Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Impact On The Music Industry - 1240 Words
Streaming Sights Profit, While Creators Barely Get By Music streaming sites, such as Pandora and Spotify, have a negative impact on the music industry as a whole. Streaming affects more than just the music business itself, it astronomically decreases industry revenues, steals from and devalues the worth of the creators and their content, and is run from a poor business model that is only profitable for streaming companies. Not only do streaming sites directly disturb the music industry as a whole, but they also affect the U.S. gross domestic product, or GDP, a good portion of which, about 11% is comprised of copyright revenue. A large part of copyright revenue is produced from sound recording copyrights, typically owned by labels, and from musical works’ copyrights, typically owned by publishers. When streaming sites pay their miniscule amounts, they pay revenues directly to the holders of the copyrights, essentially creating a loss for not only the music industry, but also the copyright industry. Companies such as the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) regularly post revenue statistics that include income from CDs, streaming, downloads, cassettes, SoundExchange, and every other profitable area of the business. What they show is shocking; revenue has decreased by more than 50 percent, from around $15 billion to just under $7 billion. When sites pay miniscule amounts, such as .006 to .0084 cents (Spotify) or .000017 cents (Pandora) per stream, the total revenueShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Music On The Music Industry931 Words  | 4 Pagestechnology is actively changing the music industry. Production, distribution and sales of music have been affected dramatically within the last 10 years along with artists, composers, and technicians. Most of the changes have been great for consumers, but vastly negative for professionals in the music industry, however a few artists have found ways to adapt to the changing atmosphere of digitally downloaded music and use it to their advantage. We’ve seen music change form from physical, tangibleRead MoreThe Impact Of Music On The Music Industry2439 Words  | 10 Pagesto mind. Music is arguably a field that can be just as, if not more diverse and complicated as theoretical physics. As such, it’s harder to specifically narrow pinpoint someone as a key figure in music. Unless that key figure is Kanye West. From his arduous and near-fatal beginnings to self-proclaimed godhood via the Yeezus persona, Kanye West is without a doubt one of the most important and influential musicians this generation, not only in the hip-hop genre, but in the music industry as a wholeRead MoreThe Impact Of Digital Music On The Music Industry896 Words  | 4 Pagesdownloads. Threatening the survival of the music industry and introducing a unique set of challenges for the industry to overcome. To remain relevant in the new global market of digital music online, the music industry would have to evolve and chang e with the introduction of each new facet technology had to offer. The introduction of digitally compressed music files, so easily attainable for a small fee or downloaded legally (pirated) for free, made the music industry reevaluate how to make a profit andRead MoreDigital Music And Its Impact On The Music Industry1807 Words  | 8 PagesDo you listen to music from CD’s, or do you prefer listening from your phones, computers, etc? The internet is now widely available via computers and phones, as well as other devices. Furthermore, it is becoming easier and simpler to listen to music through these products rather than from a separate disc. Digital music began when iTunes was first published in 2007. Moreover, iTunes revolutionized the music industry because it allowed people to purchase single songs rather than a whole album, andRead MoreThe Impact Of Internet On The Music Industry1276 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction: The music industry consists of the companies and individuals that make money by creating and selling music (Wikipedia). The current music industry which emerged around the middle of the 20th century has been undergoing drastic changes for the past two decades. When the Internet, and peer-to-peer file-sharing services such as Napster, Kazaa and Limewire, began their rise at the turn of the millennium, many predicted that the music industry, among other entertainment sectors, was headedRead MoreThe Impact Of Digitalization On The Music Industry2561 Words  | 11 PagesExecutive Summary The industry of music is affected profoundly by the innovation of music digitalized for the past twenties years roughly. In specific, the every stage of value chain of music industry have been affected by the expansion of the internet worldwide and the content of music digitalization (Bourreau, Gensollen and Moreau 2008). The digital music consumption replaces the traditional physical copies continually in general. About amount of 25% of global music revenue proves the usage ofRead MoreTechnology And Its Impact On The Music Industry Essay2573 Words  | 11 Pages Technology and Its Impact on the Music Industry Name College Technology and its Impact on the Music Industry Introduction The creation of musical works has always been culminated by several different processes and usually involves many people. The process takes a lot of time delaying the release of music. Advancement in technology has played a significant role in the music production by lowering the length of time it takes to produce recorded material. Artists usually sign a contractRead MoreImpact Of Technology On The Music Industry1933 Words  | 8 PagesOver