elevator. Many of the cabins have balconies which provide an attractive environment for the passengers on the coastal scenery while traveling.Those without balconies will have their windows painted large pictures which are then opened for free circulation of air and also the different sounds emanating form the sea. They also offer cabin facilities for persons who are single or disabled. Generally, the vessels will have identical features in regard to the facilities, decor and also layout. The passengers are free in their choice of cruise in terms of date or even itinerary without been forced to use a cruise without their choice. (Morgan, 2004) The decors are attractive and exciting, with both muted and a range of simple colors.Their close array is like that of a hotels generic lobby. Its main lounge has a specific location. This is underneath their bridges at a directly forward position. It has a set of tail windows in one of the three sides which are used for providing a way of viewing the attractive scenery while passing. However, the stringent maritime laws have worked to lower the company’s activities. These laws prescribe an attractive package in the certain conditions relating to capacity, modern, operating diameters, and other legal conditions on the cruise business.At one point, we can talk of the advantage into the nature of the business customers. However, the same laws may be argued as stumbling blocks into the cruise business where stringent legacies ought to be followed. Consequently, cruise businesses are required to have a layout of specific modalities in the operational system and the physical nature of their ships. Such conditions have been voted as been hig hly expensive leading to conditions of high operating costs. The company has the launch of the American Star in progress which is to be later in this year.Either, its development of Pearl Seas Cruises within the course of 2008, will find the company at the most competitive edge in the international waters. This would have the same similarities to the other ship models, though it’s highly sophisticated. With a regard to the environmental laws about water pollution, the company has been in the fore front to ensure Low rates of environmental pollution. The construction system of its ships follows a highly conventional manner in which high standards ships manufactured with lower cases of oil spill-over in the water.Either, it has various facilities for ensuring safe custodies for any emergency cases and accidents that would lead to oil spillages in the water. Above these parameters, its high advocacy to the travelers of frontiers that provides conditions for lower environmental p ollution has been ensured by the management. The company has continued to recognize and put in place various campaigns on environmental conservations, and reduction in water pollution. Through such a campaign, it has ensured high operational statuses which provide a hallmark in the conservation of the water environment through reduced pollution.(Sagers, 2006) Organizational structure and current operating environment. The company has provided a layout in terms of its organizations structure. A compliment of various stakeholders to be same structure is therefore available. It has the CEO as the highest rank in the structure. A panel of board of directors also accompanies the same structure. Elsewhere, various managerial staff positions provide management services to the different management offices. The current operating structure may be summarized under the aspect of ship board organizational structure.The shipboard organizational structure is comprised of system of controls into th e various activities and operations at the time of boarding a ship. Like any other organizational activity, the ship boarding activity is comprised of various activities that help an adequate environment for the operations. Different personnel have various delegated responsibilities, which help the smooth process of activities during the boarding time. (Hazell, Fitzpatrick, 2006) Various control persons are therefore delegated with various duties.These include; operations control who is capable of the communication process within the shipping process. The engineering control, who provide various engineering services for the shipboard process incase of mechanical breakdowns; the damage controller, who provide repairs and maintenance to any materials breakdown in the shipping process. The shipboard directors(s), who provides a package of directorship in the control layout systems of the ship board process. Above these profiles, the shipboard organizational structure is compounded by o ther systems of control / control officials.These are medical controls, finance officials, supervisors, safety officers, security control and quality assurance controls. All the controls play their relevant authorities and displiness in correspondence to the requirements of the shipboard process. Summarily therefore, shipboard organizational structure is comprised of a system of control that ensure adequacy in the company’s organization at the shipboard process. The shipboard operating structure is comprised of a system of control available at the process of its operations.While the ship is on its traveling process, there are various operating controls and processes that accompany it for adequate and safe traveling and services. At one level, the demographic population of the company can be echoed in a close perspective between the ships and the passenger volume they operate