Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Orgs 2000 Term Notes Essay Example
Organizations 2000 Term Notes Essay WEEK 1 The association has set of highlights shared by current huge scope associations called organization (Max Weber note, vital structure y) o Features include: 0 1 . Obviously depicted positions and Jobs with required capabilities 0 2. Formal pecking order of positions line of power setting out force/impediments (levels of leadership) 0 3. Formal guidelines and standard working strategies 0 4. Preparing, profession ways, reward frameworks (otherwise known as progression) Macro/Micro investigation o Macro association and outer authoritative condition o Micro gatherings eams and relational relations o Organizations are mind boggling frameworks and what occurs on one level influences another 0 Unanticipated outcomes of changes! 3 focal points o Strategic plan 0 View of the association: input-throughput-yield framework 0 Key ideas: exercises, reliance, assets (esp. nformation) 0 Key procedures: gathering, connecting, and adjusting 0 View of the earth: asset base (wellspring of data sources), serious market 0 Role of the pioneer: authoritative draftsman, tactician 0 Stimuli for change: absence of interior arrangement, absence of fit between association condition Obstacles to change: lacking data (they dont get it), deficient investigation (the case isnt persuading) o Political framework 0 View of the association: a field for strife 0 Key ideas: power impact, premiums 0 Key proc edures: struggle, exchange, alliance building, organizing 0 View of the earth: outer partners 0 Role of the pioneer: fashioning alliances, recognizing and utilizing premiums, arranging 0 Stimuli for change: moves in prevailing alliance, in intensity of partners 0 Obstacles to change: dug in premiums (they wont purchase in light of the fact that hello remain to lose) o Cultural point of view 0 View of the association: a social develop what we think it is 0 Key ideas: character, images, values, essential suspicions 0 Key procedures: which means and translation, legitimating 0 View of condition: social and social system 0 Role of the pioneer: articulating vision, representing the way of life, comprehension and utilizing the way of life 0 Stimuli for change: difficulties to fundamental suppositions, battling understandings Impediments to change: predominant culture, set up outlooks (they cannot see it) Levels of examination o Individual o Group o Organization Applications o Teams o Gend er and Diversity Incentives and Motivation Change and CSR WEEK 2 STRATEGIC DESIGN Strategic structure frameworks intentionally built to accomplish certain key objectives o Efficiency (achieving vital objectives with least resources)+ adequacy (objectives achieved to gauges) underscored o Assumption: association has a technique for making esteem (offer/particular upper hand) sets up what exercises will prompt achievement o Key vital inquiry: which exercises ought to be inside the limits of the association and which outside? We will compose a custom exposition test on Orgs 2000 Term Notes explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Orgs 2000 Term Notes explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Orgs 2000 Term Notes explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Key components o Information handling and improving framework o Task fundamental component littlest unit of exercises should have been done to accomplish in general key objectives 0 Vary in unpredictability, routinization and reliance o Task association 0 Sequential relationship one assignment finished and afterward gave off to next stage 0 Harder to oversee than pooled, simpler than complementary 0 Pooled relationship errands attempted at same time and tlnal result set up 0 Easiest to oversee 0 Reciprocal reliance undertakings led in rehashed communication with one another 0 Hardest to oversee Organizational plan decisions start with key gathering separation of bunches of exercises, positions, and people into work units o Then they should experience connecting guarantee that assets and data streams proficiently and successfully between exercises/bunches o Lastly should utilize arrangement instruments (motivating force frameworks, data frameworks, and so on to guarantee individuals h ave the assets AND motivators to complete errands alloted to them Strategic gathering assignments, capacities, teaches and isolating from others o Assumption: coordination and correspondence are simpler inside unit han across units o Basic models 0 Activity (work) 0 Product/innovation (business division/unit) 0 Market/client (topography/client portion) o Grouping by mastery/work uniting people who share comparable capacities, controls, aptitudes, and work forms Three qualities 0 1. Improvement of profound practical aptitude and a serious extent of specialization 2. Economies of Scope simple to move assets across exercises inside capacities 0 3. Considers manifestations of discrete arrangement frameworks each custom fitted to each capacity needs/qualities Four shortcomings 1 . In reverse progressions of data can be troublesome because of successive relationship between capacities (e. g. from showcasing to eng) - > in this manner not receptive to changes in customers 0 2. As specia lization builds, people create smaller points of view 0 3. Hard to survey costs 0 4. Propensity to extend levels of the executives after some time this can restrain proficient and powerful information streams 0 Frequently embraced by new organizations kept up over the long haul by associations that have a solitary significant business or offer comparable innovations across comparable markets Grouping by Output/Product composes on premise of administration/item rovided Two qualities 0 1 . Straightforwardness of execution costs/benefits are away from each capacity (business) 0 2. Clear key concentrate every business division head is answerable for productivity/development of a total chain 0 Four shortcomings 0 1 . Trouble of sharing assets lead to duplication of exercises across specialty units 0 2. New business creation troublesome specialty units center around extending their own business as opposed to finding new chances OR contending across units 0 3. Useful authorities are spread can put some distance between development in own fields 0 4. Dispersing exercises across various units can prompt botched learning chances in center capacities 0 Structure related with techniques that accentuate productivity, where data on cost/benefit is significant Grouping by Market assembles individuals who perform various exercises/assignments and produce various yields however serve same clients/showcase 0 1 . Limit with regards to profound client information and cozy connections 0 2. Tailor items/administrations to various necessities 0 Three shortcomings 0 1. Duplication of exercises/assets 0 2. Disintegration of profound specialized ability 0 3. Botched chances for cooperative energies and learning 0 For techniques that are client centered (clients with various needs and tastes). Regularly in administration businesses Matrix association picks two key gathering measurements and gives them equivalent load in organization structure every supervisor of each working unit reports to two managers one for each measurement ren adjusting two similarly significant gathering measurements 0 Four shortcomings from multifaceted nature 0 1. Disarray 0 2. Greater expenses 0 3. Deferrals in dynamic 0 3. Elevated potential for strife Front/back structure partitioned into two sections. Front end faces client and composed by showcase creating and delivering items. Back end is sorted out result specialty units that incorporate innovation dev, creation, coordinations Two Strengths 1 . Close joining of tech advancement and creation (back end) 2. Building profound client information and cozy connections (front end) Three shortcomings 1 . Discontinuity of specialized skill (back end) 2. Poor incorporation between advertise necessities and tech improvement 3. Guaranteeing sufficient reconciliation/collaboration between the front and back closures can be troublesome o Modular/Network structures self arranging system. The subunits meet up and participate to convey a particular item or administration. New turn of events. Very little data in perusing o Line exercises in the immediate chain giving items/administrations to client o Staff bolster exercises (so account, lawful, HR, PR, IT) Linking planning structures and procedures to associate and arrange authoritative units and subunits whose errands are reliant yet have been isolated by vital gathering choices o Intensity of connecting components is affected by level of association (pooled, consecutive, corresponding the undertaking reliance prior) Dotted line connections lower positioning individual is officially answerable for providing all applicable data to higher positioned individual however that they have no proper authority over them past the data stream (simple fix for absence of flat data stream) o Liaison jobs allocating duty regarding coordination across gatherings to people 0 These individuals are channels for information and ability 0 Primarily data centered job 0 Not a full-time obligation yet joined with different exercises o Integrator jobs organize exercises and choice procedures 0 More of a general administration job Have carrots and stic ks to help their job o Permanent cross-unit bunches formal command for delegates of various assignment/work gatherings to pool skill and facilitate endeavors to a specific item/customer/advertise/issue. Frequently joined with different exercises (not full-time task) o Temporary cross-unit bunches like perpetual gatherings, yet venture is the gathering measurement. Disband after the task. Heads of undertaking groups assume an integrator job o IT Systems upgrade support for connecting and organizing instruments and even can be viewed as own connecting components Co-area putting individuals and subunits that need to e
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Woodrow Wilson Essays (532 words) - Presidency Of Woodrow Wilson