the years, music has become portable, starting with the transistor to a set of headphones. Technology has allowed us to create a diverse musical culture. Music will always have an effect on one’s culture, and it has definitely mad a huge impact on the use of technology. Cultural diversity is about bringing people closer together though the World Wide Web. Many music publishers are the key to cultural diversity when it comes to publishing all genres. They will increasingly continue to play aRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On The Musi c Industry Essay2587 Words  | 11 PagesSignificant Impacts on the Music Industry It’s intriguing how the music industry has significantly changed throughout the years due to the constant increase of technology. There are many different reasons to show how technology has made a huge impact whether positive or negative on this phenomenal industry. Music cultivates so much meaning to the world, and speaks volumes on the behalf of individuals when they don’t know what to physically say. That being said, whether it’s listening to music, creatingRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On The Music Industry1845 Words  | 8 PagesCountless people are always saying that today’s music is trash. It’s repetitive and oversimplified, and all because of this new music technology constantly being developed. A listener rarely hears a piece of music that has not been touched by technology, but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. These people fail to realize that the theory of music technology has been around since the 1700’s when Moza rt invented a game using a die to compose music by chance (Baggi). It is also important to realize
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Does Incarceration Affect Recidivism - 1433 Words
Does Incarceration Affect Recidivism? The United States is the world’s leader in incarceration with 2.2 million people currently in the nation’s prisons or jails. Incarceration is a widely argued topic with many understood viewpoints, and it directly deals with three main important correctional topics which are deterrence, rehabilitation, and recidivism. The definition of incarceration is the state of being confined in prison. Not only does incarceration affect people directly by taking away their freedom, but it also affects their lives once their incarceration is served. There is not a whole lot to do about people being incarcerated, however, there may be ways to help the incarcerated once their freedom is restored. According to†¦show more content†¦Incarceration also gives the offender a chance to be rehabilitated before he/she enters society after their sentence. There is a great debate throughout our country, and in individual states, over how long crimina ls should be incarcerated for various crimes. The relationship between the length of prison terms and recidivism is one of the central points of the debate in sentencing and corrections policy. Many people assert that longer prison terms are more effective at deterring future crimes because they set higher price for criminal behavior and because they hold offenders until they are more likely to â€Å"age out†of a criminal life style. However, others argue just the opposite and that is more time behind bars increases the chances that inmates will reoffend later because it breaks their supportive bonds in the community and hardens their associations with other criminals. According to Oliver (2011), both of these arguments are accurate because the strongest research finds that these two theories cancel each other out. Several studies, looking at different populations and using varied methodologies, have attempted to find a relationship between the length of prison terms and rec idivism but have failed to find a consistent impact, either positive or negative. There is one thing for sure and that is incarceration and recidivism is a very active cycle which affects the lives of many
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Pci, Case Study, Mia Case Study Free Essays
INTRODUCTION The issue started on February 2008 when the new appointed Managing Director of PCI Sdn Bhd, En Ghani reviewed 2007 Financial Report and found out there were recent increases in costs of goods sold and inventories. The rate of increase in costs of goods sold had been disproportionate with growth of sales. En Ghani was informed that one of the reasons for the increase in cost was because of the current purchasing system that contributes to redundant purchasing and high inventory holding costs. We will write a custom essay sample on Pci, Case Study, Mia Case Study or any similar topic only for you Order Now Siti Aminah, the Chief of Financial Officer was asked to review the current purchasing system and suggested the need to implement a new computerized purchasing system that would help relieve some of its manual operations and at the same time would ensure it has the proper controls in place. En Ghani requested a formal report on current purchasing system and suggestion for a new system before the next management meeting which would be in two weeks time. En Ghani assigned Siti Aminah on the special task instead of the senior Chief Production Officer and she did not have any experience in system and technology. The new system must be able to reduce costs, enhance control and provide easy management of users and services in qualitative and quantitative ways. CHARACTERS En Ghani : as the new appointed Managing Director of Penda Cable Industry Berhad, who reviewed past year Financial Report and asked for formal report from Siti Aminah. Siti Aminah : the Chief of Financial Officer that being asked to make formal report instead of the Senior Chief of Financial Officer. CURRENT PURCHASING SYSTEM IN PCI Purpose : to ensure the purchase of raw material (exclude external Aluminium cable scap) that was required for the manufacturing of cable, conductors and associated products. 