in. The demographic structure of the company depicts diversity in its clients in terms of geographical parameters. Clients are from the whole region. Generally, the number of children clients has been voted to be low.However, a higher volume of children is available during the summer within the Maine and the New England. Currently the company has its three ships with the American Star at the verge of been launched within this year. (Talley, 2000) The major nationalities working in the onboard process are Americans. The company has had dominance in the employment of Americans for its onboard activities. This is in attribute and understanding that fellow Americans can provide good customers relation in the onboard process during the ship traveling.However, the onboard process is accompanied by a number of activities on process where different personnel perform different roles. Firstly, the role and position of show excursions controller should not be overlooked. This is the controller person in charge of excursions in every port in which passengers are taken through to know the differ ent environments they are driving in. This is taken as a refresher course to the passengers in the long journey processes. Food and drinking personals (waiter) who are allied to the different schedules of the passenger feeding.With the long journey process, passengers are ideally provided with food, this is taken care of by the food controller. Like the shipboard organization structure, the on process is also accompanied by a system of control which includes quality assurance, finance, medical, security, administration, above others. At the onboard process, the persons are responsible for these controls. At the shore side either, a comprehensive, package of management structure, controls and human resources issues is highly pronounced to provide a higher and better environment of the shipping process.Majority of the characteristics of activities found at the shore side is a combination those at the shipboard organizational and operating structures above those of the onboard structur e. A combination of the relevant system of control relating to the various systems of control is therefore attributable to the shore side organizational structure. Marketing positioning The small ship industry in America is highly competitive. The company continue to get a high and stiff competition form its competitors around the world.The success to the company has however been through a package of providing relatively high quality products and services above other strategies which helps it to even pursue well in such a competitive market. It has however a highly developed and established system of itineraries which are found placed in the whole Eastern Seaboard covering the Penobscot Bay at the Maine up to the Florida. (Haigh, Nomikos, Bessler, 2004) The traveling system changes considerably during the various seasons of the year. The cruises allied to England Island have the Block Island as their stopping areas at the summer periods.They can also stop at Nantucket or Martha†™s Vineyard. Trips also change in the course of the year depending on the environmental conditions allied to the navigation process. There is the June offer of itineraries from the Chesapeake Bay which are allied to the Baltimore case. However, these are all short trip cases. The great passageway which is form the Baltimore to the peak of Florida is among its long paths. Elsewhere, the ships will sail via the Antebellum Itineraries, which is form the Jacksonville and the Charleston.This occurs at the periods form November throughout April. The Okeechobee trip is offered as an occasional trip. As the 2008 approaches, other cruises will be introduced by the Pearl Seas Cruises. There destinations are proposed to been Canadian Marmites, St. Lawrence Seaway Caribbean American itineraries and also the Central American itineraries. This 2008 activity plan is a clear indication of the high level of expansion by the company in their itineraries. (Still, 2001) The target market of the compa ny is to include the whole of the US costal line.However, this is only its immediate (short run goals) with the intensity into its expanding phenomena, the company is perhaps to embrace its final attribute of expanding to reach the various water ways and ports in the US coastal strip. Elsewhere, its greatest achievement would be expanding to the broad foreign market. Foreign market is seen as an attribute in which the company will develop in capacity to even reach the global market, through mergers, acquisitions, starting or even through Franchises. Miscellaneous details The American Cruise company has continued to embrace the sovereignty as one the largest small ship company in US.Over the last three years, it has had an average of reported profit amounting to $ 694 per annum. The price of it share in the American stock market has considerable been improving. Since is rebirth in 2002, it has continued to show an increasing level of profit. . References Cruise Review and News (2007) American Cruise Lines. Retrieved on 7th Nov. 2007 from http://www. cruisecritic. com/reviews/cruiseline. cfm? CruiseLineID=57 Haigh, M. S. , Nomikos, N. K. , & Bessler, D. A. (2004). Integration and Causality in International Freight Markets: Modeling with Error Correction and Directed Acyclic Graphs.Southern Economic Journal, 71(1), 145+. Retrieved November 6, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=5006987575 Hazell, L. C. , & Fitzpatrick, S. M. (2006). The Maritime Transport of Prehistoric Megaliths in Micronesia. Archaeology in Oceania, 41(1), 12+. Retrieved November 6, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=5015172724 Morgan, C. (2004). The Public Nature of Private Industry in Confederate Georgia. Civil War History, 50(1), 27+. Retrieved November 6, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=5006500885Sagers, C. (2006). The Demise of Regulation in Ocean Shipping: A Study in the Evolution of Co mpetition Policy and the Predictive Power of Microeconomics. Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 39(3), 779+. Retrieved November 6, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=5019554251 Still, C. (2001). Thinking outside the Box: The Application of COGSA's $500 Per-Package Limitation to Shipping Containers. Houston Journal of International Law, 24(1), 81+. Retrieved November 6, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=5000945085 Talley, W.K. (2000). Ocean Container Shipping: Impacts of a Technological Improvement. Journal of Economic Issues, 34(4), 933. Retrieved November 6, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=5001180959 The state of conflict that has come to define the relationship between the United Sates of America and the tiny island nation of Cuba is, unknown to many, as old as the history of Cuba as a nation state. The first signals of conflict came early in the life of Cuba as a Spanis h colony when in 1795 Negro slaves and whites came together to revolt against the Spanish overlords.That momentous occasion caused a great disquiet amongst slave owners in the American south, and thus attracted the keen attention of the American establishment, who did not desire such an example to be set too close to home. The first overt reaction of the American rulers at that time was to make overtures to Spain for the purchase of Cuba. In this respect, Thomas Jefferson, the American President, was reported to have said in 1809 that, â€Å"I candidly confess that I have ever looked upon Cuba as the most interesting addition that can be made to our system of States. †Though Spain persistently rejected the American request, the Americans never dropped their desire to annex Cuba by any possible means. This ardent American desire and policy on Cuba was summed up by the then American Secretary of State, John Quincy Adams, â€Å"These islands (Cuba and Puerto Rico) are natural a ppendages of the North American continent, and one of them (Cuba) almost within sight of our shores, from a multitude of considerations has become an object of transcendent importance to the commercial and political interests of our Union†¦ These are laws of political as well as physical gravitation.†It was therefore only a matter of time before the first real conflict over Cuba erupted. When it did, it did so in two fronts, one involved America and Spain while the other involved Cubans themselves, who desired independence from Spain. In 1823, US President Moore declared the Western Hemisphere, including Cuba, as an exclusive sphere of influence of the United States, warning European powers to take heed and steer clear of any interference in the affairs of any nations within the so declared ‘sphere of influence’.Subsequently, in 1898, Cuba became a theatre of war between the Americans and Spain, the Spanish American War. This was coincidentally at a period C uban revolutionaries claimed they were on the threshold of liberating Cuba from Spanish rule. The Americans won in the ensuing war and subsequently took control of the governance of Cuba as protectorate. What was to follow was a despoliation of the Cuban state by successive American appointed administrators, land speculators, profiteers, the Mafia and their local Cuban collaborators.Attendant to these was the economic emasculation of the Cuban nation as American colonists swooped on the island and acquired large swats of fertile farm land, marginalizing the local people, and in so doing sowed the seeds of the many conflicts that were later to help shape American-Cuban relations for almost the past half century. 2. 7. 1. The Actors General Fulgencio Batista Formerly a Sergeant in the Cuban Army, Batista came into limelight when he led a group of sergeants, ‘The Revolt of the Sergeants’ to overthrow a sitting government in 1933.Though he relinquished power shortly afterwa rds to become the army chief, he made himself the elector of the next president and subsequent five others until 1940 when he contested and won the presidency for himself. Successive American administrations found him a willing ally and were in tacit support of his conducts and rule over Cuba. Under Batista, the Miami mafia mob became the co-rulers of Cuba. Batista was to retire from presidency in 1944 only to make a quick come-back in 1948 when he was elected into the Cuban senate. Later in 1952 he sidestepped the elections and took over power in a coup.With the support of U. S administration of Harry Truman, Batista cancelled the elections all together and became the maximum leader. Fidel Castro was one of the contestants in that botched election. Fidel Alejandro Castro. The son of a wealthy Creole farmer, Castro was educated in Jesuit schools, and finally graduated from the Havana University with a law degree. Disillusioned with the poverty he saw around him and the display of we alth by the American colonists, Fidel joined the political movement with intent to stand for an election into the Cuban congress.When this desire of his was scuttled by the cancellation of the elections and the usurping of power