Woodrow Wilson Woodrow Wilson was the 28th leader of the United States. He was plainly a significant symbol in the activity of the United States entering World War I. He likewise assumed a significant job in the US taking an interest in progressively world undertakings during his administration. He came to be known as the prophet of harmony however still today he is a dubious figure throughout the entire existence of the United States. Wilson had a solid conviction of official authority. He did an arrangement called the Federal Reserve Act, which set up another framework to back account and banking; the Clayton Antitrust Act, which reinforced prior laws restricting the intensity of enormous partnerships, and the association of the Federal Trade Commission. Woodrow Wilson likewise did things that spoke to the ordinary citizens like making sure about government advances, promoting help for ranchers, and supporting 8-hour day for railroad laborers. He even attempted to pass a law that forbids youngster work, which was later closed somewhere around the Supreme Court. These demonstrations helped him get a well known larger part of votes in his second running for president by substantial ranchers, work, and change voters. Wilson had advanced the most debasement free American war endeavor up to that timespan. After the United States had no real option except to join World War I, three years after its beginning in 1914, a draft was set up called the Selective Service System. In spite of the fact that the US attempted to remain nonpartisan during the war, Woodrow Wilson declared war against Germany, because of its need to quit assaulting US ships abruptly. The war completed fall of 1918, about a year after the US had entered for the Allies. This came as a triumph for the United States, and demonstrated the measure of intensity it controlled. After the war was over President Woodrow Wilson plot a harmony plan called the 14 focuses. It called for national assurance and a conclusion to expansionism. This proposition raised the expectations of dissidents around the globe. He was in quest for an arrangement that would guarantee a fair and suffering harmony to follow the accomplishment of the Allies in World War I. Wilson got a place of good authority and devotion among the Allied pioneers. Anyway Wilson's arrangement gained debate and threatening vibe also. A portion of the European victors didn't completely concur with the program. Wilson needed to make amendments and change a portion of his underlying plans to fit increasingly pleasing and satisfactory focuses. Adding to his extended regard, his fourteenth point was perceived in the League of Nations, which was built up because of the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. Wilson is an exceptionally appreciated past US president, yet he had a considerable amount of depreciators too. Numerous Americans reprimanded him for diving into a pointless war, which opened the nation into restraint. Woodrow Wilson is as yet bantered about today. His demonstrations appeared to be in the nation's wellbeing, yet his choices may have carried struggle into the United States. This is an idea that will be contested for a considerable length of time to come. President Wilson, anyway will fill in as an authentic symbol for quite a long time to come.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Offbeat Sometimes I get into a rut. I feel stuck. Stagnant. When I first moved to Missoula, Montana, I felt this way. I didn’t have many friends, just a few acquaintances. One acquaintance invited me over for game night where a group of us sat around playing board games and drinking wine. The get-together’s host, Rebecca, was a theater director. When I asked how her most recent production, Thisillusionment, was coming along, she said, “Everything’s great, except I can’t find someone to fill the main role of Ivan the Magician.†Feeling the courage provided by three glasses of wine, I extended my arms in front of me, palms down, and then flipped my palms upward with exaggeration, rolled up my sleeves one-by-one, and said, with arms spread wide, “I think I might be the magician you’re looking for.†Rebecca laughed and said she’d let me audition for the role. So I did. I’ve never acted in a play, so I couldn’t believe it when they offered me the lead role. I spent the next eight weeks rehearsing, five days a week, four hours each evening, getting ready for the production. Without realizing it, I slowly moved out of my rut. The growth I experienced in just two months was astonishing; I’ve never grown that much in such a condensed period of time: I gained an exponential amount of acting experience, learned how a play was developed start-to-finish, and, most important, I made great friends with whom I now have a strong connection. I became unstuck. A lot of my mentoring clients ask me how to get out of a rut. I tell them to change their physical state. I don’t suggest all my clients audition for a play, but I do suggest they do something offbeat. Diving into something new can be terrifying, or at least uncomfortable, but those feelings of discomfort are indicative of growth. If you’re stagnant or stuck, change your state. Do something offbeat: audition for a play, take a photography class, take tango lessons, do cartwheels in the yard. Whatever you do, do not continue the same old routine. Read this essay and 150 others in our new book, Essential.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Impact On The Music Industry - 1240 Words
Streaming Sights Profit, While Creators Barely Get By Music streaming sites, such as Pandora and Spotify, have a negative impact on the music industry as a whole. Streaming affects more than just the music business itself, it astronomically decreases industry revenues, steals from and devalues the worth of the creators and their content, and is run from a poor business model that is only profitable for streaming companies. Not only do streaming sites directly disturb the music industry as a whole, but they also affect the U.S. gross domestic product, or GDP, a good portion of which, about 11% is comprised of copyright revenue. A large part of copyright revenue is produced from sound recording copyrights, typically owned by labels, and from musical works’ copyrights, typically owned by publishers. When streaming sites pay their miniscule amounts, they pay revenues directly to the holders of the copyrights, essentially creating a loss for not only the music industry, but also the copyright industry. Companies such as the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) regularly post revenue statistics that include income from CDs, streaming, downloads, cassettes, SoundExchange, and every other profitable area of the business. What they show is shocking; revenue has decreased by more than 50 percent, from around $15 billion to just under $7 billion. When sites pay miniscule amounts, such as .006 to .0084 cents (Spotify) or .000017 cents (Pandora) per stream, the total revenueShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Music On The Music Industry931 Words  | 4 Pagestechnology is actively changing the music industry. Production, distribution and sales of music have been affected dramatically within the last 10 years along with artists, composers, and technicians. Most of the changes have been great for consumers, but vastly negative for professionals in the music industry, however a few artists have found ways to adapt to the changing atmosphere of digitally downloaded music and use it to their advantage. We’ve seen music change form from physical, tangibleRead MoreThe Impact Of Music On The Music Industry2439 Words  | 10 Pagesto mind. Music is arguably a field that can be just as, if not more diverse and complicated as theoretical physics. As such, it’s harder to specifically narrow pinpoint someone as a key figure in music. Unless that key figure is Kanye West. From his arduous and near-fatal beginnings to self-proclaimed godhood via the Yeezus persona, Kanye West is without a doubt one of the most important and influential musicians this generation, not only in the hip-hop genre, but in the music industry as a wholeRead MoreThe Impact Of Digital Music On The Music Industry896 Words  | 4 Pagesdownloads. Threatening the survival of the music industry and introducing a unique set of challenges for the industry to overcome. To remain relevant in the new global market of digital music online, the music industry would have to evolve and chang e with the introduction of each new facet technology had to offer. The introduction of digitally compressed music files, so easily attainable for a small fee or downloaded legally (pirated) for free, made the music industry reevaluate how to make a profit andRead MoreDigital Music And Its Impact On The Music Industry1807 Words  | 8 PagesDo you listen to music from CD’s, or do you prefer listening from your phones, computers, etc? The internet is now widely available via computers and phones, as well as other devices. Furthermore, it is becoming easier and simpler to listen to music through these products rather than from a separate disc. Digital music began when iTunes was first published in 2007. Moreover, iTunes revolutionized the music industry because it allowed people to purchase single songs rather than a whole album, andRead MoreThe Impact Of Internet On The Music Industry1276 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction: The music industry consists of the companies and individuals that make money by creating and selling music (Wikipedia). The current music industry which emerged around the middle of the 20th century has been undergoing drastic changes for the past two decades. When the Internet, and peer-to-peer file-sharing services such as Napster, Kazaa and Limewire, began their rise at the turn of the millennium, many predicted that the music industry, among other entertainment sectors, was headedRead MoreThe Impact Of Digitalization On The Music Industry2561 Words  | 11 PagesExecutive Summary The industry of music is affected profoundly by the innovation of music digitalized for the past twenties years roughly. In specific, the every stage of value chain of music industry have been affected by the expansion of the internet worldwide and the content of music digitalization (Bourreau, Gensollen and Moreau 2008). The digital music consumption replaces the traditional physical copies continually in general. About amount of 25% of global music revenue proves the usage ofRead MoreTechnology And Its Impact On The Music Industry Essay2573 Words  | 11 Pages Technology and Its Impact on the Music Industry Name College Technology and its Impact on the Music Industry Introduction The creation of musical works has always been culminated by several different processes and usually involves many people. The process takes a lot of time delaying the release of music. Advancement in technology has played a significant role in the music production by lowering the length of time it takes to produce recorded material. Artists usually sign a contractRead MoreImpact Of