1) Monthly Raw Material Summary Cik Lim General Manager of Material Resources and Planning En Razi Assistant Purchasing Manager (MRMS) Review 1st week of Forecasted Monthly Every month Material Requirement En Sam General Manager Purchasing (MMR)MRMS Planning Section En Razi 2) Cik Anne Purchasing Clerk RM100 000 En Ghani Filing En Min Raw Material Storekeeper RM 100 000 Cik Lim PURCHASE ORDER COCORDER CONFIRMATION CompetitiveNot En Sam En Razi Vendors Competitive Quotation Quotation 3 ) Suppliers Invoices Cik Lim Cik Anne Coded, Batched and Checked Invoices Delivery Store Received a) Verification Order Notes b) Account Payable Reference No. En Min c) Update Account Payable list in Assistant Finance Manager the computer. 4) Enclosed with the return receipt of cheque / TT for notification of payment DO,COC Vendors MaterialRAW MATERIAL STORE RMRR VCAR Financial Department (for payment) InvoicePURCHASING SECTIONShipping Document Shipping PCI BANK Document VOUCHER Voucher Approved Delivery Order RMS 2 Form Purchasing Clerk En Min Assistant Finance Manager Signed QUANTITATIVE DECISION | 2006| 2007| GROSS PROFIT MARGIN(Gross Profit/Revenue)| (12086851/176877312) = 0. 07| (48053370/298146915) =0. 16| OPERATING PROFIT MARGIN(Operating Profit/Revenue)| (6386819)/176877312 =(0. 03)| 35657392/298146915 =0. 12| INVENTORY TURNOVER(COGS/Inventories)| (164,790,461)/27434751=(6) | (250,093,545)/45,575,893=(5. 48)| AVERAGE COLLECTION PERIOD(Debtors/(Revenue/360))| 15,506,128/(176,877,312/360) =31. days| 8,453,275/(298,146,915/360) =10 days| Gross Profit Margin When the company shows the higher GPM, it indicates that the company is better in controlling their cost of sales. PCI gross profit margin in 2007 is higher than 2006. It means that the company can manage their cost of sales. For becoming years they need to make an agreement with their suppliers to prevent raw material pri ce increase. Operating Profit Margin When the company shows higher operating profit margin ratio, it indicates that the company is profitable. Based on the calculation, PCI current year shows an improvement from the previous year. For becoming years, operating expenses in terms of administrative and selling expenses need to be avoided from getting increase to maintain the profit. Average Collection Period (Debtor) The shorter the period to collect payment from debtors, the more efficient the company is in handling their debtors. CONCLUSION As for conclusion, Siti Aminah can suggest only to maintain their old system instead of new purchasing system. This is because, the current situation did not incurred too much damage to the company, the company still can sustain even though they have to buy the raw materials in higher price. PCI is not the only company that have problem in purchasing their raw materials but all the purchasing departments across the industry experienced similar dilemma. Their main dilemma included establishing and maintaining profitable supplier relationships, confronting the problem of price increases and ensuring supply quantity. What they need actually do is to pressure suppliers to keep prices low when the cost of raw materials decreases. They can better do this by keeping their own tabs on the raw materials market. How to cite Pci, Case Study, Mia Case Study, Free Case study samples
Monday, May 4, 2020
A la Carte free essay sample
Itzhak Perlmans 1996 A la Carte is one of my favorite classical discs. One aspect that makes it unique is the fact that instead of having only two concertos, Perlman chooses to play many non-concerto pieces. This is a welcome change from the standard recording scheme, and it gives the listener a wide variety of pieces to enjoy, from Sarasate to Glazunov. The first and third tracks, Jules Massenets Meditation and Rachmaninovs Vocalise, are slow and flowing and show off Perlmans warm, smooth tone and heart-warming vibrato. The second track is one of my favorites, Alexander Glazunovs Mazurka-Obereque. This piece, which I had never heard before, is a lively, attention-grabbing dance in triple time that is sure to be a favorite with aspiring violinists who adore Perlman. Accompanying this is another from Glazunov, Meditation, the more popular of the two works. On this CD Perlman brilliantly performs both Zigeunerweisen and Introduction and Tarantelle, compositions by Pablo de Sarasate. We will write a custom essay sample on A la Carte or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Zigeunerweisen, a once enormously popular but now rarely heard work, and Introduction and Tarantelle show off Perlmans unparalleled technique, from his seemingly effortless left-hand work to his superb bow arm. The three contrasting Kreisler works, Fantasy on Russian Themes, The Old Refrain and Schon Rosmanin, again highlight Perlmans amazing tone and are reminiscent of Kreislers reign as king of violinists. Finally, Tchaikovskys Scherzo and Wieniawskis Legende, two lesser-known works, round off this CD, helping to make it one of Perlmans most diverse and unique. Of all the Perlman recordings, this is undoubtedly my favorite. It has such a variety of contrasting compositions that I can leave it in my car stereo for a week without growing tired of it. This recording reminds listeners why Itzhak Perlman is one of our greatest violinists, for he is truly amazing in all aspects of the word. Here Perlman, along with conductor Lawrence Foster and the Abbey Road Ensemble, has created another marvelous disc.
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