by General Batista in 1952, he took up arms with other rebels, ‘The July 26 Movement’, including his brother Raul to wrest power out of Batista forcefully. Their attempt at rebellion in 1953 ended in disaster and the killing of most of the rebels. Fidel, his brother and a few others were arrested, tried and jailed, but later released. Castro was to strike again, and eventually defeated Batista’s soldiers to take over power in 1959.On assumption of power, Castro took several populist actions, which endeared hum to the down trodden Cuban masses. But his later actions of nationalizing all American run and owned businesses in Cuba, closing down all casinos, whore houses and sending the mafia on the run, as well as his switch to communism earn ed him powerful enemies in the American establishment. Ever since, American Cuban relations can be effectively summed up in two this short term- mutual hostility. Dwight D.Eisenhower. Two-term president of the U. S, 1953-1961, Eisenhower was in power at the height of the Castro rebellion, which ousted General Batista from power. Eisenhower was the architect of initial American policy response to the Castro challenge. Hostility was the initial and consistent response to the Castro regime. This response was later to be institutionalized, thus setting the mood for subsequent US-Cuban relations. Eisenhower took far-reaching steps to checkmate Castro.Some of these steps were the authorization of the CIA to train Cuban exiles to form a force that could overthrow Castro and install a more acceptable regime in Cuba, cancellation of American orders for Cuban sugar, prohibition of American exports to Cuba, putting pressure on European banks to cancel loans meant for Cuba, blacklisting of nava l vessels carrying cargo to or from Cuba, massive propaganda offensive to discredit the Cuban regime, liaisons with and use of mafia links to try to assassinate Castro or destabilize Cuba. J. F.Kennedy. He succeeded Eisenhower as American President, and true to his election campaign pledge to ‘do something about Castro’, Kennedy went a step further by authorizing and sponsoring the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in 1961 by Cuban dissidents. This was in addition to other US sponsored covert and overt terrorist attacks against Cuban interests and attempts on Castro’s life. Kennedy followed up late with the termination of diplomatic relation with Cuba in 1961. Some other attempts by Kennedy to deal with Castro included:Operation Mongoose, whose aim was to overthrow Castro through acts of terrorism and subversion; The invoking of US military intervention to â€Å"overthrow the Castro regime; Operation Peter Pan, (1960-62) in which the US colluded with the Catho lic Church transport 14,048 unaccompanied children between 6 and 18 years old out of Cuba for the US; Institution of a full trade embargo against Cuba; Punishment and denial of US aid for third countries which allowed assistance or commerce with Cuba; Imposition of travel to Cuba on US citizens;Though President Kennedy was assassinated in circumstances which some speculations have linked to the Castro issue, the US policy direction on Cuba did not change, but had rather intensified with successive US regimes. 2. 7. 2. Issues Basically the Issues at stake in American-Cuban relations could be described as both ideological and territorial.The United States on the one hand had a long standing interest to annex or control Cuba and to have the island nation come under its capitalist mode of operation, whereas Cuba had traditionally resisted any such designs by the Americans and had under Fidel Castro towed the communist line of production and ideology. 2. 7. 3. The Underlying factors Many recent commentators on the unending face-off between Cuba and the United States have wondered why the US has found it difficult to accommodate the Cubans and their communist form of government at a time that they have normalized relations with such other communist regimes as China and Vietnam.`It is quite obvious that such commentators have failed to take into account the full weight of the underlying factors that have helped shape and instruct American policy direction on Cuba. Some of these factors can be discussed below: 1. The ideological war: Capitalism vs Communism. It is an established fact that the United States is as rabidly capitalist as the former Soviet Union was Communist. So when Castro concluded his revolution by tilting towards communism he inadvertently touched America at it sorest point.It was a declaration that an enemy was at its back door. Thus Cuban American relations were ab initio anchored on diametrically opposing posts the moment Castro took over power. 2. Proximity. Cuba’s proximity to the US which put it within the so-called American sphere of influence in the Western Hemisphere precluded that the US must, as a matter of national security, have interest in what happens in its back waters. And what the American administrations loathed most was for Cuba to become an example which other Western hemisphere counties could look up to and copy.3. Interest groups. Most of the American business interests that were nationalized by Castro are today part of the dominant group ruling the United States, and dictating state policy. They have not forgiven Castro and will never forgive him for disrupting their lucrative business operations in Cuba. The same is true of the mafia elements within the Cuban exile groups. 