Technology On The Music Industry1933 Words  | 8 PagesOver the years, music has become portable, starting with the transistor to a set of headphones. Technology has allowed us to create a diverse musical culture. Music will always have an effect on one’s culture, and it has definitely mad a huge impact on the use of technology. Cultural diversity is about bringing people closer together though the World Wide Web. Many music publishers are the key to cultural diversity when it comes to publishing all genres. They will increasingly continue to play aRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On The Musi c Industry Essay2587 Words  | 11 PagesSignificant Impacts on the Music Industry It’s intriguing how the music industry has significantly changed throughout the years due to the constant increase of technology. There are many different reasons to show how technology has made a huge impact whether positive or negative on this phenomenal industry. Music cultivates so much meaning to the world, and speaks volumes on the behalf of individuals when they don’t know what to physically say. That being said, whether it’s listening to music, creatingRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On The Music Industry1845 Words  | 8 PagesCountless people are always saying that today’s music is trash. It’s repetitive and oversimplified, and all because of this new music technology constantly being developed. A listener rarely hears a piece of music that has not been touched by technology, but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. These people fail to realize that the theory of music technology has been around since the 1700’s when Moza rt invented a game using a die to compose music by chance (Baggi). It is also important to realize
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Does Incarceration Affect Recidivism - 1433 Words
Does Incarceration Affect Recidivism? The United States is the world’s leader in incarceration with 2.2 million people currently in the nation’s prisons or jails. Incarceration is a widely argued topic with many understood viewpoints, and it directly deals with three main important correctional topics which are deterrence, rehabilitation, and recidivism. The definition of incarceration is the state of being confined in prison. Not only does incarceration affect people directly by taking away their freedom, but it also affects their lives once their incarceration is served. There is not a whole lot to do about people being incarcerated, however, there may be ways to help the incarcerated once their freedom is restored. According to†¦show more content†¦Incarceration also gives the offender a chance to be rehabilitated before he/she enters society after their sentence. There is a great debate throughout our country, and in individual states, over how long crimina ls should be incarcerated for various crimes. The relationship between the length of prison terms and recidivism is one of the central points of the debate in sentencing and corrections policy. Many people assert that longer prison terms are more effective at deterring future crimes because they set higher price for criminal behavior and because they hold offenders until they are more likely to â€Å"age out†of a criminal life style. However, others argue just the opposite and that is more time behind bars increases the chances that inmates will reoffend later because it breaks their supportive bonds in the community and hardens their associations with other criminals. According to Oliver (2011), both of these arguments are accurate because the strongest research finds that these two theories cancel each other out. Several studies, looking at different populations and using varied methodologies, have attempted to find a relationship between the length of prison terms and rec idivism but have failed to find a consistent impact, either positive or negative. There is one thing for sure and that is incarceration and recidivism is a very active cycle which affects the lives of many
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Pci, Case Study, Mia Case Study Free Essays
INTRODUCTION The issue started on February 2008 when the new appointed Managing Director of PCI Sdn Bhd, En Ghani reviewed 2007 Financial Report and found out there were recent increases in costs of goods sold and inventories. The rate of increase in costs of goods sold had been disproportionate with growth of sales. En Ghani was informed that one of the reasons for the increase in cost was because of the current purchasing system that contributes to redundant purchasing and high inventory holding costs. We will write a custom essay sample on Pci, Case Study, Mia Case Study or any similar topic only for you Order Now Siti Aminah, the Chief of Financial Officer was asked to review the current purchasing system and suggested the need to implement a new computerized purchasing system that would help relieve some of its manual operations and at the same time would ensure it has the proper controls in place. En Ghani requested a formal report on current purchasing system and suggestion for a new system before the next management meeting which would be in two weeks time. En Ghani assigned Siti Aminah on the special task instead of the senior Chief Production Officer and she did not have any experience in system and technology. The new system must be able to reduce costs, enhance control and provide easy management of users and services in qualitative and quantitative ways. CHARACTERS En Ghani : as the new appointed Managing Director of Penda Cable Industry Berhad, who reviewed past year Financial Report and asked for formal report from Siti Aminah. Siti Aminah : the Chief of Financial Officer that being asked to make formal report instead of the Senior Chief of Financial Officer. CURRENT PURCHASING SYSTEM IN PCI Purpose : to ensure the purchase of raw material (exclude external Aluminium cable scap) that was required for the manufacturing of cable, conductors and associated products. 1) Monthly Raw Material Summary Cik Lim General Manager of Material Resources and Planning En Razi Assistant Purchasing Manager (MRMS) Review 1st week of Forecasted Monthly Every month Material Requirement En Sam General Manager Purchasing (MMR)MRMS Planning Section En Razi 2) Cik Anne Purchasing Clerk RM100 000 En Ghani Filing En Min Raw Material Storekeeper RM 100 000 Cik Lim PURCHASE ORDER COCORDER CONFIRMATION CompetitiveNot En Sam En Razi Vendors Competitive Quotation Quotation 3 ) Suppliers Invoices Cik Lim Cik Anne Coded, Batched and Checked Invoices Delivery Store Received a) Verification Order Notes b) Account Payable Reference No. En Min c) Update Account Payable list in Assistant Finance Manager the computer. 4) Enclosed with the return receipt of cheque / TT for notification of payment DO,COC Vendors MaterialRAW MATERIAL STORE RMRR VCAR Financial Department (for payment) InvoicePURCHASING SECTIONShipping Document Shipping PCI BANK Document VOUCHER Voucher Approved Delivery Order RMS 2 Form Purchasing Clerk En Min Assistant Finance Manager Signed QUANTITATIVE DECISION | 2006| 2007| GROSS PROFIT MARGIN(Gross Profit/Revenue)| (12086851/176877312) = 0. 07| (48053370/298146915) =0. 16| OPERATING PROFIT MARGIN(Operating Profit/Revenue)| (6386819)/176877312 =(0. 03)| 35657392/298146915 =0. 12| INVENTORY TURNOVER(COGS/Inventories)| (164,790,461)/27434751=(6) | (250,093,545)/45,575,893=(5. 48)| AVERAGE COLLECTION PERIOD(Debtors/(Revenue/360))| 15,506,128/(176,877,312/360) =31. days| 8,453,275/(298,146,915/360) =10 days| Gross Profit Margin When the company shows the higher GPM, it indicates that the company is better in controlling their cost of sales. PCI gross profit margin in 2007 is higher than 2006. It means that the company can manage their cost of sales. For becoming years they need to make an agreement with their suppliers to prevent raw material pri ce increase. Operating Profit Margin When the company shows higher operating profit margin ratio, it indicates that the company is profitable. Based on the calculation, PCI current year shows an improvement from the previous year. For becoming years, operating expenses in terms of administrative and selling expenses need to be avoided from getting increase to maintain the profit. Average Collection Period (Debtor) The shorter the period to collect payment from debtors, the more efficient the company is in handling their debtors. CONCLUSION As for conclusion, Siti Aminah can suggest only to maintain their old system instead of new purchasing system. This is because, the current situation did not incurred too much damage to the company, the company still can sustain even though they have to buy the raw materials in higher price. PCI is not the only company that have problem in purchasing their raw materials but all the purchasing departments across the industry experienced similar dilemma. Their main dilemma included establishing and maintaining profitable supplier relationships, confronting the problem of price increases and ensuring supply quantity. What they need actually do is to pressure suppliers to keep prices low when the cost of raw materials decreases. They can better do this by keeping their own tabs on the raw materials market. How to cite Pci, Case Study, Mia Case Study, Free Case study samples
Monday, May 4, 2020
A la Carte free essay sample
Itzhak Perlmans 1996 A la Carte is one of my favorite classical discs. One aspect that makes it unique is the fact that instead of having only two concertos, Perlman chooses to play many non-concerto pieces. This is a welcome change from the standard recording scheme, and it gives the listener a wide variety of pieces to enjoy, from Sarasate to Glazunov. The first and third tracks, Jules Massenets Meditation and Rachmaninovs Vocalise, are slow and flowing and show off Perlmans warm, smooth tone and heart-warming vibrato. The second track is one of my favorites, Alexander Glazunovs Mazurka-Obereque. This piece, which I had never heard before, is a lively, attention-grabbing dance in triple time that is sure to be a favorite with aspiring violinists who adore Perlman. Accompanying this is another from Glazunov, Meditation, the more popular of the two works. On this CD Perlman brilliantly performs both Zigeunerweisen and Introduction and Tarantelle, compositions by Pablo de Sarasate. We will write a custom essay sample on A la Carte or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Zigeunerweisen, a once enormously popular but now rarely heard work, and Introduction and Tarantelle show off Perlmans unparalleled technique, from his seemingly effortless left-hand work to his superb bow arm. The three contrasting Kreisler works, Fantasy on Russian Themes, The Old Refrain and Schon Rosmanin, again highlight Perlmans amazing tone and are reminiscent of Kreislers reign as king of violinists. Finally, Tchaikovskys Scherzo and Wieniawskis Legende, two lesser-known works, round off this CD, helping to make it one of Perlmans most diverse and unique. Of all the Perlman recordings, this is undoubtedly my favorite. It has such a variety of contrasting compositions that I can leave it in my car stereo for a week without growing tired of it. This recording reminds listeners why Itzhak Perlman is one of our greatest violinists, for he is truly amazing in all aspects of the word. Here Perlman, along with conductor Lawrence Foster and the Abbey Road Ensemble, has created another marvelous disc.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Learning Outcomes