4. Resistance from ordinary Cubans. Having witnessed firsthand what unbridled capitalism and corrupt did to them the first time they came under U.S rule, ordinary Cubans are loathe to again welcome any American hegemony over the m. 2. 7. 4. Scope The scope and ramifications of US-Cuban relations crossed national and continental boundaries in the 70’s and 80’s when Cuba embarked on shoring up leftist regimes or groups in South America and Africa. These attempts brought them into direct conflict with the US; with disastrous effects in Nicaragua, Grenada, Angola, Ethiopia and Congo democratic republic.Consequently, local conflicts were internationalized, protracted and resulted in tremendous human tolls. The effect of almost fifty years of American economic embargoes on Cuba has also been horrendous on Cubans. 2. 7. 5. Previous Attempts at Settlements The first known attempt at settling the disputes between the US and Cuba was in 1964 when Cuba offered to desist from exporting revolutionary ideals to South America if the US would halt its hostile actions against Cuba. The US refused, urging Cuba to first stop close relations with the USSR.It was also speculated that Kennedy had intended to engage Castro in negotiations shortly before he was assassinated in 1965. Another secret attempt was made at reconciliation in 1974, but was supposedly cancelled after Cuba got involved in Angola. President Ford at that time linked normalization of relations with Cuba with its voluntary pull out from Angola. It was under Jimmy Carter that the most real attempts at the normalization of relations with Cuba were initiated when he lifted the travel embargo on Cuba.A maritime boundary and fishing accord was signed by both countries during this period, while diplomatic interest sections were opened by both countries in Havana and Washington, respectively. Other bilateral negotiations were started; the American Congress also repealed the provision of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 banning aid to countries permitting their vessels to trade with Cuba. The National Security Council also rescinded the ship blacklist. 2. 7. 6. Phases and IntensityThe Kennedy era was perhaps marked zenith of Ameri can-Cuban hostility. It was then that the botched Pay of Pigs invasion of Cuba was carried out in 1961, same as the Cuban missile crisis, which involved the installation of Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba in 1962. Though the missile crisis was eventually resolved, when the Soviets willingly dismantled the missiles, the crisis almost precipitated a nuclear war between the US and the Kruschev-led Soviet Union. Several U.S instigated attempts were also made during that same era to assassinate Fidel Castro, but the climax was the assassination of President Kennedy himself. The other high intensity points in American-Cuban relations were in the 70’s and 80’s when Cuba actively supported leftist insurrections against American backed dictatorships in Africa and South America. The most notable of these countries where Cuban forces played direct combat role were Angola, Ethiopia, Grenada, El Salvador and Nicaragua. The U. S countered these Cuban moves by pouring in massive supp ort to the opposing groups.However, the relations between the have traditionally been known to experience upward and down swings in response to the parties in power in Washington- much more favorable under the Democrats and less so under the Republicans. 2. 7. 7. Balance of Power In territorial size and resources, Cuba is no match to the United States, but the active support of the Soviet Union at the start of the Castro revolution and until the collapse of the Soviet Union brought a semblance of balance of powers between the two feuding neighbors- U. S and Cuba.However, at the collapse of the Soviet Union, there were expectations that Cuba would falter and collapse, but world public opinion and the support of Canada, the European Union, China and of late Venezuela have helped stabilize Cuba ideologically and materially. 2. 7. 8. Capacity and Resource There is no room for comparison of the resources and capacities of both countries, the U. S is way ahead of Cuba in all respects, but as explained earlier what Cuba has going for it are favorable world opinion and the resilience of its leadership and people. 2. 7. 9.State of the Relationship The support for the continuing US embargo of the island nation have been completely eroded, as many of the nations of Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa have since normalized relations with Cuba. Even fellow North American countries of Canada and Mexico have consistently opposed US embargoes on Cuba, especially as it affected US subsidiary companies within these two nations. Even many Americans have come to question the wisdom of continuing with the hostilities when it is obvious that Cuba, at present, poses no threat to U.S national security. Visits have been made of late by sitting congressmen and other influential Americans in efforts to settle the disputes between the two neighbors that are so close but yet so far apart. Works Consulted Chadwick Ian. History of Cuban American relations. Retrieved March 30, 2007 from h ttp://www. ianchadwick. com/essays/cubahistory. html Siera J. A. Compilations of History of Cuba. Retrieved March 30, 2007 from http://www. historyofcuba. com/history/batista. htm
Juliets Reaction to Romeo Essay