Teaching is one of the most interesting professions because it enables teachers to be able to evaluate their performance in class. This essentially leads to the analysis of the teaching objectives which have been set. Learning outcomes are statements of desired outcomes of learning expressed in terms that make it clear how measurements can be achieved.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Learning Outcomes specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As such, they act as a logical basis for measuring and reporting on the students’ achievements (Melton, 1997). In particular, they focus attention on what is to be learnt. Bearing in mind that learning outcomes are a form of the referenced objectives, it follows that they may derive from, and be identified by the type of strategies for objectives and competences that have already been described.It is therefore important for the teacher to be as specific as possible when they a re assigning the learning objectives in order to be able to achieve the desired outcomes at the end of the lesson (Melton, 1997). Learning outcomes should have certain characteristics for one to be effective (Kubiszyn Borich, 2010). Thus, first of all, this implies that they have to be specific. In this case, the learning outcomes should be described in specific terms and they should guide the teacher in dissemination of knowledge. Secondly, they should be realistic. In this case, the teacher should ensure that they are within what can be achieved. Thirdly, they should be measurable, as such, the outcomes should be described in terms which are quantifiable. They should also be time bounded, that is, they should be within a given set of time. Having this information in mind, it is important to ensure that the learning and instructional objectives which are set are attainable. Based on the information provided, the teacher intends to prepare learning instructions for an arithmetic cl ass. In this case, the learning outcomes should ensure that the learner is able to carry out basic arithmetic operations. This should go hand in hand with ensuring that the learner is attuned to understanding the basic principles which govern the utilization of these operative signs during a class room operation. In essence, by the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to work out basic arithmetic operations.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More These operations should be addition and subtraction. The learner in this case should be able to apply the basic principles which are in line with the processes which are involved in carrying out these operations. In addition, the learner should be able to use practical approaches in carrying out these operations. During this lesson, learning materials which are going to be used include visual charts, flash cards, marbles and crayons to be u sed by the learner. It is also important to note that the lesson will take fifty minutes within which the teacher should introduce the lesson, build on the topic and then conclude the lesson. Lastly, the teacher should give the learners home assignments to make sure that they have acquired the knowledge that they have learned in class. While the main goal of the classroom’s learning objectives is to obtain, valid, reliable and useful information about student achievement, the assessment procedures also assist in checking on the effectiveness of the learning outcomes (Kubiszyn Borich, 2010). A well designed assessment plan will help you identify your own strengths and weaknesses and will guide your teaching approach. The result of a classroom test based on the objectives can also provide answers to the following questions; what is the level of the students’ achievement? Are the course objectives realistic? Are the instruction methods appropriate? And how well are the l earning experiences sequenced? Thus, the teacher will be able to follow through the important aspects of the learning process which is to attain the set objectives. References Kubiszyn, T., Borich, G. (2010). Educational testing measurement: Classroom application and practice (9th ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Melton, R. F. (1997). Objectives, competences and learning outcomes: developing instructional materials in open and distance learning. New York: Routledge.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Learning Outcomes specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This essay on Learning Outcomes was written and submitted by user Kas0n to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
The History of Semantics Essays
The History of Semantics Essays The History of Semantics Essay The History of Semantics Essay semantics [Gr. ,=significant] in general, the study of the relationship between words and meanings. The empirical study of word meanings and sentence meanings in existing languages is a branch of linguistics; the abstract study of meaning in relation to language or symbolic logic systems is a branch of philosophy. Both are called semantics. The field of semantics has three basic concerns: the relations of words to the objects denoted by them, the relations of words to the interpreters of them, and, in symbolic logic, the formal relations of signs to one another (syntax). In linguistics, semantics has its beginnings in France and Germany in the 1820s when the meanings of words as significant features in the growth of language was recognized. Among the foremost linguistic semanticists of the 20th cent. are Gustaf Stern, Jost Trier, B. L. Whorf, Uriel Weinreich, Stephen Ullmann, Thomas Sebeok, Noam Chomsky, Jerrold Katz, and Charles Osgood. In the linguistics of recent years an offshoot of transformational grammar theory has reemphasized the role of meaning in linguistic analysis. This new theory, developed largely by George Lakoff and James McCawley, is termed generative semantics. In anthropology a new theoretical orientation related to linguistic semantics has been developed. Its leading proponents include W. H. Goodenough, F. G. Lounsbury, and Claude Levi-Strauss. In philosophy, semantics has generally followed the lead of symbolic logic, and many philosophers do not make a distinction between logic and semantics. In this context, semantics is concerned with such issues as meaning and truth, meaning and thought, and the relation between signs and what they mean. The leading practitioners have been Gottlob Frege, Lady Welby, Bertrand Russell, Otto Neurath, RudolfCarnap, Alonzo Church, Alfred Tarski, C. I. Lewis, Ludwig Wittgenstein, J. L. Austin, W. V. Quine, P. F. Strawson, Steven Schiffer, John Searle, H. P. Grice, Saul Kripke, Donald Davidson, and Gilbert Harman. Since the publication of the influential The Meaning of Meaning (1925) by C. K. Ogden and I. A. Richards, semantics has also become important to literary criticism and stylistics, in which the way that metaphors evoke feelings is investigated and differences between ordinary and literary language are studied. A related discipline, general semantics (so called to distinguish it from semantics in linguistics or philosophy), studies the ways in which meanings of words influence human behavior. General semantics was developed by Alfred Korzybski. The key term in Korzybskis system is evaluation, the mental act that is performed by the hearer when a word is spoken. Among the most prominent followers of Korzybski are Stuart Chase, S. I. Hayakawa, and H. L. Weinberg. Bibliography A useful introduction to general semantics is H. L. Weinberg, Levels of Knowing and Existence (1959) and F. R. Palmer, Semantics (1981). For semantics in linguistics, see S. Ullman, Semantics (1962) and The Principles of Semantics (1957, repr. 1967); N. Chomsky, Studies on Semantics in Generative Grammar (1972); G. Leach, Semantics (1974); and J. Lyons, Language, Meaning, and Context (1981). For semantics in philosophy, see R. Carnap, Meaning and Necessity (2d ed. 1956); K. and A. Lehrer, The Theory of Meaning (1970); J. F. Rosenberg and C. Travis, ed. , Readings in the Philosophy of Language (1971); and D. Davidson and G. Harman, ed. , Semantics of Natural Language (2d ed. 1973). For semantics in literary criticism, see K. Burke, A Rhetoric of Motives (1950) and A Grammar of Motives (1955) and the works of W. Empson and P. Wheelwright. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia ® Copyright  © 2013, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. www. cc. columbia. edu/cu/cup/ Ads by Google Have You Written a Book? Talk to a Publishing Advisor. Get published now. Get our Free Guide! AuthorHouse. co. uk [pic] semantics Study of meaning, one of the major areas of linguistic study (see linguistics). Linguists have approached it in a variety of ways. Members of the school of interpretive semantics study the structures of language independent of their conditions of use. In contrast, the advocates of generative semantics insist that the meaning of sentences is a function of their use. Still another group maintains that semantics will not advance until theorists take into account the psychological questions of how people form concepts and how these relate to word meanings. For more information on semantics, visit Britannica. com. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. Copyright  © 1994-2008 Encyclop? dia Britannica, Inc. Ads by Google 3 50 www. sharqacademy. com [pic] semantics The study of the meaning of words. Contrast with syntax, which governs the structure of a language. See Semantic Web and Systemantics. Computer Desktop Encyclopedia copyright  ©1981-2013 by The Computer Language Company Inc. All Right reserved. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. All other reproduction is strictly prohibited without permission from the publisher. Ads by Google High School Online Self-paced online courses help you Finish High School your way. www. aiuhs. org [pic] semantics 1. the study of the relationships between signs and symbols and what they represent 2. Logic a. the study of interpretations of a formal theory b. he study of the relationship between the structure of a theory and its subject matter c. (of a formal theory) the principles that determine the truth or falsehood of sentences within the theory, and the references of its terms Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition  © HarperCollins Publishers 2005 Ads by Google egypt. dubizzle. com [pic] semant ics [si? man ·tiks] (communications) The branch of semiotics that deals with the relations between symbols and what they stand for, and defines the meaning that is prescribed for a statement by its originator. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright  © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Ads by Google www. englishforarabs. com [pic] |(theory) |semantics The meaning of a string in some language, as opposed to syntax which describes how symbols may be | | | |combined independent of their meaning. | | | | | | | |The semantics of a programming language is a function from programs to answers. A program is a closed term and, in | | | |practical languages, an answer is a member of the syntactic category of values. The two main kinds are denotational | | | |semantics andoperational semantics. | | This article is provided by FOLDOC Free Online Dictionary of Computing (foldoc. org) Ads by Google StudiesInAustraliaArabic. com [pic] Warning! The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Semantics the branch of linguistics that studies the meanings of linguistic units. Semantics can also be defined as an aspect of the study of signs in semiotics or as the meaning of linguistic units. [This article will discuss linguistic semantics, that is, semantics as first defined above. ] The term â€Å"semasiology†is historically a synonym for â€Å"semantics. †In linguistic semantics, the elementary object of study consists of the three elements of the linguistic sign- especially the word- considered in their unity: the signifier, the denotatum, and the signified. The signifier is the external element, the sequence of sounds or graphic signs. It is linked with the denotatum (a signified object or phenomenon of reality) and with the referent (an object or phenomenon signified by a given linguistic unit within an utterance or by an utterance as a whole). It is also linked with the signified, which is the reflection of that object or phenomenon in human consciousness. The signified is the result of the social understanding of reality and is usually identical to a concept or mental representation. The three-way link of signifier-denotatum-signified constitutes the category of meaning and the basic unit of semantics. These tripartite units enter into regular and systemic relationships with one another. One unit may be compared to another on the basis of one of the three elements: the signified (in the case of synonyms), the signifier (in the case of homonyms), and the denotatum and referent (in the case of a special form of synonymy known as transformation or periphrasis). Synonymy, homonymy, periphrasis (transformation), and polysemy form the basis of the systemic quality in semantics. The systemic quality is manifested most clearly in relatively small groups of words that are similar in one respect (in which they are synonyms) and opposed in another (in which they are antonyms). Such groupings, which differ depending on the language, constitute structural oppositions. For example, the Russian words ekhat (â€Å"to go [by vehicle]†), idti (â€Å"to go [on foot]†) plyt’ (â€Å"to swim,†â€Å"to go [by boat]†), and letet’ (â€Å"to fly†) have a common feature of â€Å"human locomotion†but are opposed as regards the feature of â€Å"means of locomotion. Such features within groups are studied and described as components of meaning or semantic factors. Elementary word groups may be combined in a relationship of content, forming thematic groups and semantic and lexical â€Å"fields. †For example, all the means of expressing the concept of joy in a given language constitute the lexica l-semantic field â€Å"joy. †Linguistic semantics seeks to provide a complete description of the semantic system of a given language in the form of a thesaurus. The thesaurus vividly demonstrates that semantics preserves what results from the reflection and comprehension of the objective world in human social practice. For example, the concepts â€Å"to be,†â€Å"to have,†â€Å"time,†â€Å"form,†and â€Å"content,†which were developed in European culture, may be represented differently or not at all in other cultures. In the language of the Hopi Indians, there are no nouns of the type â€Å"spring,†â€Å"winter,†â€Å"present,†and â€Å"future†; corresponding- but not identical- concepts are expressed adverbially (for example, â€Å"when warm†). Rain†is named as an object (substance) in Indo-European languages but as a process (feature) in the American Indian language of the Hupa (literally, â€Å"it comes down†). On the other hand, the opposition of substance (â€Å"object†) and feature (â€Å"process,†â€Å"action,†and so fort h) is objective and universal: every language maintains the opposition through its own means and within the framework of its own system as an opposition between noun and verb. Semantics seeks to discover and study these universal semantic categories. The polysemant is a most important object of semantic study and one of the key points in the interrelationships between system and speech (or text). It represents a complex of lexical-semantic variants, related to one another in the system as specific lexical meanings and behaving in speech as the concrete realization of these meanings. In speech or text, words also enter into elementary relationships of another type. The relationships are determined by the ability of words to combine with one another. The combinations permitted by the system of a language determine the distribution of each word relative to others. For example, the distribution will vary for the Russian words krichat’ (vo vsiu moch’) (â€Å"to shout [with all one’s might]†), bezhat’(vo vse lopatki) (â€Å"to run [as fast as one can]†), pozdravliat’ (ot vsego serdtsa) (â€Å"to congratulate [with all one’s heart]†), and naedat’sia (do otvala) (â€Å"to eat [until one can eat no more]†). The distributive analysis of meanings is a special task of semantics. The word combinations vo vsiu moch’, vo vse lopatki, ot vsego serdtsa, and do otvala have the common meaning of â€Å"to the highest degree,†but the specific form used to express this meaning depends on the combining word; thus, vo vsiu moch’ is combined with krichat’, vo vse lopatkiwith bezhat’, and so forth. The form of expression is therefore a function of the combination. Semantics seeks to discover and study such functions- known as lexical parameters- which allow extensive groups of words, word combinations, and sentences to be represented as systemic periphrases (transformations) of one another. The creation of a thesaurus of functions is a long-range task of semantics. When transformations are studied, the distinction between lexical semantics (the meaning of root morphemes, words, and word combinations) and grammatical semantics (the study of the meanings of grammatical forms) recedes into the background, and traditional semasiology becomes simply a part of semantics. On the other hand, the distinction between the denotatum and the referent becomes essential. Thought correspondence to the denotatum is called meaning, and thought correspondence to the referent and the reflection in consciousness of a whole situation is often called sense. Thus, the content of the term â€Å"semantics†expands and semantics acquires a new task: to study the system of such â€Å"senses. †The study is known as syntactic semantics. Semantics also studies characteristic changes in meaning that occur in the history of a language and seeks to discover semantic laws. The conceptual fund of a language is divided into that which is the common property of all members of a given society and that which is the property of science. The former includes the everyday, â€Å"naive,†or linguistic, concepts (the â€Å"immediate†meanings of words), whereas the latter includes scientific concepts and terms (the â€Å"more distant†meanings of words). An example of the difference is seen in the colloquial use of the Russian word kapital to mean a large sum of money and the specialized use of the term in political economy to mean capital. One general semantic law is that everyday words having features in common with scientific concepts constantly strive to merge their parameters of content with those of the scientific terms. Key cultural terms, which differ for each era, occupy a special place between everyday and scientific concepts. Such key terms include â€Å"civilization,†â€Å"revolution,†â€Å"democracy,†â€Å"science,†â€Å"technology,†â€Å"individual,†â€Å"love,†and â€Å"machine. †The meanings of a language’s everyday words and the dominant ideas of society are combined in the semantic content of these terms. In studying the development of key cultural terms and concepts of different types, the tasks of semantics coincide with those of cultural history and semiotics. Semantics emerged in the late 19th century, simultaneously in Russia (M. M. Pokrovskii) and France (M. Breal), as a historical discipline studying semantic laws. According to the aspect of the semantics of language that is taken as the basis for the discipline, various directions are distinguished. These directions include analysis of lexical-semantic variation (V. V. Vinogradov, A. I. Smirnitskii, N. N. Amosova, A. A. Ufimtseva, and D. N. Shmelev of the USSR); oppositive (componential) analysis, or semantic factoring (L. Hjelmslev of Denmark, A. Kroeber and W. Goodenough of the USA, and O. N. Seliverstova of the USSR); and the method of fields and thesauri (R. Hailing and W. Wartburg of the Federal Republic of Germany and Iu. N. Karaulov of the USSR). Among other directions are distributive analysis (R. Langacker of the USA and V. A. Zvegintsev and Iu. D. Apresian of the USSR); logical-transformational analysis based on the category of lexical parameter, or function (I. A. Mel’chuk and Iu. D. Apresian of the USSR and A. Wierzbicka of Poland); and analysis of key cultural terms (G. Matore and E. Benveniste of France and Iu. S. Sorokin and R. A. Budagov of the USSR).
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Law of succession Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Law of succession - Coursework Example However, there are issues that arise in this case, which this paper seeks to discuss. First, Elisa failed to document basic information on the will, but only went to an extent of instructing Mary that she wished her properties to be in equal shares to her children; Damon, Nigel, and Bella. In this case, it would be paramount if the will had basic information that entails name, marital status, children, and address. It is smart to provide basic information before drawing up the will, which act as a clear guide of how the will relates to the testator and his beneficiaries. In this case; it would be essential to outline the intended beneficiaries, their relationship to her, where they lived, and their age, which lack of it would lead to protracted legal claims and redundant confrontations between the deceased later. Following this, Elisa could have carefully considered the emotional and practical impact of the will when it lacks some basic information. As discussed, Elisa’s will lack basic information on the children’s age, Elisa marital status, and her address all, which are indispensable in transfer of the will. Despite having a strong desire to equalize her shares to her three children, there are issues which arise on the will lacking some basic information. In this case, it would be paramount for Elisa to state the age of her children in the will so that in the future, it would eradicate problems attributed by lack of this information. Still, it would be paramount to indicate address and marital status to avoid misconceptions that Elisa was once married hence, the partner demands the inheritance (Francis 2003, p80). Secondly, the case lack an executor who would oversee the distribution of properties as stipulated in the will. Choosing an executor is the most important decision in that he tends to carry out the final wishes. In most cases, most people prefer to pick an adult child or a spouse to neutral third party. However, it makes sense choosin g a neutral third party to carry out the wishes of the will because he would carry out his procedures without favoritism. As indicated in the case, when Elisa died, crisis existed since according to will, the residuary estate should be equalized among her three children, but conflicts emerged of the will having people such as Dante who Elisa had never known. Such crisis would not occur if, there was an Executor who would carry out the wishes of the will. It is indispensable to bear in mind; Mary’s responsibility was to draft Elisa’s will professionally. Nevertheless, making a valid will requires testator to have an executor who would ensure that everyone respects the will. It is crucial to note that, children under the age of 18 years should not inherit parents’ estate. This is the most important reason why it makes sense, having an executor in the will to carry out the final wishes stated (Lifford 2003, p50). Thirdly, an issue arises on, lacking to list all ass ets, their cost, their worth, and their location. Still, the will fails to indicate where Elisa’s children live and their respective age. It is true that a will is a chance to list the basic information of the assets, the intended beneficiaries, and their age. This would prove that the beneficiaries are of the sound mind and memory. Typically, since Elisa wished
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
The cultural ideology of Victorian America Essay
The cultural ideology of Victorian America - Essay Example Some of these beliefs that placed a woman in a certain sphere that was oppressive to the working class women included purity, submissiveness, domesticity, and religiousness. Purity required that a woman was to preserve her virginity until she got married. Any woman that could not do so was seen as valueless and dirty. Submissiveness based on the fact that God made men superior to women, therefore, an ideal woman was to be submissive to her husband as a small child would be for a grown up and obey all the commands that she got from her husband. As for domesticity, a woman was considered the most important one at home as long as domestic work was concerned. She was to cook, feed, do the laundry and clean the house for her husband and children. When it came to religiousness, a religious woman was more ideal for a man compared to a smart woman. This is because they believed religion did not make a woman change and make her leave her sphere like an intelligent woman who would change and q uestion the authority of men and authority in the society (Peiss 78). There are some factors that led to the sphere separation. First, there was industrialization fwhich brought many changes to society. The beginning of industrialization saw a shift in energy use. Men were required to leave their homes and go work in the factories. This meant that the women were left behind in their homes to attend to domestic works and take care of the families. The second contribution to the separate sphere was , biological capabilities. There was a permanent belief that there is some type of jobs that were suited for men and some for women. Women were seen as helpers to men and their duty was to serve men and please them. They were seen with a major task of reproduction and taking care of the children. Other factors that led to separate sphere where, confining of women in their own sphere by legal prohibition that were against women taking professions such as law and medicine and further forbiddi ng women from taking higher education. Despite all these hindering factors, women found strength amongst them through the separate sphere, by reaching out to other women in solidarity, sisterhood in the same ground. The cult of domesticity was a value system that got popularity amongst the middle class and the upper class in the 19th century in the U.S and Britain. Since there was separation of public and private spheres, women’s power and status in public declined but they gained power in the private atmosphere and homes. This system had many negative effects, since women were kept from participating in market labor and their services were to be voluntary and free. It made it as a burden for the woman in case she lost her husband through death. This meant she had to start from the bottom to search for food for her and her children. It is through this value system that women were seen as better in parenting. Some of the two notable ballroom dances are Waltz dance and Polka da nce. The waltz dance originated in Germany, moved to France, England then United States. In the 19th century, it was the most common couple dancing style. Waltz dance was related to the romantic nature of the 19th century. Another notable dancing was the polka dancing style, a folk dance which originated from Bohemia, passed in France, England t
Monday, January 27, 2020
Farm Size and Productivity Research
Farm Size and Productivity Research 1.0 Introduction The relationship between the size of Farm in hectares and the productivity in Yield/hectares is hotly debated issues in Indian agriculture economics. This issue was first raised by AK Sen in 1960s with respect to Indian economy. The major objective of this paper would be to analyze the relationship and the major factors influencing this relationship along with its implication. The size of holding depends on certain factors and the productivity also depends on certain economic factors. These factors such as irrigation, fertility, labor and capital input have an influence on the relationship between the size of land holding and productivity. Most of the economist like AK Sen and Saini have done their analysis and considered this relationship to be inverse. Countries like USA and Australia have very large holdings and the relationship between size of farm and productivity is not inverse in such cases. The application of Green revolution has been believed to change the inverse relationsh ip to a directly proportional relationship, but still it has been not very clear. Some analysis has been done in the paper related to aggregated data with regard to present status of this relationship by comparing the factors of productivity with the size of holding. Moreover the average size of holding has been decreasing with time due to increase in population and some other factors. At the same time the government has tried to implement policies like land ceiling and consolidation of land in some relatively developed states to solve the problem of excessively large holdings (in Indian average) and small and fragmented land respectively. 2.0 Farm land Holdings, Productivity and the factors influencing them independently Agricultural holding indicates the average size of agricultural land held by the farmers in India.. An economic family land holding can be defined as one which could provide a reasonable standard of living to the cultivator and give full employment for a family of a normal size. There are five categories of farmers in India according to their holdings. A)Marginal farmers (≠¤1 hectare), b)Small farmer (1 to 2 hecteres), c)Semi medium farmers (2 to 4 hectors),d) Medium farmers (4 to 10 hectores), e) Large farmers (>10 hectors). The size of holding would ideally depend on method of cultivation and nature of the crop. Productivity here refers to the productivity of crop output so productivity in agriculture is measured as the output of the crop per unit area. Its unit is yield/hectares. At a national level the demand for agricultural product will keep rising due to increasing population of India and high GDP growth rate so the supply of agricultural products has to match up the increasing demand to keep the prices reasonable. Hence agricultural farm land productivity becomes an important parameter for the economy. India being a huge country, these factors vary a lot from region to region but artificial means can be used to enhance the factors of fertility and irrigation. The following list gives us the factors of productivity Fertility of land Natural fertility cannot be changed but input of fertilizers, farm yard manure and nutrients can improve the fertility but all these will increase the cost. Irrigation facility Any irrigation project requires heavy investment and it depends on the level of underground water and nearest source of fresh water supply. Labor supply and quality of labor Labor supply will depend on the presence of any other scope of employment and quality will depend on traditional work culture and climatic conditions and both the factors vary a lot in India. Climatic condition Floods and drought due to unpredictable nature of monsoon affect the productivity. Since last three decades economists have been debating over issue of relationship between the size of farms and agricultural productivity in India. The debate was initiated by Prof. Amartya Sen in 1962. According to him with increase in size of farm holding, productivity declines and thus the productivity is more on small farms as compared to large farms. India has a labor surplus economy. The opportunity cost of labor is low. Small farms use much of family labor to the extent that marginal productivity of labor approaches zero. In case of small farms, output per acre is maximized while in the case of large farms using hired labor, output per unit of labor is maximized. The intensity of cultivation in case of small farm is greater than that of the large farm. Moreover, heavy input of labor on small farm is not on one crop only but in two or more crops produced in the same piece of land during a given production year. It is more so in case of irrigated land. Self-employment in the fam ily farm equalizes the opportunity cost which is not different from market wage. Statistical validity of the inverse relationship between farm size and productivity is a confirmed phenomenon in Indian agriculture prior to Green Revolution. Green revolution is a capital intensive programme which was implemented in 1960s for growth of agricultural production. This capital was invested in the form of important factors of production like irrigation, fertilizer, Mechanization, Manure, pesticides, nutrients. The objective of the following analysis would be to determine all the factors like irrigation, fertilizers, Farm Yard Manure and nutrients vary with the size of farm for the present set of data 3.0 Aggregated data analysis For all the graphs below in X-axis, 1 = Marginal holding, 2 = Small Holding, 3 = Semi-Medium holding, 4 = Medium Holding, 5 = Large holding. In Y-axis, graph A), B), C),E),F) are values of percentage and D) is ratio value. The calculations of these percentage value from been mentioned in tables in appendix Graph A) and B) have been taken from table 1.C), D), F) from table 2 As per the graph A) above we can find that the marginal holding has the larger area of farm wholly irrigated about 46% and we can also observe that the percentage of the wholly irrigated land decreases with increase in the size of the holding with large holdings showing the lowest percentage of wholly irrigated area that is about 21%. The second graph B) shows us the percentage of area of different size of holding for wholly unirrigated farm land and it show us, a lot of gap between the marginal holding(44%) and large holdings(55%) in terms of percentage change. As observed from the graph C) the application of fertilizers decreases with the increase in the size of holding with the marginal holding having an area of 77% and large holdings having an area of 52% under the application of fertilizers. The graph D) related to nutrients does not show us the % of area but it shows us the quantity to area ratio. In this case the slope of the graph is steeper and it shows us trend that the intake of nutrients reduces with the increase in the size of holding. The marginal holding has a ratio of 126 and the large holding has a ratio of 56. In case of farm yard manure graph E) there is a slight increase in the percentage application from marginal holding to small holding but after that the fall continues. Here the small holdings has the highest percentage of application that is 34% and the large holding has the lowest percentage that is 18%. Application of pesticides in a in farmland is an important preventive measure to prevent pests. The graph F) does not show a negative trend completely in relation to percentage of area with relation to holding size but the large farm land shows a dip in 4%. The data above is for 2001 agriculture census which is the latest. In post green revolution period the application additional inputs i.e. factors of production like irrigation, fertilizers, farm yard manure, nutrients, pesticides shows that their intensities of application is inversely proportional to size of land.