Task: How does Shakespeare present Juliet’s reactions to Romeo in their first two scenes? (1: 5 and 2:2) Juliet falls in love with Romeo from the first meeting. In the first meeting Romeo doesn’t approach Juliet with words of love but words about religion and pilgrims. Romeo assures Juliet that he will love and respect her whatever happens. Although Juliet takes it slow and dominants the pace she still falls in love with him. Their first meeting is set up in a Sonnet form. This is a fourteen line poem. The sonnet is divided to equal parts. Shakespeare does that to show us that Romeo and Juliet communicate amazingly well for a first meeting. Shakespeare also uses the metaphor of a pilgrim to show Romeo’s love to Juliet. Romeo describes himself as a pilgrim going to a holy place, in this case Juliet. Once the pilgrim reaches the place he loves and respects the place just like Romeo intends to do with Juliet. Just after they fell in love they found out who each one is and understand the problem that this relationship is going to cause. The second meeting is a lot different then the first one. Romeo gets his way to the garden under Juliet’s balcony and hears her Soliloquy. Juliet is talking about the problem of Romeo being a Montague and asks herself: â€Å"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? After a while Romeo comes out his hide. Juliet is very surprised yet scared that Romeo is in the Capulet mansion. She asks him how did he get there and why did he get there. Romeos answers don’t make much sense. For example: â€Å"With love’s light wings did I o’erperch these walls†almost as If he is drunk. Juliet is much more practical and she tells him he is in a great danger if they find him and that he will be killed. Although Juliet is very down to earth she also expresses her love to him by saying: â€Å"My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love is as deep; the more I give to thee the more I have†. She also assures for his love as she wants to see it’s not only one sided. After she points out the danger she says to him that tomorrow she is going to have someone sent to him and he has to decide if he wants to get married or not. This also shows practicality as she basically says I want to see that you Romeos is serious about this relationship.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Quantitative Research Paper Essay
Quantitative research includes classification of certain features, calculations and construction of statistical models that can describe these features. In contrast, qualitative research is more focused on description of features excluding statistical descriptions. In quantitative research, data are summarized in the form of verbal descriptions or graphical representations. On the contrary, in qualitative research they appear in statistical tables, graphs, or charts. The researcher is more likely to use qualitative research in the earlier phases of the research project when one is looking for ideas to be later explored in depth within a quantitative framework. The processing of data in quantitative research is more likely to include a subjective component than in the other type. As a result, the results of quantitative research can often mix the context of the study but provide enough material to evaluate a certain hypothesis. A literature review should be compiled in order to answer a specific question or gather data to evaluate a hypothesis. The researcher should define the type of literature one wants to use as well as the scope of information to be used in the research. The sources used should be appropriate for the topic. Depending on the type of research, the sources should be predominantly or only peer-reviewed academic publications relevant to the explored question or field of study. The publications used in literature review should be critically evaluated by the reviewer. It is also important to organize the literature review in a coherent manner so that it is divided into understandable units. An explanation of how this or that topic fits into the research framework should be provided. The synthesis of material should provide adequate background for the topic under research. Conceptualization and operationalization form two pillars of science as these two methods allow researchers to use concepts that are the foundation of human exploration of the universe. By grouping objects into categories called concepts and developing practical ways of measuring these concepts through operationalization, researchers can explore a variety of objects, phenomena and situations. Theories need to be formulated with the help of specific concepts. Here conceptualization plays a crucial role, permitting scholars to define classes that will be described by this or that concept. Conceptualization creates a concept that can be defined in all complexity of relationships and serve as common ground for exploration of an object or phenomenon by different researchers. Operationalization allows practical application of concepts, permitting their measurement through concrete observations. Each science seeks to define its conceptual apparatus through specific observations. As a result of this quest, â€Å"to operationally define basic concepts has now become central to all sciences†(Wikipedia, 2006). The article â€Å"Money, money, money: an exploratory study on the financial literacy of Black college students†by Angela J. Murphy that appeared in the September 2005 issue of College Student Journal investigates â€Å"the influence of race, gender, age, major and parental educational level on the financial knowledge of undergraduate students attending a predominantly Black institution†. The researcher has identified a strikingly low level of financial literacy among such students. Age and major were found to have less influence, while parental education and major had more impact. One research question can be formulated as â€Å"Does age have an influence on financial literacy of Black college students?