(As studied above with various data and corresponding graphs.). In other words the application of additional factors of production is more in case of small farms compared to large farms. The resultant output which is directly proportional to application of input to a reasonable extent must increase yield proportionately. Thus logically it follows that after green revolution also the inverse relationship between size of farm and productivity should hold good. Its not a direct cause and effect relationship between all the factors of productivity and farm size but there might be some common factors which might be affecting these relationship. On the other hand there can be an alternative hypothesis to this, stating large farm land are in naturally fertile and irrigated regions of this country so they do not need artificial irrigation or fertilizers to enhance their productivity. Therefore a direct inverse relationship cannot be established between Farm size and productivity by only using aggregated data related to factors of productivity. If we observe the distribution of various size of holding throughout India in table 3 of appendix larger and medium size holdings are mostly found in bigger states like Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra which are not densely populated but have a larger area. The more densely populated states like West Bengal and Kerala have more number of marginal and small holdings. The natural factors of productivity are distributed among these states so the main hypothesis cannot be rejected. The alternative hypothesis can be true in some regions but not true everywhere because the different sizes of holding have been di stributed as per density of population and not as per natural factors of production. Although it can be said that inverse relationship between productivity and farms size is present in some areas of India but it is not a general law for the whole country. 4.0 Methodology for analyzing disaggregated data The analysis above shows us the analysis done for aggregated data but this same analysis can also be done using disaggregated sample data taken from various villages. If the sample data is taken from nearby villages then the conditions like Fertility , Irrigation, climatic condition and labor can be assumed to be constant. Y1,Y2,Y3,Y100 can be the data set for productivity in yields/hectares X1,X2,X3,X100 can be the data set for size of holding hectares The data above can only be obtained by doing a doing a direct survey in a particular area having common factors of productivity. Then we can do a regression analysis for the dataset having Y = Productivity and X = Size of farm land. The relationship thus obtained either positive or negative can be used to find out the relationship between productivity and size of farm for a particular area at a micro level. And this method can be used in various areas of the country having same factors of productivity . And then the trends can be observed whether its positive or negative or has no affect. This kind of analysis using disaggregated data can be done by also taking the same crop . 5.0 Labor as a factor As discussed before labor input is an important criteria for better productivity in farm land and becomes more important if the process in more manual .In Indian agriculture the Farm land labor can be divided into two type, family member workers and the other is hired workers. Generally in case of smaller size of holding the family members are mostly involved in the cultivation process and in larger farms it is a mix of both. In case of a marginal and small holding where in most of the cases only the family members are involved in farm cultivation the marginal productivity is not a factor. If required all the family members can be involved in the agriculture productivity process because the situation is more desperate and as result the intensity of cultivation is also more. The owner of smaller farm land does not have to employee hired peasants but in case of larger farms the situation changes. In case of larger farm land the owner has to take the marginal productivity of hired labor into consideration. As the intensity of cultivation for the small farm is more, the application of fertilizers, farm yard manure and nutrients might be affected as per the aggregated data analysis done before. As the small farm owner is more desperate even he can use manual means of irrigation to irrigate his land and its not possible in large farms due to its large size. It can be argued that the large farm owner would have more access to mechanized methods and capital for investment so his productivity can be higher at least after green revolution. Here the problem looks more like management of farm input resources rather than their availability. The better management of resources for small farm owner with more intensive cultivation has a bigger impact on productivity than the impact of advantage the large farm owner has in terms of more mechanization and capital availability. But the characteristics of land size holdings that is reduction in the average size of holding with time . Even the relationship between irrigation and fertilizers is also very direct. If one wants for apply more fertilizers then the irrigation facilities have to be very good so as per the irrigation data and fertilizers data both seem to follow the same pattern even if we consider labor not be a major factor here. This is clearly evident in Table 2 where more fertilizers are always applied when irrigation is high. 6.0 Changing pattern of Size of Farm land holding with time The tables 4 and 5 in appendix shows us the distribution of holdings in various states of India but there is one more important factors to this analysis that is the average size of holdings have been decreasing with time. The number of marginal holdings and small holdings have increased and the also area under marginal holdings and small holdings have increased. At the same time the number of Medium and Large holdings have decreased and also has the area under them decreased. There are two major reason for such a trend, they are as follows Increasing population With the rapid increase in population the same area of cultivable land is getting divided among more people. As a result of this the size of the holdings is reducing and area under marginal and small farms increase. To control the growth of rural population is even tougher in rural India due to lack of awareness of people due to limited education. Law of inheritance Under Hindu as well as Muslim Law of inheritance the landed property of a person has to be equally divided among all his sons and daughters which has led to more and more division of land and hence increase in marginal and small farms. Even if the land size is large now, it will get sub-divided when it goes to the next generation. Decline in the joint family system Earlier lot of families used to be joint families but this has declined over time and people generally prefer to stay with only single families. As a result the farm land is also divided more. Slow growth in handicraft industry In the villages the handicraft industry used to a source of employment for the village labor. But it has not grown sustainably with increase in rural labor so the rural population have had to depend more on agriculture as a source of employment. 7.0 Problems related to subdivision of land holdings If the fragmentation and subdivision of land continues at this rate then average size of the holdings will become even smaller and there will be more marginal holdings. Application of new technology becomes more difficult. A lot of cultivable land will be lost in making boundaries. One may argue that as in case of India the productivity of farm land will be more due to more intensive cultivation. But the per capita income of the owning family of the farm reduces with reduced farm land. Moreover if the whole family is involved to increase the intensity of cultivation the labor might be under employed for the same return. If the labor is flexible then he can move to a bigger farm as peasant if there is a demand. As seen from the statics the number of large holdings is reducing in the country and hence is the employment opportunity for hired peasants. Another factor which limits the labor flexibility is when labor tries to move from one region to another language is a big barrier. Altho ugh Hindi is Indias national language and English is the official one still lot of rural population speaks only the local languages and to be more specific only the local dialect. Skill becomes a barrier when the labor wants to move to industry in urban sector. As per our analysis till now the inverse relationship between the productivity and size of farm does hold good at least in some areas of the country if not throughout the country. At the same time if the farm land gets more divided and sub-divided the holding no longer remains economic for a single family. The ideal holding size has to be somewhere between the smaller and large holdings of around 4-5 hectares. The farm size are large and they are well managed and supervised by using modern methodology like it is done in USA and Australia they achieve high productivity. But the same thing is not easy to achieve in India as discussed beforehand. The government has introduce land ceiling in some developed states. This means that family owning excessively large farm land have to give up their excessive land to public authorities and it will be distributed among families having uneconomic holdings. This process is not at all easy because if the land is fertile than none of the owning fami lies would like to give up their land and also have to think about their future generations. Moreover any kind of ceiling will go against the market forces of demand and supply and affect the prices of land. When we talk about division and fragmentation then in many cases the farm land of a single owner is scattered throughout the village. In that case all the land in the village can be converted into a compact block and then the same land can be proportionately distributed among all the families which is called consolidation of Farm land. In states like Punjab, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh this process has been taken up seriously but in some other states like Assam and West Bengal the process has not even started. There are few reasons for which consolidation process is not easy. People in India are more attached to their piece of land, if someone has a better piece of land he would not like to sacrifice them. Both land ceiling and consolidation of farm land are policies to reach tha t optimal size of holding but they have not been easily to implement for the factors as mentioned before. 8.0 Final remark The inverse relationship between size of holding and productivity was considered to be very strong when it came for the first time under observation of AK Sen. But after the green revolution this relationship should have change to a directly proportional one as per expectation. This might be happening in some areas of India but still there are areas where the inverse relationship between size of farm and productivity still exists. As per the aggregated data analysis the factors of productivity are being affected by some common factors which helps to maintain the inverse relationship between productivity and size of farm in some areas. As mentioned before these common factors are intensity of labor and problems of management and supervision in large farms. At the same time the size of the land holding have been reducing which is leading to more uneconomic holdings for small farm owners. At this point the government should implement the policy of land ceiling and consolidation of holdi ngs judiciously in order to increase the number of semi-medium and medium size holding where optimal productivity can be achieved along with economic holding. In long term consolidation of holdings and cooperative farming should be encouraged in an organized way. The proper management of labor along with other factors of productivity and usage of mechanized technology in large farms would go a long way to improve productivity in larger consolidated farms. This would be made easier if lesser population is dependent on agriculture only if more employment opportunities are created in other sectors and the rural population upgrades to new skill requirements of the market.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Goal Statement Essay
Degree program: Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling with a specialization in Trauma and Crisis Counseling Personal/Professional Goals My professional goal is to obtain Walden’s Master’s degree in mental health counseling with a specialization in trauma and crisis and become a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). I would especially like to work with soldiers who have been affected by frequent deployments and their families to help them overcome their personal and social problems that have, without a doubt, strong negative influences on their lives. Throughout my life I have always been drawn to opportunities that helped others lead a healthier and happier life. As a military spouse I have witnessed the need the military community has for qualified mental health professionals and decided to pursue the counseling profession to give back to the community that has provided my family with so much. My own personal experiences as a military spouse have helped me become quite familiar with the lifestyle and many challenges members of the military and their families face. I feel my own experiences would put me in the unique position to truly understand the conflicts of my clients, which will in turn increase credibility with my clients, and should greatly contribute to a good client-therapist relationship. My background allows for a close bond with the community I would like to work with. I feel I could make a significant difference in military families’ lives with the aid of a degree in mental health counseling. Personal Qualities I possess various people skills that are, in my opinion, vital to mental health professionals in terms of perceptual, interpersonal, and problem-solving skills. I am a very diligent and attentive person who deeply cares for others. It is important for me to help others overcome their own difficulties or lighten their burdens through therapy. Through my own experiences in the past I have learned happiness and fulfillment start in one’s own heart and, most importantly, one’s own mind. The profession of mental health counselor will provide me with the opportunity to contribute to my community in a meaningful way. Why Walden? As a working mother and wife, I feel the online format of learning has provided me with the greatest amount of opportunities. Walden’s quality mental health counseling program is exactly what I was looking for because it allows me to continue to support my family financially while pursuing an excellent education. I would be honored to become part of Walden University’s pool of students, and I am looking forward to the deep immersion in the study of counseling strategies, intervention models, and the early diagnosis and prevention of problems. Thank you for your consideration.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Texting vs. Txting
Texting vs. Txting We live in a society where education and experience are some of the most valued characteristics to acquiring a well-paid job in the vast job market. We no longer live in the past where a high school degree was enough to land you a managerial position in a corporate company, and our expectations for education do not stop at an early accomplishment of an Associate’s Degree. We need, and presume for more. Starting out with a minute understanding of the world, we have evolved and grown to comprehend not only the physics of nature, but we are now capable of predicting what will happen next in our daily lives.Over the last centuries we have developed numerous languages and techniques to be able to thoroughly communicate and express our feeling to one another. Language is a method for communication and should not be taken for anything higher. Why can’t we simplify the language to our benefits to promote a more effective, and efficient system of communication ? Currently texting is defined as a â€Å"textese,†â€Å"slanguage,†or a â€Å"digital virus†(Crystal 335). Texting is a source of communication, promoting positive impacts on learning, time consumption, and social interactions.Texting consists of numbers, letters, and signs which allow us to condense long and challenging expressions into more efficiently read words on a keyboard. Texting is used to condense elongated words into simpler more easily typed words. The word â€Å"message†can be converted to simpler more efficient term â€Å"msg. †Before you break any rules of the English language, you first need to understand the linguistic rules of the correct language to be able to text appropriately.Texting helps the users to comprehend the language more than ever before as David Crystal states, â€Å"The latest studies ( from a team at Coventry University) have found strong positive links between the use of texting language and the skills und erlying success in standard English in pre-teenage children†(Crystal 345). In a sense the â€Å"art†of texting is beneficial not only to conserve time, but to expand on the knowledge of vocabulary and grammatical understanding of the English language.Time has become a very treasured and valuable aspect in our daily lives. We sleep less, walk faster, and work harder in order to complete more tasks and to be able to live our lives to the fullest. Texting is a part of that same scheme of things; shaving lost time spelling full words, and promoting efficiency in our daily lives. Although efficiency is a positive aspect on texting, some would say otherwise such as Lynne Truss states, â€Å"I have a ‘zero tolerance approach’ to grammar mistakes that make people look stupid. The use of texting must contain an appropriate time and place to be used, as this example explains that inappropriate uses of texting would cost you your job. An example of a way that textin g promotes efficiency is that of someone that works in an office environment, where employees can do desk work and still be able to speak to their acquaintances without having to take a break and walk outside to speak about their matter. Texting promotes a broader band of social interactions between family, friends, and co-workers.Texting is a source of communication that does not require your full attention as talking on the phone would. Texting also promotes a larger and wider range of conversations to be discussed with an array of outcomes and results to be conjured upon over time. This creative and complex method for communication allows for a longer and more interesting approach to communication versus speaking to someone face-to-face or on the phone. This strategy of messaging is an ultimately easier and more relaxed approach to communication on the go.Cellphone messaging can lead to more outcomes, as well as more ideas to be explored. Texting is a broad source for learning, e fficiency, and social exploration. Although texting has claimed a bad reputation over the years, such as texting and driving, we need to look past the bad and towards the future of texting. Texting is a skill and a privilege containing rules and expectations to be used while texting. Today, we have a new and preferred way to communicate for the young and the old, and the trend continues to grow.Texting is a new system of communication and we should not label it as a disruption, but rather call it a â€Å"language in evolution†(Crystal 345). Works Cited Crystal, David. â€Å"2b or Not 2b? † The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 04 July 2008. Web. 19 Feb, 2013. Truss, Lynne. Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation. New York: Gotham, 2004. Print. Wiens, Kyle. â€Å"HBR Blog Network. † Harvard Business Review. Harvard Business Publishing, 20 July 2012. Web. 19 Feb. 2013.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Man of La Mancha - 972 Words
People choose to live their lives their own way and some of these people end up unhappy, and feel that their life is not worth living. The choice a person makes on how they want to live their life, ultimately determines their future. A person should choose to live in an illusion which leads to hope, rather then reality which leads them to despair. The musical play Man of La Mancha, written by Dale Wasserman, is a perfect example of this because in the play, there are characters who live in illusion and characters who live in reality. Illusion leads a person to hope, and hope gives a person something to live for. One persons hope can inspire another to change and to believe. Reality can lead a person to despair, which can lead that†¦show more content†¦When Don Quixote was dieing and in his bed, he was depressed until he thought he was a knight again. Aldonza told him he was not well and he said Not well? What is sickness to the body of a knight-errant? What matter wounds? F or each time he falls he shall rise again-and woe to the wicked! (Man of La Mancha pg 79). He was happy and had the illusion that he was okay. He was sick minutes earlier and could not even get out of bed. After Aldonza brought Don Quixote back, he jumped out of bed and felt invincible. He was not worried about dieing anymore. He was Don Quixote de La Mancha. Sancho and Aldonza were glad to see Don Quixote back to normal. Some people say that seeing the illusion gives false hope; but false hope is better then no hope at all. These characters went through some remarkable changes in the way they lived their lives. These changes ultimately gave them the life that they have always wanted: a happy life without having to worry about the little things that lead to despair. Cervantes talks about how his comrades died asking why they had lived at all. They should have asked Why havent I change my life around? Why do I see things as they are instead of how I want to see them? These are questions the characters in Cervantes play asked themselves and they taught him one thing: that it is never too late to change the way a person lives theirShow MoreRelated Man Of La Mancha Essay638 Words  | 3 Pages quot;Man of La Manchaquot; is the story of Alonso Quijana, a poor gentleman from Spain. He has read so many of the exaggerated romances of chivalry that he finally believes them to be his reality and sets forth as Don Quixote, a knight-errant on his old horse seeking many misadventures. And while this insanity may be an object of distress for others, Quixotes madness is comforting to himself. And all he reads oppresses him . . . fills him with indignation at mans murderous waysRead MoreUse Of Don Quixote De La Mancha By Miguel De Cervantes1324 Words  | 6 PagesDaniela Dicheva Professor Salena Fehnel ENG 106 08/19/2014 The Character of Don Quixote De La Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes A writer, no matter how great, no matter how brilliant his work, does not exhaust the literary wealth of a nation in a given era, but with all your heritage or just one of his work, he can score the highest peaks of the literature. Based on merit and dignity Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra takes the first place in the literature of the Spanish Renaissance, because most profoundRead MoreThe Ego And Ill Advised Endeavors : The Antics Of Cervantes Don Quixote2109 Words  | 9 Pagesthese characters lacking heroic traits, they are othered by society and peers, making these characters outcasts. One specific example of othering and anti-heroism is Don Quixote in Don Quixote, written by Miguel de Cervantes. 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HoweverRead MoreTh e Don Quixote By Miguel De Cervantes Essay1338 Words  | 6 PagesQuixote de la Mancha, author Miguel de Cervantes attempts to satirize the medieval romance through his character, Don Quixote. The tale tells the story of a man who loses his sanity out of his desire to become a real-life knight. This story was highly acclaimed for the time; even though it poked fun at the main character and medieval romances in general, it brought back the ideals of this genre. The legacy of Don Quixote continues with Joe Darion’s songs from the 1965 musical Man of La Mancha. HoweverRead MoreMiguel de Cervantes: The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha1794 Words  | 7 PagesMiguel de Cervantes: The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha The indisputable literary value of The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha (usually abbreviated to Don Quixote) by Miguel de Cervantes places his work at the top of the global canon of literature. 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From the moment of its creation, it has amused readers, and its influence has vastly extended in literature throughout the world. Don Quixote is a county gentleman disillusioned by his reading of chivalric romances, who rides forth to defend the oppressed and to right wrongs. Cervantes presented the knight-errant so vividly that many languagesRead MoreAnalysis Of Miguel Of Cervantes Saavedra1581 Words  | 7 Pagesthe end the reader will notice that Don Quixote was not crazy at all†¦ The story has a key message, a moral. The main characters are Alonso Quixano, who shall become Don Quixote of La Mancha, Sancho Panza whose translation could be Sancho Pot-belly. He is Don Quixote’s squire and servant. He pretends that the old man is not crazy, because he thinks that he can make good money by serving him. The list of characters continues: Aldonza Lorenzo, a chubby, rude, poor girl in town. The nobleman calls her
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