†. Another one is â€Å"Does major have an influence on financial literacy of Black college students?†. Independent variables included race, gender, parental education, and age. The dependent variable was the financial literacy in certain areas including â€Å"the topics of income taxes, credit consigning, short term savings, investing for retirement, social security, future college costs and home ownership†(Murphy, 2005). The research used surveys. The method is justified because it permitted researchers to have structured, generalizable results that could be analysed with statistical methods. The survey also allowed people to ask a broad range of students attending various institutions. Mail survey and personal interview are similar in the first place because they test personal attitudes of people toward a subject or phenomenon. Both involve respondents with their individual differences, cultural background, demographic situation that influence the research. The difference lies first of all in the procedure: personal interview involves face-to-face contact whereas a mail survey envisages written communication. Consequently, an interview is more personal, while a mail survey presupposes less personal interaction between the researcher and the respondent. In organizational behavior investigation, a personal interview is more subjective because the participant will be influenced by personal perception of the researcher, possible positive or negative associations, etc. A mail survey, on the contrary, will be free from these limitations. The downside, however, is the frequently low rate of response that is often accountable for bias in answers. A more personal interaction can create more opportunities for the researcher to probe the topic with open-ended questions and find out the opinion of the interviewee with more detail. In addition, if the interviewee finds certain questions ambiguous, he or she can clarify details with the scientist, while this opportunity is absent in the case of a mail survey. To investigate the question of trust, a personal interview is preferable. First, it is considered â€Å"the most reliable method of data collection, especially when attitudinal behavior is of concern†(Pennsylvania Department of Health, 2001). Especially when executives are targeted, the time consumed in filling out a mail survey may become a factor that will discourage most of the targeted public from answering. The choice can be constrained by the budget, as personal interviews are traditionally considered the most expensive research method. In an experiment, the researcher is trying to answer a question performing certain actions that will test the validity of a hypothesis. In a focus group, the researcher is typically trying to explore a broad range of issues. As such, a focus group is called upon to conduct a discussion using prepared question rather than answer a specific question. Besides, the results from a focus group will be less rigidly defined and will require more scholarly interpretation whereas the experiment should deliver a more specific answer to the question. The advantage of focus groups is the open-ended nature of the research that opens possibilities for participants to air their views on many important subjects and share opinions. Besides, it is more personal and allows for greater consideration of individual differences, as â€Å"interaction also enables participants to ask questions of each other, as well as to re-evaluate and reconsider their own understandings of their specific experiences†(Gibbs, 1997). However, a focus group can be practically difficult to organize, involves participants coming from different cultures that can contribute to bias. Besides, these groups offer less predictable results as â€Å"researcher, or moderator, for example, has less control over the data produced†than in other methods (Gibbs, 1997). An experiment, on the other hand, provides for a greater degree of control, especially in controlled experiments, which makes the data more adapted to generalization. However, there is a possibility that participants will behave in controlled environments differently than they would under typically circumstances. An example of research question that can be tested through a focus group is â€Å"What qualities of â€Å"Dove†soap brand make it appealing to consumers?†A focus group would allow participants to share views on the subject with a relatively large degree of freedom so that new, unexpected answers can come up. A question to be tested with an experiment can be â€Å"Do people buy Mercedes cars for quality or prestige?†This question can be answered in an experiment since here one can identify dependent and independent variables and develop a statistical apparatus to answer the question. References Gibbs, A. (1997, Winter). Focus Groups. Social Research Update. Retrieved July 2, 2006, from Murphy. A.J. (2005, September). Money, money, money: an exploratory study on the financial literacy of Black college students. College Student Journal. Retrieved July 2, 2006, from Pennsylvania Department of Health. (2001). Health Statistics – Technical Assistance Tools of the Trade. Retrieved July 2, 2006, from Wikipedia. (2006). Operationalization. Retrieved July 2, 2006, from
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